Sunday, September 27, 2015




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Chapter 1……….Get off the train
Chapter 2………..An Evil Servant
Chapter 3……….. Has God ever reset the clock
Chapter 4………..The Broad Road of extremes
Chapter 5………..When THEY say peace and safety, then sudden destruction
Chapter 6………..Going the way of Cain, Balaam, Core
Chapter 7………..All inclusive
Chapter 8………..Three divisions
Chapter 9………..Battle of the mind
Chapter 10………Mimic Prelude
Chapter 11………The Rapture
Chapter 12………What am I meant to be doing today?
Chapter 13………Scaring self to death
Chapter 14………The heart has reasons that reason cannot understand
Chapter 15……….The Devil’s Banquet
Chapter 16……….Who Are we fighting for?
Chapter 17……….Two Important Days
Chapter 18……….Patterns
Chapter 19……….Elijah & Enoch Special Case
Chapter 20……….Render To Caesar What is Caesar’s
Chapter 21……….Bad Time To Be Distracted
Chapter 22………With draw of God’s Hand
Chapter 23……….Answering Your Call
Chapter 24……….God’s Intention
Chapter 25……….Coming Darkness
Chapter 26………..Yet Once More
Chapter 27……….Neglect
Chapter 28………World in Foreclosure
Chapter 29………This is Not Our Kingdom
Chapter 30………An Evil Generation Seeks a Sign and Wonder
Chapter 31………When I Come, Will I Find Faith – Seeing and Hearing Beyond
Chapter 32………Who Would Have Believed It
Chapter 33………The Good Thief and the Evil Thief
Chapter 34...............Burning the Candle at both ends


There are many books out today on this matter of End Times.   This book isn’t intended to be just another book on this matter.  I will let its content explain to you what I mean by this.  Over the years I have gotten insights from the many questions I have asked after reading many of the books out there on the end time.  These answers for me helped clear up some things that puzzled me for years.  You will not find this book set in any order; in other words I will not lay out my particular slant of the End Times.  You the reader will discover this as you read my random insights.  You may not agree with all that I share; yet I am sure there will be those things which you have questioned as well and one or two of the insights I now share with you might be that needed word to get you to clear that question and move on.


For whatever it is worth:  In conversation with our Father this week and tonight typing this, and reflecting on the end times and things said not only by this writer but others; over the years we all have had interest in this subject matter and have accumulated a lot of knowledge on it.  Well, at one point in this conversation I said this to HIM….

“Do you know how many people will say, “You didn’t come when we thought You would come.  It didn’t fit the Time Table and signs we figured out from our studies of Your book the Bible.  So, they will say your prophecies failed; you were off on what You told your prophets.”

For whatever its worth, I got this reply:

“Didn’t I prophecy that I would cut those days short?  Didn’t I say that I don’t count slackness as some men count slackness?  They have figured it all wrong!  I will fulfill every prophecy to the smallest detail; believe ME; whether they think so or not.  One day you will see clearer than you do now with all your accumulated knowledge of what you think I meant.  I can slow down time and I can speed it up, can you?  If I ever did do this, do you think you would have known it, you who are caught up in time?  You are in a time frame that soon will not be; I don’t change but you will.  I’ve given you “Time” to catch up.  Run with those who run and then you will know “that time.”  

I am still pondering those thoughts as I now type it, “cut the days short; slowing time down or speeding it up?”  I’m sure we have all heard all kinds of ideas on this, but in light of speeding time up gives it a different ring.  Image our experiencing time being speeded would move faster and the hands on the clock would move with you…what would have been before this speeding up of times, would have lasted days, months or years; yet caught up in this speeding up of time, those days, months and years would be shorten. 

Evil knows it has a short time when it is cast down from what we discover in  Revelations 2:12: whether that time is now or in the future, we do know that Evil knows its time is short.  To accomplish what “IT” desires, it will have to act and act fast on this fast moving train of the end times.  I, along with many others, feel this speeding up of time.  The question I ask all of you, do you feel it??  I find it hard to talk and write about it.  Things are moving fast, yet to those around me, caught up, or on this fast moving train, they don’t feel it.  As I type this at this moment, “I DO REMEMBER” writing about this, and know it is buried somewhere in all my pocket notes.   I don’t feel we have the time for me to try and find these notes.  I remember being “outside” this fast moving train, and watching this train, this “age” go flying by and screaming to those on the train, “Get OFF!” 

Before I typed this, I was watching the 11:00 pm news here in New Jersey (Dec. 20, 2009).  We just had one of the worst snow storms in the last 100 years; and during this storm a New Jersey Transit bus got stuck on some railroad tracks.  None on the bus could hear a fast approaching train.  There was a guy doing snow plowing who did; he acted quickly and got everyone off the bus.  Moments later the bus was hit head on breaking it in two by the train dragging it 50 ft. 

The horn is blowing, many are sitting on the bus stuck on the tracks, unaware of this fast approaching train, this speeding up of time, we are an “Observer” of what is taking place today in many areas, to many to mention.  It’s like a Matrix scene where many times Neo or Trinity was frame by frame frozen, then speeded up, making you wonder, “What’s going on?  You can’t believe your own eyes; it’s as if you’re given slowed down shots of what really is moving fast, you are “given time” frame by frame.  In those slowed down moments, you have the opportunity to act, so ”ACT!! 

As I type this, I have mixed emotions and still many questions.  Yet, I know I have experienced this; this seeing the frames of life speeded up and slowed down.  I, tonight, feel that I understand what this means and know what I must do in those moments.  Please don’t think me crazy; consider what I said at the beginning of this entry, ”take it for whatever it’s worth.” 


(This article, at this time of entry into my book here, is still under investigation by me; so realized I still have questions concerning what I enter here.  Maybe I or you the reader will find out that what I claimed to have seen in the Book of Joshua is incorrect?  Yet, at this typing I strongly believe that there is truth to this in light of time being frozen by God to accomplish and fulfill matters He shares with us in His word; we will see….Paul C. Woodward)
Here is that article:
Once again, while sitting at my place of deepest reflection, my kitchen table, the Lord instructed me to read the whole book of Joshua in one setting.  I used the Living Book to get a good flow of straight understandable English beyond the thee’s and thou’s of the Kings James translation.  Later on I plan on a comparison to other translations to assure me that what I saw after this long reading was true.  So, for now just listen to what I saw and see if what you get is what I now will share with you, as the title of this article says, “Frozen in Time.”

I would recommend that when the Lord leads you, thus you have the time, read the whole book of Joshua in one setting.  Towards the end, when you get to the dividing of the land by Joshua and the Lord to the tribes of the Jewish Nation, skim through those areas and cities assigned each, only looking for isolated statements fitted into the paragraphs, things that standout.  This will cut back on the time needed to read the whole book.  Then focus on especially the first 12 chapters of the book following the crossing of the Jordan into the Promised Land and the battles that ensued.    Once you get to chapter 10 take notice to verse 12…”As the men of Israel were pursuing and harassing the foe, Joshua PRAYED ALOUD, “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and let the moon stand in its place over the valley of Aijalon.  And the sun and moon didn’t move until the Israeli army had FINISHED the destruction of its enemies.  This is described in greater detail in The Book of Jashar. … (Note; it says “enemies and not singular, enemy) 
(Jashar 88:63-65 63 “And when they were smiting, the day was declining toward evening, and Joshua said in the sight of all the people, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou moon in the valley of Ajalon, until the nation shall have revenged itself upon its enemies.
64.  And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Joshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens, and it stood still six and thirty moments, and the moon also stood still and hastened not to go down a whole day.
65.  And there was no day like that, before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened to the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel.) 
Comparing this now with the Book of Joshua’s remarks of this event”
 “  So the sun stopped in the heavens and stayed there for ALMOST TWENTY-FOUR HOURS!  There has never been such a day before, and there has never been another since; when the Lord stopped the sun and moon – all because of the prayer of one man.  But the Lord was fighting for Israel.”  Jumping ahead to verse 42 in the book of Joshua…”This was all accomplished in ONE CAMPAIGN, for the Lord God of Israel was fighting for His people. (Notice the stressing of the fact that it was the Lord fighting for His people.  He was doing things beyond their imagination and ours…beyond just swords and shields.)

Now go to chapter 11 verse 18…”It took SEVEN YEARS (implied in other text. Literally “a long time.”…foot notes, The Living Bible).    Then you see the Campaign’s ending in 11:23 “So Joshua took the ENTIRE LAND just as the Lord had instructed Moses; and he gave it to the people of Israel as their inheritance, dividing the land among the tribes.  So the land finally RESTED from its wars.
Next in chapter twelve you see a flash back of what occurred in this ONE CAMPAIGN which appears to last a long time, 12:24 “So in all, thirty-one kings and their cities were destroyed.”  Now here is where I began to ask the Lord questions; “Father, it appears from what I am reading, that this one campaign, to the eyes of those in this campaign then, lasted 7 years, or a long time, and covered thousands of miles.  Considering the over whelming forces and expanse of the Promised Land area, it would have had to take a long time from our ideas.  Yet, I can’t help but see that this one campaign possibly only took a 24 hour period; am I crazy and just imagining something?  You had once touched upon this given me articles (I was reflecting on what I mentioned above yet I didn’t have it before me at that moment) where you revealed how you can slow down time or speed it up without our knowing this.  I also understood that what would appear as slowed down or speeded up of time to me, believing what you said to me, to the world around me, they would not see this happening; life would just go on as usual for them with a 24 hour day.  In other words, the old debate between science and religious minds, having arguments about the possibility or impossible for the earth to stop its usual track around the sun in its rotation, which is said happened in Joshua’s day, isn’t the case.  The sun and moon kept doing their things, with God only affecting this element of time in what might be called a time warp to only a small section of this planet.  Remember, God had wanted Moses and his generation to do what Joshua does 40 years later.  Timing is of the essence; there isn’t anything that we do or don’t do that God can’t correct being the director, author and finisher of all human history.  In Joshua’s day it was “catch-up” time.  Thus God accomplishes in one day what would have taken years.  It also is written that God will do this again when it says He will cut the days short in the end times, lest all flesh perish.  So, God in one case was speeding up time, and in the other case is slowing it down.  (Will He cut the end times  by 7 years, if this is the case – other words, God speeded up time of Joshua day, placing 7 years in a 24 hour period by stopping time in that area of the battle for the Promised Land to accomplish what I see as a catch up; but in the end times, to compensate for this shift of time, cut the days short??  I am still pondering this?)

 So, let me see if what I am thinking and seeing is correct.  When you answered Joshua’s prayer, which I would understand was prompted by you, what you did was Freeze that area in time, and that area only, into what I see as a frozen period of time; yet the rest of the world around this area would have time continue as usual.  For example, if someone not participating in this campaign were there to observe, and were not caught in this frozen time period, they would have viewed those Kings and kingdom there that day, yet the very next day they would have all been totally destroyed as over night.  Yet those caught up in the campaign, thus in this frozen time frame, it would have appeared to last seven years or a long time with the sun and moon appearing to have been frozen with them; yet to those outside this frozen time frame, the sun would rise and set along with the moon in the usual 24 hour cycle.  (Added thoughts as I edited this article – We all have heard of a thing called a “Time warp” though science fiction movies, where an individual can leave one frame of time to another; or we have seen in science fiction where “time is frozen” (the movie X-Man showed this).  They were able to freeze time and evens and spend moments discussing matter, and then restarting time.  Of course seeing it in quote, “science fiction,” cancels it out in our minds and its possibility; we see it as impossible.  Are we sure?  I see it as something to really think about. )

Now this would be to amazing for us with our limited views of how time and this world works according to our limited ideas of it all.  Yet, we have a lot to learn.  Just because this hasn’t happened in our experience, as far as we know, doesn’t mean it could or does without our being aware of it.  Joshua does say, “There has never been such a day before, and there has never been another since; when the Lord stopped the sun and moon.   While he was alive and writing about this experience, it hadn’t occurred again.  This gives, that which is written,  something of how to God’s ideas of time would be like comparing one day to a thousand years passing in the eternal realm.  I have read many different views on this 1000 years idea being one day in eternity and will let you the reader decide what to believe or reject.  As for me, I can’t help but believe that what I saw this morning after reading the book of Joshua, that what I saw is correct; YOU DECIDE; weight the things said above and realize when the Lord fights for you He has the advantage…He is the creator and lives in what is called “THE NOW”, seeing the past, present and future in one glance, thus understands how things really work at a visual advantage point, not what man or science think stuck in either the past, present or future view of matters.  He does not contradict His lower laws; He only supersedes them with higher laws above them unaware to us.
Notes: Here are some thoughts to consider that I found in my research notes.  I can’t remember the source, but it is worth considering along with what I said in this chapter:
 The thing is, if time speeds up, how would you know that it happened? Speed up relative to what? The rest of the Universe? Einstein has demonstrated that both time and space are curved in nature - in other words, time can be faster or slower depending on your location in space, because matter affects the geometry of both space and time. If you take two really accurate clocks with the exact same time, put one of them on the ground and have the other orbiting space directly above it, they will eventually show a difference in time. (Unknown source)


“An evil servant says, “The Lord delays His coming.”  “An evil servant seeks a sign.” Matt.24:48; Matt. 12:38-39
With this in mind, if we say that Christ’s return isn’t imminent, but depends upon certain signs of His coming to occur, then we must consider the above verses and wonder if, what we are claiming, what we have discovered concerning His return, if it is coming from an evil source.  That evil just might be us.
I strongly believe that there is no sign to stop His return, which will be sudden, with only those aware of this imminent return at least watching always for this return and not focusing on signs and saying the signs aren’t there, thus He is delaying His return, which would put them in this position of being called evil.
I do believe we can know that it is near, which is a totally different matter.  It would not be our claiming a “certain” matter saying this must occur first in order for Him to return.  Anything or everything that possibly could occur before His coming or during His coming could occur after we are raptured.  Of course you will find those that don’t accept this, feeling that even the rapture requires certain sign to occur before it takes place.  I see no such thing, and twisting text out of context just doesn’t hit it.  The imminent return of Christ is just that, IMMINENT, meaning at any moment.
Back to reflecting on this question of an evil servant.   Now I certainly don’t want to fit into this category, as a matter of fact there are times I wished His return to be soon. Delay, I don’t think this is the problem; what this particular person was thinking might have been after he had heard many so-called modern day prophets setting a date or setting up some kind of time line, and it didn’t occur.  Thus, might think to say our Lord must be delaying His coming to excuse their error and jumping the gun.

It also is said that an evil generation seeks a sign.  With all that is out there, on this matter of the end times, many have set certain signs that must occur before His coming, thus again feeling they have it down packed as to a possible date and time of His coming.  Many of these signs have come and gone or are presently coming about.  I personally believe, as it is said, that an evil generation will be seeks signs of His coming and miss it all together.  They are expecting their signs to precede His coming. 

There is clear evidence that this day will come upon us when least expected.  Only those who aren’t going with some preconceived ideas built around signs will have the chance to know when that day will be.  Many use the words of Jesus that no one knows the day or hour, not even the Son of Man, but the Father only, they use this as an excuse to not to know.  What I am about to share will show you that without seeking certain signs or wonders, or thinking it can’t be known, it is possible to know when it is near, even at the door as it says also in scriptures. 
One more thing comes to my mind in light of this paragraph; notice it said that even the SON OF MAN didn’t know.  Jesus use of this phrase reveals what is clearly termed a MODE of being for the Son of God, a mode He chose before His incarnation.  This mode was that of a servant, though being previously in the Mode of Deity, He sets aside that attribute, became “liken unto flesh (us) thus was dependent upon God the Father for information which in this case was the end times and His second coming.  God the Father at that moment gave only that which was needed at that time to the SON OF MAN to address His Disciples’ question on His second coming.  So at that moment the SON OF MAN knew only that which God the Father determined to share; this is the same mode we are in today.  We will know only that which God the Father now determines to share to us THROUGH THE SON OF GOD, Christ in us. 

Many of these passages of scriptures were written thousands of years ago, and those that heard them thought it would occur in their day.  Remember, Peter warns them that in this end time period there will be those that will finally get tired of waiting for His return and start walking after their own lust; lust meaning views and idea of this matter of His second coming, exchanging it for total devotion to life now.  This appears to be the main thought of most today that have just about had enough of this “in your face” Jesus is coming again.  Well, not to sound redundant, He is!  To take the stance that many are taking today is really dangerous; more dangerous than the fellow that thought He was delaying His coming. 


I am writing this while on vacation.  So, I had to reset my clock from its usual 4:40 AM wake-up for me to go to work; resetting it to 6:30 AM for a dental appointment I have Monday at  8:00 AM, thus giving me time to get to my appointment. 

Now I don’t like doing this because I once did it and forgot to reset it, thus ran late to work.  The question is asked, “Has God ever reset the clock of human history?”  Before we get into an answer to this question, let me add other questions that could go along with this question, “If He did at one time in the past reset the clock of human history, is there anywhere in scriptures that reveals this resetting to us.  And if He did, what affect would it have on the outcome of what many are sayings is a time table which the Lord is committed to, thus feel He cannot change it?

Interesting questions I have never even considered until today.  So, not having done any research before on such a question, I now wait for a response from the One I feel gave it, the Holy Spirit.  Then again, maybe it wasn’t from Him?  Maybe it is just doctrines of devils and demons to distract me.  We will see….July 26, 2009
Sept. 29, 2010.   Well I got something that makes one wonder.  It came to me via an article off the web.  I won’t go into the whole article but will only give you this brief thought to ponder on with me.  Here is the exert:   Dr. Brown’s theory also explains why earthquakes occur and why every major earthquake causes the earth to spin slightly faster, something that was widely reported after the December 26, 2004 earthquake that caused the Indian Ocean tsunamis that killed 225,000 people! His theory also explains why this massive earthquake occurred near the north tip of “Ninety East” ridge, why the aftershocks were moving northward, and why the earth’s axis changed slightly.
(It is March 11, 2011 and another major earthquake has just occurred in Japan, 8.9 scale quake.  It was reported that it had the same affect.)

Thinking further, what if God thinking to confound the wise, set the clock back, to a time He and He alone knew before the foundations of this world, thus would not be in violation of His original intent and purpose of this life and its experience, yet to those scholarly thinkers this would go against what they think of Him and His plan, which includes this end time consummation of all things.  All their calendars would be off, which some at least are saying this; thus making it impossible to ever reset the calendar to find a true date or time.  We know that Caesar did his best to destroy all recorded history before his time, burning all the libraries created by Alexander the Great.  That surely didn’t help matters.  Well, what about the Mayan calendar?  That is still around and to some appears accurate; accurate in comparison to what?  Maybe there were events in their lost history that also disrupted their accurate calendar.  Their history is buried deep in the jungles; and may be lost forever.  Sounds like some unseen person just might be behind all this lost history or changing of the clocks; maybe this UNSEEN something (which I believe is God) desired that we walk in faith; by faith I mean learning to wait and hear God speaking those things we need when we needed therm.  It wouldn’t be our never knowing, but rather a waiting to hear that known by God the Father and God the Son via God the Holy Spirit.
Recently there has been a lot of study on the Jewish feast days which were determined by the moon and it various phases.  At this writing, there are those who have placed the rapture in November of 2010.  Could they be right? (that day came and went at this editing of my book).  Thinking  along the phases of the moon to bring about the beginning of a Jewish feast day; they are saying that their not knowing the day or hour had something to do with the fact that they couldn’t really know the exact day or hour this sign would be manifested.  Once the new moon was seen, then they knew.  Yet, it is off this known fact that they are predicting the rapture’s occurrence this coming November of 2010?  All this says to me is that, as the unpredictability of the moon phase, so will be the rapture. 
A recent earth quake in Chile is said to have affect the axes of the earth.  Imagine a major earth quake that is predicted to occur worldwide; what affect will this have on the earth’s axes and our view of the moon?  Could this also be a factor that might affect our physical ability to know the time of His coming?  They also have linked this to what is called the feast of Trumpets.  The “last Trump” sounds, and the dead in Christ rise first, and we who are yet living shall gather and meet Him in the air.  Again, our not seeing a physical sign, yet something different, a LOUD BLAST that sounds like a trumpet.  I believe this sound will have an effect on this planet never seen before.  The signs will appear after this SOUND.  Psalm 89:15 “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk , O Lord, in the light of thy continence.  Jer. 6:17 “Also I set watchmen over you, saying. “Hearken to the sound of the trumpet.”  But they said, “We will not hearken.”    So, will we at least listen?  My wife reported to me the other day that she works with teenagers that still can’t read time; hard to imagine.  She said to them, “Then you better buy a watch with chimes on the hour.”  Listen to the chimes of time if you can’t tell time.”

As for the Bible, that has a larger degree of evidence more than secular history to prove what it says, so much so that every time an archeologist sticks a spade into the ground they prove that what is written is true.  So, if there ever was a changing of the clock as I have suggested, you would think it would be said in that book, with evidences to prove it.  So, that is where I am right now with this.  So, Father, if you want us to know such a thing, I ask now that You reveal through Your word that this is the case.  Amen

Pulling a search on my Franklin Bible Computer I typed in Set Time.  Here is what I discovered.  There were things SET.  For example in Gen. 17:22 “But My covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this SET TIME in the next year.”

So there are things definitely SET by God which is seen in the follow verses:  Gen. 18:10, 14,  21:2, Exodus 9:5, I Sam. 13:8, II Sam. 20:5 (tarried longer than the set time which he, King David, had appointed to him, David’s commander) Job 14:13 “O that You would hide me in the grave, that you would keep me secret, until Your wrath be past, that You would appoint me a SET TIME, and remember me.  If a man dies, shall he live again?  All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.”
Psalm 102:13 “for the time to favor her, yea, the set time, is come.”
Dan. 7:25 “and think to CHANGE TIMES (Speaking of the Anti-Christ)
There is also a matter termed “A process of time:” also there is a “time appointed.”
I see that this could go on and on as time goes on, that is, this research.  I remember what I shared in the previous chapter, how in scriptures many times God caused the sun not to set to give the Jews the advantage over her enemies.  Of course science would say that this is impossible.  Are we sure?  All these things would have to be considered in light of our opening question.  Is there any room for possibility?  How about probability?  And after we have considered the possibilities and probabilities could we come to some degree of certainty beyond a reason of doubt? 
This search continues for me, and I know for you the reader.  Maybe someone will read this question and develop it further; or maybe someone has already given a clear answer.  My search goes on. (A lot of answers to this came out in chapter 2 of this book; remember what I said, I haven’t put this book together in the order that I received it, but rather according to various subject titles, allowing you the reader to realize that many time questions asked are answered in later or previous chapters.)


Again, while sitting in the kitchen, my place of deep reflecting, I got this thought, “The Broad Road of Extremes.” It is April, 2009, and we all know what is going on around us in this world today. The bubble has burst and once again any utopian dream heads down in a spiral to what appears to be a deepening pit of darkness with no way out. Not all are feeling this on a personal level, yet still in vicarious manner feel what others are feeling, listening to the news, reading what News Papers are saying, those still being published, or listening to what family, friends and work associates at work are saying.

With all that in mind, this thought came to me. We are experiencing in this present generation the extremes which the Son of God clearly called the broad road; one which he said lead to destruction. What he was offering he called the narrow road, and said few would find it. Looking around us this hits home...”few.” We wonder, Am I one of the few, or am I just another follower following the crowd down a broad road unaware that this is where they, we, are going?

In other writings I have given it my best shot to address this thing of Extremes and how there is a hidden presence, an evil, that has many diverted from what Jesus called the narrow road. I have attempted to balance out this experience connecting it with what I have come to see as a pre-existence to which this temporal experience was to give greater clarity to, and to which one day we all would return.

An ever present evil has stepped up its distracting tactics. We have become immune to being entertained to death, and this depressing News of a worldwide crises disrupts our comfort zones and we want it to end and get back to the entertainment; what one time might had been a good thing, this thing of entertaining, today it isn’t. Very depressing thought, correct? You might not want to read any further if that is the case.

I recently bought an old movie called “Network”. If you heard this old movie and didn’t know it was put out in the 70’s you might think that it were speaking of today. Some, might say, “There you go, see, these kind of problems have always been there; we will work it out just like we did then.”

I wonder tonight, if we will work it out again? Do I sound negative? I guess I might to some. Depends on how we view things. If anyone is negative, it is the News. The whole Market goes up and down according to it. Don’t invest long term in this kind of market…that’s what many are saying and doing. Quick buy and sell market.   Fear rules the day and this fear spreads with company after company falling like dominos. Yet, know this, Evil may have a plan in all this, check out Youtube for the latest conspiracy, yet I know that there is a GREATER PLAN that is using all that is scaring most of us. If it wasn’t for knowing this, I’d be running down the road screaming as some. And you thought I was getting negative in this post....believe me, I was there with the rest just months ago, but as usual, the Father smacks me on the head and says…”WAKE-UP” I AM STILL IN ALL THIS.

So, with that said, I will be sharing more of that which has kept me afloat in this present perfect storm we all find ourselves in today.   I won’t be getting into extremes as some in this world are advocating, who are “In the world, without God and without hope.” Of course, I always imply “the Unseen” over the seen with the use of the word HOPE. There are things unseen that would assist us through this current situation, as a mystery, there yet hidden.  Time to reveal more of the insights I have been given.  So, keep on reading my book.

When they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction


Strange verse, “When “they” say peace and safety.”  Remember, Jesus said, “I didn’t come to bring peace as the world knows peace.”  What he offered apparently had nothing to do with peace that even those of his day thought.  Rome had claimed peace, yet kept this peace by FORCE.  Forced peace is part of the world’s ideas of peace.  What else is it?  Peace in the name of tolerance.   Everyone tolerates one another and is force to do so.  Well, Rome again offered this for a time.  Until the Jews got on their nerves and in 70 A.D. they then dispersed them all over the world as history reveals. Today tolerance is the name of the game.  And if you don’t go alone with this world’s tolerance you run the risk of being dispersed.  Just say you alone have the truth.  Just say you alone know the way and that your world view, philosophy, is the true idea of life.  Just claim you know the real problem of this generation.  Watch the reaction. 

If you would rein with Him, you will suffer with Him.  Remember he also said that his kingdom was not of the world.  If it were, his disciples would have fought for him.  You see various groups today fighting for this temporal kingdom of this experience, both secular and religious groups.  Remember, the world loves its own.

He also said that He was not of this world.  Then what world was He from if not of this world?  Is there another world?  Is it to be found within this universe?  A deep study of this would reveal that this world was not in this universe.  Not some distant planet.  He claimed He had prepare this place that where He would be we would one day be also.  Others, understanding what He meant, saw it to be in what they called the 3rd heaven, a place beyond this universe outside the realm of time, space and this material world.  A place that eye had never seen, nor ear heard.  A place not made by the hands of men.  Many since then have sought such a place; finding it, now feel like strangers and pilgrims in this existence.  They even claimed to have glimpses of this other place and longed to depart, yet knew that it was expedient that they remain for the sake of sharing what it is that they saw.  For this they were rejected.  Remember, the world loves its own.

There is coming a world peace.  It will appear that we have finally accomplished what we have all sought most of our lives.  It will appear that we are now all getting along.  Utopia will rule that day in politics, economics, and religion.  Yet, truly, only one thing will rule, and it will be tolerance backed by “force” of a World State.  It will be the new form of religion that tolerates all religious views.  Quite like Rome, the new Caesar, elected by this new world, will head the new World State. 

Peace and safety then sudden destruction.  Why?  Because under tolerance, in the secrets of the hearts of men, the lie prevails; there never was true peace.  There never was real safety but only a waiting for the right moment for those who just went along with the program, taking advantage of the moment, to strike at the weakness of this false peace and safety and the revealing of the truth that Christ’s Peace had come to reveal, divisions.  Unity had thought to prevail, but only disunity was secretly hidden there.  Never in the world, by those of this world, would unity ever come about.  It required the peace that passes all understanding and would have to come from another world outside time, space and this material world. 
One might say, “Aren’t you as a Christian called to tolerance?”   I would say to endurance yes, to tolerance no.  What is the difference one might ask?  Let Webster’s tell you:
Tolerance: Lack of opposition for beliefs or practices differing from one’s own.  Capacity for enduring; Allowing deviation; The capacity to bear something unpleasant, painful, or difficult.
(Note, the words, “allowing deviation;” it carries with it the idea of departure from the norm.)  You hear it in I Timothy. 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall DEPART from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.”  This definition of tolerance, as applicable to this generation, fits what I am stressing in this article, and is the difference to the word endurance.  
Endurance: To last; suffer patiently; tolerate.  It implies uninterrupted existence or succession.
(Note this, in light of this article and what I am attempting to stress, “uninterrupted existence,” an existence that was before this experience and will continue UNINTERRUPTED beyond this temporary experience.  Many of the things I have written strongly stress this; revealing how a present Evil seeks to hide from view both ends of this eternal existence and seeks to get one focused on the present life here and now, hoping to create its hell on earth.)

There is a fine line between the two words and there definitions and they appear to overlap one another, yet enough to make a point. If the same tolerance were shared with the Christian view as is expected by the world view, they, the Christian could endure as they have over centuries.  Yet today this is vicious, sad to say, in both camps, of the secular and religious, revealing all the more the TRUE condition of humanity.   We, in our human efforts, secular or religious, will never accomplish this unity other than by being forced by some other power, other than God, over both.  Cut off from God we are left with the decision as to which of these other powers should have control over all of us; the United Nations, some world constitution, or some World dictator, secular or religious in nature? 
We definitely are different in many ways.  It’s called diversity or uniqueness of the individual and one’s personal world view.  Under tolerant allowances, deviations are expected, yet many will never deviate not wanting to suffer unpleasantness or pain, compromising their beliefs.   To force them does not change them.  It’s only a matter of time before an explosive riff takes place; thus again, sudden destruction.      

Endurance and its definition, though similar to tolerance, carries with it a better situation then forced tolerance.  Jesus touched this when he said, “Let the wheat and tares grow together, in the end, the angels will separate the two.”  But it appears that the tares are winning!  Soon there will be no room for the wheat.  That is the condition we are in today.  We can express this condition, yet human efforts to correct it at this time in this game, is impossible.  Force is the world’s answer and is seen day after day in head line News by the Policemen of the World, the U.N.   In the eyes of this World, it will one day come down to some power elite, or what is called, The Strong man, the Anti-Christ.  The final battle will be a One on one battle between this Anti-Christ verses the True Christ.  We know who win; or better yet, we know WHO HAS WON!  


The first question I asked when I read the open theme of this part II was, “who are they?”   These words come from a scripture text that reads as follows:  “When they say peace and safety, then sudden destruction.”  Again, who are the THEY?

I want to address this question in the following paragraphs.  I had read this text in the past and gave it its usual religious meaning dealing with the end times as described in the Bible.  I will not be doing that in this article.  Looking at it now as I do, it carried me into a different direction focusing more on the word “they”.  They could be just about anyone yet no one in particular.  I sense that this “they” would be better expressed as it is also written, “The spirit of the age.”  The spirit that this age has taken, this time period we know as the 21 century. We don’t see peace and safety.  The “they” aren’t saying this as I write this article.  So, we can be sure that destruction isn’t coming at this moment suddenly.  It will come when “they” say peace and safety is upon us.  To be in fear as we are today is only an illusion to a real fear.  It also is written, “There will be wars and rumors of wars, yet this is not the end.”  This is the meaning behind what I just said of the illusion of fear.  As long as there are wars and rumors of war, there is no true fear, in others words of THE END.  The time to have real fear is when control and the controllers, the “they”, are in place and forced peace and safety come upon us.  Freedom will then be truly lost.

Strange, the “they” do not want you to have freedom and even stranger is that most don’t want it but would rather be controlled at the lost of their freedom.  How so?  Think back into history with me.  The Jews were freed after 400 years of captivity in Egypt.  Yet once they had gained their freedom, longed to return to Egypt.  Why?  Hear this statement, “In freedom there is truth, in bondage truth is not being faced.”  What is it about bondage, that while in it one would not want to know the truth; truth about what?   The answer is truth of their true condition and the blame.  While in bondage, their captors are the blame and any blame on their part is over looked.  Not till they are freed do they begin to understand why they were in bondage, and face the individual in the mirror.  The reasons are many.  Think of what is presently happening worldwide today.  How many are waking up to their feelings of being in straits is not only the blame of the big bankers and corrupted politicians, but also because we personally had lost control of our freedom by being sucked into this debt ideology propagated by this world system leading us to believe that a “good” credit score is what we all should seek.  What many are now seeing is that it is this very thing of being sucked into debt that has brought about their present heartache.   You see this in the drop of credit card purchases which has had an ill affect on the market place hurting businesses large and small.  The idea today for many is, “never again to increase their personal debt and to pay off what debts they have, ending this feeling of enslavement to the lenders who have an unchecked control of interest rates especially with credit cards. 

Today we see the same occurrence in Russia, Iraq, and of many, after they were set free, longing to return to the dictatorship they once hated.  They long to be controlled, told what to do, coming to hate the responsibility that comes with freedom.   Here we are today in America, and as strange as this may sound are heading towards that which we have fought against for many generations, control, replacing what we once loved, freedom.  Why?  With freedom comes responsibility.  The responsibility of facing the truth that in reality, we are hell bent on self destruction, corruption and the undoing of a once great idea, to which we have found we are incapable of doing.  We desire to hide from this truth  and are willing to submit to controllers giving them the responsibility of taking the blame should we fail, and yet they will fail, for the “they” were cut from the same lot, yet have deceived the masses into believing they were above them, corrupter's judging corrupter's.  Truly, what we have learned from history is that we don’t learn from history.

Who then are the “they?”   They could be you and me, those who do not desire to be free but rather to pass the responsibility of freedom, sacrificing it to the controllers, thus never coming to see the truth but rather believe a lie.  Yes, we will then enjoy a false sense of peace and safety thinking we are equally wealthy and healthy because the controllers say we are, at the cost of our freedom and opportunity to see the truth and not project that truth on to others.  Enslaved and blind to our enslavement.  We have come to where we want to be “taken care of.”  And the “they” are willing to oblige you; of course to their idea of taking care of you.  We would have been better off learning to take responsibility and caring for ourselves. 

                                                                   CHAPTER 6

I will begin with this opening thought:  “If you reject God’s unconditional love, which is, as it is clearly defined, not limited in any way; if you reject this unconditional love, you go to hell.”
Rather harsh one might think, “Go to hell?”  By the time I get done with this chapter of this book you will understand why.  For now, let me gradually work you back starting with Jude 1:11 “Woe unto them; for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.”
For those of you who may not know anything about Cain, Balaam or Core, let me give you some brief highlights of these three Biblical characters so that what I will be sharing makes some sense.
First, Cain is the first Son of Adam and Eve, the one who killed his brother in a fit of rage and jealousy.  After the fall of Adam and Eve, God had provided away to cover their transgression by shedding the blood of an innocent animal using the skin of that animal to clothed, cover, their nakedness.  This feeling of nakedness ran deeper than their unclothed bodies, but reached to the heart of their dilemma, guilt for the disobedience to what God had warned them about, to not eat of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  There is more to this, but that gives you some idea of what will follow concerning Cain.  It is understood that this sacrifice of the blood of an innocent animal to atone for their sin was practiced by not only Adam and Eve but also their descendents.  Cain’s brother, Abel, Adam and Eve’s second son, understood this and was obedient.  It is said that he was a keeper of sheep, thus it is assumed that he offered a lamb for this sacrifice.  Cain being a tiller of the ground growing vegetables, fruits etc., thought to offer the works of his hands.  God accepted Abel’s obedient sacrifice and rejected the labors of Cain’s disobedient act.  (He should have bought a lamb from his brother).
With that brief account of our first character let me now give a brief account of Balaam.  The story can be found in Numbers Chapter 22.  Balaam, a prophet, is contacted by King Balak, King of the Moabites, out of his fear of the nation of Israel coming against them.  He asked that Balaam curse them, because he knew whoever Balaam cursed they would be cursed, and whoever Balaam blessed they would be blessed.  He offers Balaam great rewards if he would do this.   Balaam thinks about it and says he would consult the Lord on this matter.  Of course God tells him he cannot curse the Jewish people and he reports this to King Balak.  This goes on for three separate attempts by King Balak offering Balaam more wealth and honor to get the job done.  Finally God seeing that Balaam doesn’t get it and is attracted by the wealth and honor tells Balaam to go ahead and meet the King.   Balaam excited hops on his ass and heads out to meet up with King Balak.  Along the way he meets God’s Angel blocking the road.  The ass, with it animal instincts, sees the angel and runs off into a field; Balaam beats him and gets him back on the road until they come to a narrow part of the road with walls on both sides.  The ass still seeing the Angel attempts to slide by him crushing Balaam’s leg against the wall.  Again Balaam beats him.
The road way narrows even more too where the ass cannot get around God’s angel, thus stops dead in his tracks.  So Balaam beats him again.  God at this point touches the mouth of the ass and causes him to speak.  Note it wasn’t the ass speaking, animals don’t have this ability; it is the Lord speaking through the animal, since Balaam couldn’t hear God any more, God has to take it down a notch using an animal.  Makes you wonder who the dumb ass was?  Balaam loses his ability to hear God’s voice, thus the ass is used; a lower method.  The ass questions why Balaam was beating him.  Imagine the shock on Balaam’s face!  The ass points out the fact of the Angel in the middle of the road; Balaam at this point gains his spiritual sight back and sees the Angel, repents of his spiritual blindness, realizing it is God speaking to him.  God then instructs him to say only that which He would tell him to say when he meets up with King Balak.
To get on with this story so I can get into the third character, Balaam tells King Balak he cannot curse God’s people.  Now catch this; he has King Balak create seven alters where they sacrifice a bull and a ram.  This is done several times.  Why would he have the King to do this?  It’s was an attempt to get the King to gains God’s favor, using God’s methods that Balaam knew God used in other situations, thinking surely God would like this and maybe change His mind and allow him to curse the Jewish people.  (Remember this point, I will bring it up later how we attempt to manipulate God using His methods to gain our desires or others.)   At the end of this story Balaam, seeing it is hopeless to get God to curse His people, suggests that Balak send his beautiful women into their camp having them commit fornication, then God would have to curse them.  This is done and God has to curse His people.  Later in the history of Balaam we discover that King Balak does give Balaam great reward and honor for this.  Yet the tragic end of this story is that later on the Jews attack the Moabites and in the battle Balaam is slain, thus God’s just reward.   (Modern tactics of Balaam are going on today….(include this when editing)
Now let me share with you the story of Core.  It is believed that the name Core used by Jude was a different spelling in Old Testament history. In Numbers 16 you get the whole story with the spelling of Core being Korah.  Listen to the definition of the word “gainsaying” which Jude used to describe Core’s (or Korah’s) gainsaying: Deny or dispute; refuse to admit to the truth; to refuse to accept as true, valid, or worthy of consideration.  Numbers chapter 16 develops Korah dispute and unwillingness to admit to the truth that God had placed Moses in charge of running that Nation, thus attempts to turn the Nation against Moses.  He along with Dathan, Abiram, On, (Sons of Reuben) took men and they rose up against Moses, along with certain of the children of Israel, 250 princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown; they rose up against Moses and Aaron.  They challenged Moses and Aaron saying who were they to think they were holier than the whole of Israel, when God was with all of them.  Moses falls on his face at this accusation before God.  God says through Moses, “Tomorrow we will find out who is holy and who is not.”  Read the story and you will find out what happened.
This brings you to where I will beginning to share with you what is meant in Jude 1:11 ”They have gone the way of Cain.”  Jude is giving revelations of the end times in his book.  If one did not know the story of Cain and Abel, what Jude is attempting to warn us about would not be understood.  So what is this warning and how does it apply to us, those who are living in the End Times.
You hear it sung today, “We are the world, we are the people,” and this implying that we are totally capable of handling any crises that might arise.  Emotions run high and tears are shed and millions of dollars are raised to help those in need.  Human efforts rule the day.  You might ask, “What’s wrong with that? They are doing more than you religious people do.  We are the world and we are the people and it’s time we start living without this old idea of God meeting our needs.  Who needs Him, the collective consciousness of the world will get the job done.”
I would reply that there is nothing wrong with that, only the idea that we don’t need Him, God.  Remember it is through Him we live and move and have our being; the being of assistance to those in need.  There is this sting of secular humanism in what they do; “man, in the name of man, by the power of man, to the glory of man.” And as I will address in other chapters of this book, there are levels to this whole thing.  There is a level, unaware to many in a good cause, there is a level behind this with its own agenda which is only using human efforts to tap into that which God had kept it from, called the subconscious latent power of the soul.  I, saying what I am saying, am not attacking human efforts to help those in needs.  What I am attacking is that they are, unaware, fulfilling prophecy and going THE WAY OF CAIN.   It is more of an attitude; one that says we have a method of salvation and don’t need what God has offered to us.  Some would see God as the one who caused the tragedy they are attempting to help; thinking God caused the earthquake or flood and storm.  They go so far as to call it in their insurance policies, “An act of God.”   So it is kind of like saying, “When God does His destructive things we have you covered; you are in good hands;” another blow against God and another “at-a-boy” for humanism.  Now I know many wouldn’t have this attitude.  They just would see it as a natural cause and affect matter; that’s the way that it is.   Yet even this kind of thinking leaves God out of the picture.  In truth, without truly hearing from God on any matter, we won’t know who is to blame.  But this isn’t what I am writing about in this chapter; I am addressing our going the way of Cain.   Cain’s way was his way and not God’s way; coming from his getting angry for being rejected and corrected.  I am sure some readers at this point have began to feel this anger and might express it in this way, “You @#$%^& religious people who are so narrow minded.   It is always God’s way or the highway.  Why can’t there be other ways?  Who needs the blood of a man named Jesus?”
They would point out how some famous T.V. personalities do a lot of good; like one program giving the total audience a brand new car.  It stirs your emotions and you think, “That is great, they are a really good person.”  Yet on the same program, they out and out throw God and the mentioning of His name off the program and instead embracing any other New way that comes down the pike from secular humanist to Gurus. 

So, the question is, “Where is the church?  Shouldn’t they be the leader in these matters and be “lead” of  God to help more so then the world and it’s obvious hatred of God.    Who is to say that they aren’t?  They just don’t get the press for the things that they do.  Only press they do get is when one of those in their flock screws up and is caught with their hand in the tilt; something to undermine all that they do.  Then there is the question, “Have many in the church have also gone the way of Cain?”  Going the way of Cain in that they have turned into nothing more than social clubs following the ways of the world around them that really hate the God they were to proclaim.  They, giving into the pressures, watering down the real message, and join the “we are the world, we are the people.”  Their main focus is on making this a better world and not looking for that better world to come.  They twist scriptures to appease the world around them with an example of, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”   Their motives for this will of God changes in that it is more about not being an offense to the world; still doing what scriptures clearly do command us, to help the poor and those in need, yet not stressing that all this is temporary and a greater commission was given to save the souls of people not just their bodies.  God’s clear message is that God desires to save us, Spirit, soul and body; that God’s way of doing things isn’t just profitable in this life but in the life to come.  They forget what is to come and only focus on what is.  They should be teaching, “Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and all these other things will be added.”  Think; what does it profit if you feed them and cloth them and rebuild that which was destroyed and you neglect to show them that their soul over rides all these things.
I know that all that I have just said opens up a large can of worms.  It wasn’t my intension to do this.  The debates of these matters have always been there and always will.  Yet still we are warned, “Do not go in the way of Cain.”


This whole article hinged on what John reveals of our love for God.  Here again is what John said, “NOT IN THAT WE LOVED GOD, but He loved us first.”
God made the first move towards “all” of us. There were none who truly loved Him. Other words, we weren’t born loving Him but hating Him, yet not aware of this fact. How could this be? Well, if you were born on this planet and came from the loins of Adam and Eve, you have this thing in you called the sin nature of Adam coming from Satan himself, thus the nature of the beast is to hate God; which none of us would deny, Satan hates God and any one that would worship Him.

I had to go full circle on this thing of hating Christians and the church; only to find out that it wasn’t them that I hated but God and Jesus.  None of us are willing to face this fact, but rather project it on to other people, places and things. Just ask the average Christian or none Christian, “Do you hate God; or could you say that at one point in your life you might have hated Him?” Watch the answers you get.

I might have thought at one time that I really didn’t hate God or Jesus, only those who claimed representation of them.  From what I have been shown, it was a hate for God and Jesus. How so? You can see this when Saul, later called Paul, was knocked off his high horse when he had thought he was doing God a favor attacking the Christians of his day. What did Jesus say to him? Here is what He said, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute ME? Think; it wasn’t Jesus directly; it was Jesus via the church he was attacking. To attack them was to Jesus’ eyes the same as attacking Him, hating Him. Nothing has changed today; the same thing occurs when we attack the Christian church, which, whether rightfully so because of their stupid behavior, it is in truth attacking Christ.

We are told and warned that in the end times there would be those that would go the way of Balaam.  You all know the story, I in the above paragraphs briefly share it; but to refresh your mind; he was a prophet for hire used by a pagan king to curse Israel. He finds that as messed up as this people were at times, God forbid him to curse them. Later after many attempts to do this, God has to wake Balaam up using his ass to do this. That dumb ass saved his life. Balaam finally “appears” to have given up on this thing of cursing God’s people. So, rather than cursing them, he suggests to the pagan king this idea, “just send them your beautiful women, they will commit fornication, then God will have to curse them.” CRAZY!! Well, the pagan king did just that and God had to curse them.

Today the same thing is happening. There have been prophets for hire of the media to attack the Christian church. Of course the Christian church has given them good cause to do this. That day ran its course, but today a new approach is seen. The church is being infiltrated with every imaginable pagan teaching that has come down the pike. Given time, these prophets for hire in the past won’t have to attack the Christian church any more, they will, are, becoming self-condemned and if judgment begins, it begins with the house of God.    


We read in Romans chapter 13 that the powers that be are ordained of God.  As we look at our Government we wonder how some aspect of this present Government could ever be of God, seeing the corruption that is coming out and all the conspiracy floating around.  I have written in another book on this matter of the Power of God and how “all” power has been given to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  I won’t go into this here; you will have to get the other book, “In the Shadow of His Power,” to see it brought out in a deeper fashion.  I will only say that whether we believe this or not, “ALL” power belongs to the Son of God and to whom He so desires to give it.  As with Pilate saying to Jesus, “Don’t you know I have power to crucify you or set you free?”  Jesus then replies to him, “You have no power other than that given to you by my Father.”  God the Father gave Pilate the power to accomplish His will which was that His Son being crucified that we might have life.  It is later written my Paul the Apostle, “had they knew this was God intent, they would not have crucified the Son of God.”  It is not evil using God but rather God using evil to His end intent whether we can understand this or not.  In my other work that I have mentioned I show how and why God does this.  Yet here in this book and chapter, just  know that He does do this without being tempted of evil or becoming evil doing so as some have thought saying that God has a dark side to His personality.  Believe me, seeing matters from God’s perspective, and seeing this from our being seated in heavenly places, you find that this isn’t so. 

Now with that said, you will be able to see where Cora and those leaders of Israel who rebelled against Moses during their track out of Egypt into the wilderness were wrong and how today, as the book of Jude warns, will be the case of the End Times.  Whether right or wrong, with justifiable reason for rebelling against our current Government, just know this, this Government as corrupt as it may be, was given its power from the Son of God, and to the Son of God one day will answer for this.  We may be able in our freedom to express these matters of Government corruptions, yet we must also understand that this power has come from God and when expressing its misuse of this power, be in a position where we ourselves are not misusing the powers that God has also given to us.  Also we must know that our powers are NOT our powers but powers coming from God.  It should be our acting in the guide lines of His power, and not SELF.  Let me give just one example using this abuse of power on the part of this Government and those who are accusing it of its abuse of power.  To protest against abortion would be correct, yet to shoot a doctor performing this abortion would be abuse of God’s power to the other extreme.  Another example would be in this Tea Party movement protesting against corrupt aspects of our current Government policies which we have the God given rights to do so; yet to “Instigate” an armed attack because of their policies by blowing up state buildings and harming innocent people is to the extreme and misuse of God given powers.  But should a corrupt government “Instigate” this armed attack, our using God given power to put down such an abuse of God’s power would not be in the wrong.  I hope you understood this.  We saw this in the days of the American Revolution.  I am a Patriot as many are today and love this God given country and its God given freedoms having fought in its wars for these freedoms.  But abuse is abuse, one extreme or the other.  We, with this God given powers, must beware and be-ware of these extremes that an unseen evil would want to see occur.  It is God who judges the Motive and intents of the heart; which appears to be the difference when it comes to the use of God given powers.  One motive is to the promotion of evil, whereas one is to the promotion of goodness, goodness that is said must come from God.  If we as a nation leave this God, then any goodness in our motives is lost.  We see our education system today and we must wonder if this isn’t the case.  We have used God given powers to eliminate God from all teachings to our children.  Watch the current movie out that addresses this called, “Expelled.”  Many God fearing teachers and professors are paying a price for attempting to teach the truth in a Godless system.
Another matter I wish to address is the resent twist of Romans Chapter Thirteen, where claimed Christian Pastors are advocating that we were to fight an oppressive Government saying that Paul the Apostle wasn’t saying that we were to be obedient to such a Government.  I would ask those who are claiming this, “Why didn’t Paul and the other Apostles along with Jesus Himself, join the Zealots of their day and take on the well known corrupt Roman Government, with its leader claiming god-ship of office?
Among the religious Jewish sect there were political offices, one named above, the Zealots,  and another called the Herodians, both heavy into politics; with others groups called the Pharisees, Sadducees, which might be considered something like out Conservatives verses the Liberals of our day; the Conservatives more religious and morally minded, with the Liberals leading towards Secular Humanism with a God label – having a form of godliness but denying the power (of God) attributing this power to humanity itself – a form of collectivism and this collectivism making up their “idea” of God.
Paul, along with the other Apostles and Jesus Himself distanced themselves from “all” of these groups; secular and religious.  Paul, once being a Pharisee among Pharisees (held a position of highest leadership) used very strong words to distance himself from that once held position calling it “dung,” that he might gain the position of being “in Christ,” which he proclaimed to be the HIGHEST position one could ever seek. 
Again, why didn’t Jesus take on the corrupt Roman Government?  Why didn’t he gear His message around attacking such leadership of His day?  The Zealots had hoped that He would join in with the cause; He didn’t!  He didn’t teach His disciples any such thing and openly said it to Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world, if it were my disciples would have fought for me.”  If He had taught them such a message, they would have fought for Him.  Even Peter, misguided, takes up the sword in Garden of Temptation and is corrected by Jesus, reminding him of what He had taught them, “those that live by the sword shall die by the sword.”  It wasn’t His mission, nor should it be our mission today. 
Now there would be those who would disagree asking, “Why did Peter have a sword in the first place.  Didn’t Jesus tell them at one point to start carrying a sword?”  Imagine being told to carry a sword, but not use it?  Note what Jesus said again – “live by the sword.”  This idea of “live by the sword” carries the idea of the Zealots; now they lived by it and swore by it, seeing it as the only way to bring down corruption.  Paul in this debated Romans chapter Thirteen touch on this “carrying of the sword” saying, “He that bears the sword, bears it not in vain.”  Jesus cleared stated his mission, and Peter didn’t get it the first time, not understand the Lord said to Him, “not so Lord,” when Jesus stressed that He would be crucified.  Peter proclaimed that he would not allow this to happen.  Jesus rebukes him saying, “Get behind me Satan.”  You are probably wondering where I am I going with this?  Peter was unaware that he would be stopping not only Jesus message, but the whole reason of His coming.  Hear Jesus message –
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.”  How is it in heaven?  It is answered in the very next breath of Jesus, “give us this day our daily bread.”  He is not just addressing food – something else is involved.  In His moment of being tempted of Evil in the wilderness He proclaimed, “Man does not LIVE by bread alone, but by ever word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”  He was teaching something GREATER than bread or the sword to live by.  He was revealing weapons that were not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds, (I Cor. 10:4) a message that Paul the Apostle taught as well, learning it from Jesus after 14 years of isolation and letting that which was carnal go, counting it as lost, but gaining that which he so desired, “to known Him and the power of His Resurrection.” (Phil. 3:10).
We, the Church, have watered this message down with our taking sides with the world,
no matter what party we join.  As for me, more could be said on this, but for now I will only say, after my time in my wilderness with the Lord, I have counted it all as lost, never to be taken up again.  I will not judge “another man’s servant”, each must become persuaded in his or her own mind, for I know one day we will all be accountable for that which we claim to be the word of God to us.

“Eye has not seen nor ear heard…”

If the above quote from I Cor. 2:9 is true, than what we are to understand, or should reach beyond what the natural carnal mind and senses could ever perceive; yet, we haven’t done this.  We instead used this carnal mind and senses to attempt to understand things God has prepared for us before the foundations of this world’s ideas and perceptions.  Just about everything that I have ever written had addressed this very thing.
I’ve discovered that too really “BEGIN” one must come to comprehend that before Gen. 1:1 statement, “in the beginning,” it was clearly expressed, in its original language, God conveying to us these following thoughts:  “Before, in the beginning, in the Mind of God, He created the heavens and the earth, “ALL INCLUSIVE,” the totality of the whole experience, we are now  living in, was worked out.
It is this Mind we must enter to come to any comprehension of the length, breadth, height and depth (Eph. 3:18) of God’s original plan; a mindset that is said to be the same mind the Son of God possessed.  Paul the Apostle, having come to comprehend this mindset, says to his followers, “let this mindset be in you which was in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 2:5).    This mindset is expressed in Heb. 12:2 which attributed this “All Inclusive” purpose of God, calling Jesus its “author and finisher.”  In this mind-set of God, before what we thought this “beginning” to be, creation, in this mind it was Authored, and note this, FINISHED.  All that we are experiencing is only a small part of what was Authored and finished before the expression.  We are only living out what was Eternally Authored and finished then expressed using time, space and this material world.
You see this expressed in Ephes. 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God had before ordained (authored) that we should walk in them.”  It was not as we might have thought that God planned as He went along.  His plan and purposes were not only completed before the foundations of this world but also FINISHED.  There is nothing that we could have thought of that He hadn’t thought of and was able to work to His certain good and finishing point.
In this you can see the free will of God as well as the free will of humanity allowed of God.  Mankind’s right to exercise he free will never interfered with God’s free will.  Whatever humanity willed, He simply would use, work around it, to His good-end-intentions.
How things began, how things work out, and how things will end; this mind-set is offered to us, yet in this light, if we accept this mind-set offered, our way of seeing things will be as expressed in these quotes, “Hindsight is 20/20” and “Obedience precedes understanding.”
Yet this carnal mind seeks to undo this mind-set of God; an Evil in us all, which only seeks to destroy God’s plan and purposes.  Though it is written, “these things were written that you might know,”  (I John 5:13)  what was intended in this expression by John is this question, “know what?”  Here was what was intended:  “All inclusively, God knows what He is doing; whether we at any given point in time understand it or not.  “Don’t let the left hand know what the RIGHT HAND is doing.” (Matt. 6:3).  He knew before the foundations of this world, thus He started, sustained and will one day consummate (Finish) it.  Via 20/20 hindsight, you can see this is true and if that which was from the past proved to be true, what is yet future also will be true.  This is a humbled position that our rebellious nature fights.  It requires TRUST, and trust is only the condition of what we have come to call faith.  Trust is not faith but only its condition, faith is a lively sight of unseen realities, the reality of this Mind of God, Mind of Christ.  What you need to know, you will know in a time designated of the Father.  That is what was meant when it was said of the end times, “you are not children of the dark (carnal minds trying to figure it all out, many times jumping the gun, as they did in this letter written to them by Paul),… not children of the dark that that day should come upon you unaware…you will know.” (I Thess. 5:4-5)
At this moment I may not know, yet, I do know it is written, I will know, there lays my trust.  My only part is to ask, seek and to knock; to keep on asking and receiving, to keep on seeking and find, and the door will be opened when needed.  Like little children asking, “Are we there yet?”
You see, what I’ve just said, in a strange statement given by Christ in light of the end times, “For where so ever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.”   Get pass focusing on the eagles and carcass and ask this question, “How do the eagles know where the carcass is and where to gather?”…..Instinct!  They just KNOW, thus they gather.  Think of this in light of II Thess. 2: 1 “How we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by OUR GATHERING together unto him.”
Heed the warning in II Thess. 2:2-3  “That you be not soon shaken in MIND, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the DAY OF CHRIST is at hand.  Let no man deceive you by any means….”    


I would like to share with you matters which if not known will cause confusion in your study of the Bible.  I am sure there are those who would reject what I am about to reveal that is clearly stated in scriptures.  Let me start with Paul the Apostle’s remarks in I Cor. 10:32 “Give none offence, neither to the JEWS, nor to the GENTILES, nor to the CHURCH OF GOD..”
Here you see THREE distinct groups which Paul had to contend with, which are still present today.  Notice this; Paul is speaking to the carnal minds of the Corinthians who saw only divisions in their lives.  Paul had desired to speak unto them of spiritual matters yet their carnal minds could not handle it.  The predominated problem in that particular church had to do with male and female issues.  I won’t be going into that battle but want to bring out the fact of how their view of division still is with us today and how we must deal with it as Paul had to in his day.

When we see that the divisions are still with us, and God must deal with each in different ways, it clears up many issues concerning END TIME studies.  If we do not see these 3 divisions and God’s dealing with each in a different way, scriptures get twisted making application where application is not there.   I wished that the divisions were not there, and as Paul desired, to speak unto you as unto spiritual.  You see him addressing other churches which had come along spiritually.  For example, in the church of the Galatians he writes, Gal. 3:28 “There is neither JEW nor GREEK, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male or female; for you are all ONE IN CHRIST JESUS, and if you be Christ’s, then are you Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to promise.”  Also you see this in the church of the Colossians, Col. 3:11 “Where there is neither Greek nor Jew,  (following are references to GENTILES, Paul going into more detail) circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free; but Christ is all, and in all.

Without a doubt, these three divisions existed and exist today.  The main division is between JEW and GENTILE.  Notice how Paul sets apart THE CHURCH OF GOD.  Sad to say, today this expression used of Paul carries the wrong idea.  We all know that the definition of the Greek word for church is, “called out assembly,” those called out from all the divisions mentioned, creating what Jesus and the Apostles desired to create,  a NEW BEING, a NEW REALITY, having NEW POWER, power beyond this carnal world and its views.  Today, the word “church” only screams out to us “Division!”  If there is any unity it is only a compromise of the real idea, or some watered down idea of unity based in carnal ideas.  There is a true unity held in reserve expressed by Paul to another spiritually advanced church called the Ephesians.  Hear his comments concerning this unity held in reserve, Ephes. 4:3  “Endeavoring to keep the UNITY OF THE SPIRIT in the bond of peace.”  Catch Paul’s idea of peace in Phil. 4:7 “And the PEACE of God, which PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
True peace and unity must pass any carnal idea we have of both.  I had to give these opening paragraphs to clarify that the divisions were, and still are there; yet there is  a Unity and Peace from outside this realm to which we can come to; which when we do come to it, will give us a clear view of all that scriptures are saying without distorting it as some have done.  Let me now get to the point in the next paragraphs.

Starting with two of the Gospels, Matthew and Luke, I want to bring out how these two writers, Matthew to the JEW, and Luke to the GENTILE, addressed the two main divisions as instructed of God.  If you do not see this, a lot that Matthew says directed towards the Jew gets laid on the Gentile.  Now understand, as I’ve said, there should not be such a division IN CHRIST.  I am sure there were Jews and Gentiles who were in Christ, thus forming the third group which Paul called The Church of God (not our idea of this today).  Matthew deals mainly with the Jewish people.  A bird’s eye view of this whole book brings this out.  In this dealing with them it does so in remembrance of God’s promises to their forefathers.   Matters yet to be fulfilled, their rejection of their Messiah, their King, post-pones their Kingdom; Luke picks this up and deals with the Called out Assembly not the Jewish nation.  It has been called the time of the Gentiles. 
You can see what I mean in Matt. 10:5 “These Twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, “Go not into the way of the GENTILES, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

For years I got away from my end time studies which I once was heavily into.  I had, at one time, got caught up in this idea of a possible Mid-tribulation rapture and even considered what other are advocating a Post-tribulation rapture.  Being turn off to all the debates, I finally dropped it all.  Well, about ten years ago I was told to get into it again, at my objections to the Holy Spirit leading me in this direction.   I came at it via what I have called “dimensional studies” which prepared me for what would follow.  Now let me share something that has come my way recently.   I would see the source as from the Holy Spirit; I know others might not see it that way.  You decide.  Here is what I recently received from a friend of mine:
Post-Tribulation Rapture
 Those who place the timing at the end of the Tribulation usually base their argument on two parables in Matthew 13 and on the Lord’s Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24.  In Matthew 24 the Lord portrays His gathering of the saints as an event that will take place “immediately after the tribulation of those days” (Matt. 24:29). This certainly sounds like a post-Tribulation Rapture. But it must be kept in mind that the book of Matthew was written to the Jews, and therefore the recording of Jesus’ speech by Matthew has a distinctively Jewish flavor to it as compared to Luke’s record of the same speech.
Note, for example, Matthew’s references to Judea and to Jewish law regarding travel on the Sabbath (Matt. 24:15-20). These are omitted in Luke’s account. Instead, Luke speaks of the saints looking up for deliverance “to escape all these things” when the end time signs “begin to take place” (Luke 21:28 and 36). The saints in Matthew are instructed to flee from Judea and hide. The saints in Luke are told to look up for deliverance.
   It appears, therefore, that Matthew and Luke are speaking of two different sets of saints. The saints in Matthew’s account are most likely Jews who receive Jesus as their Messiah during the Tribulation. The saints in Luke are those who receive Christ before the Tribulation begins. Most of those who accept the Lord during the Tribulation will be martyred (Rev. 7:9-14). Those who live to the end will be gathered by the angels of the Lord (Matt. 24:31).
The parable of the wheat and tares (Matt. 13:24-30) and the parable of the dragnet (Matt. 13:47-50) can be explained in the same way. They refer to a separation of saints and sinners that will take place at the end of the Tribulation. The saints are those who receive Jesus as their Savior during the Tribulation (Gentile and Jew) and who live to the end of that awful period.
 So, from this article my friend sent to me, you can see in this piece what I have meant by different groups and God dealing in different ways with each.  Let me shares something more of what I have come to see lately.  You know the story in Geneses of Enoch; also the story of Noah and his family being saved from the flood.

With that in mind, follow what I have come to see.  Luke’s message could be considered to be a likening unto Enoch, and Matthew’s message liken to that of Noah.    Enoch did not escape the coming worldwide flood via a boat.  He had “walked with God” thus was in a spiritual, not a carnal, frame of mind.  Because of this frame of mind, “walked, or let us use raptured, from the coming judgment.”  Whereas Noah was delivered via a boat which, finding Grace in the eyes of the Lord, he and his family endured, was saved through that time of worldwide destruction.  Remember, it is said that every imagination of the hearts of men were evil; evil in the sense of being totally carnal minded.  Noah, though being affected by that mind set of his day, at least had not cut ties to hearing God’s voice as the others did.  Thus the reason of Grace, which defined means, “the giving of that which is not deserved,” and the giving of Mercy, which defined means, “the withholding of that which is deserved.”  God is seen in this, delivering in two ways, one via a matured spiritual mind set and the other of a carnal mind set.  Either way, they each are delivered.  Note; Noah later fathers Eber through Shem, thus you have the descendents of the Jewish nation.  A study of this people as a whole reveals them to be a carnal minded, stiff necked people, not wanting what their Father, Abraham, had seen and wanted, a city not made with hands.  This carnal people had at one time turned God down as their King and desired to have an earthly carnal King which was King Saul with an earthly kingdom.  Their views have not changed and Matthew writes his gospel in light of this carnal people, seeing that their escape would be a carnal matter of a physical escape fleeing into God’s place of Grace for them.  Do you see this?

So, what others are offering is a distortion of what clearly is revealed; two distinct groups with two different means of escape.  You can’t say that God is going to deliver you by having you fly to Jerusalem then say out of the other side of your mouth that you will be raptured.  It is either one or the other; carnal approach or a spiritual approach, a boat so-to-speak or walking out of this world.  You can take either a Jewish mind set and join those who follow that mind set and their idea of escape; or you can take a Gentile mind set and follow their ideas of escape, building bunkers and stocking it.  Yet there is a THIRD idea which is clearly offered “if” you have the mind set for it; that mind set is to escape all these things that are about to come upon this world.  Let me now continue by sharing more from this article that came to me recently.  (Have you noticed that just this article wasn’t my seeing things, it was seeing things from the Holy Spirit that brought this article alive?  I hope that this is the same for you.)
    Here is more of that article:
 Mid-Tribulation Rapture
There are variations of the mid-Tribulation Rapture concept. The most common is that the Church will be taken out in the exact middle of the Tribulation, at the point in time when the Antichrist is revealed.
This concept is based upon a statement in 1 Corinthians 15:52 which says that the Rapture will occur at the blowing of “the last trumpet.” This trumpet is then identified with the seventh trumpet of the trumpet judgments in the book of Revelation. Since the blowing of the seventh trumpet is recorded in Revelation 11, the mid-point of the Tribulation, the conclusion is that the Rapture must occur in the middle of the Tribulation.
But there are two problems with this interpretation. The first is that the last trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15 is blown for believers whereas the seven trumpets of Revelation 8, 9 and 11 are sounded for unbelievers. The Revelation trumpets have no relevance for the Church. The last trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15 is a trumpet for the righteous. The last trumpet for the unrighteous is the one described in Revelation 11.
Another problem with this interpretation is that the passage in Revelation 11 that portrays the sounding of the seventh trumpet is a “flash forward” to the end of the Tribulation. Flash forwards are very common in the book of Revelation. They occur after something terrible is described in order to assure the reader that everything is going to turn out all right when Jesus returns at the end of the Tribulation.
Thus, the eighth and ninth chapters of Revelation, which describe the horrors of the trumpet judgments, are followed immediately by a flash forward in chapter 10 that pictures the return of Jesus in victory at the end of the Tribulation. The mid-Tribulation action resumes in chapter 11 with a description of the killing of the two great prophets of God by the Antichrist. Then, to offset that terrible event, we are presented with another flash forward, beginning with verse 15. The seventh trumpet is sounded and we find ourselves propelled forward to the end of the Tribulation when “the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord.”
The point is that the seventh trumpet of Revelation relates to the end of the Tribulation and not the middle. It is therefore no basis for an argument in behalf of a mid-Tribulation Rapture.
In my dimensional studies I could see what was meant by a “Flash Forward” as mentioned in this article.  Remember, God dwells in what is called THE NOW.  Time to Him is different then what we experience.  One minute He is speaking of the past, and then jumping ahead is speaking of the future, and then bringing both into the present.  All of this many times in scriptures take place in some places in one verse or paragraph.  If you are not aware of this, you can get things jumbled.  Going ahead now, let me give the next section of this article:
Pre-Wrath Rapture
The cornerstone of this concept is that the terrifying events during the first half of the Tribulation are due to the wrath of Man and Satan, and not to God. Since the Church is only promised protection from the wrath of God, the Rapture will not occur until near the end of the Tribulation when God will pour out His wrath on the world.
This concept raises a serious theological problem because it questions the sovereignty of God. It assumes that Man and Satan can act apart from God’s will, when the fact of the matter is that neither can do anything God is not willing to permit. The Bible often portrays God carrying out His will through evil persons or nations. One of the classic examples is when He allowed the evil nation of Babylon to discipline Israel by destroying Jerusalem and the Temple and by carrying the surviving Jews away into captivity. It was an action that prompted the prophet Habakkuk to ask why God would punish those who are evil with those who are more evil (Habakkuk 1:13).
Any carnage wrought by Man or Satan during the Tribulation will still constitute the wrath of God. They will simply be His instruments. The Bible says God sits in the heavens and laughs over the plots and deeds of evil men, not because He does not care, but because He has everything under control (Psalm 2:1-6). The point is that He has the wisdom and power to orchestrate all evil to the triumph of His will in history. That’s why the psalmist wrote that “the wrath of man shall praise You [God]” (Psalm 76:10).
I think it is also important to note that when God pours out His wrath, He does not always do so directly. One of His most common ways is to simply back away from the nation or person and lower the hedge of protection around them. This is clearly spelled out in Romans 1:18-32. That passage says that when people rebel against God to the point that they begin to worship the creation rather than the Creator, God “gives them over” to the evil in their hearts. In other words, He just steps back and lets evil multiply. The passage further states that if they still refuse to repent, He steps back again and “gives them over to degrading passions.” And if they persist in their rebellion and sin, He finally “gives them over to a depraved mind” at which point the society destroys itself. Such destruction could be viewed as the wrath of Man, but it is really the wrath of God working through Man.
There is another serious problem with the pre-wrath Rapture concept. It relates to the fact that all the wrath of Revelation is specifically portrayed as the wrath of God. Where do the seal judgments originate? The answer is from the throne of God as Jesus opens each seal of the scroll that was in the Father’s right hand (Revelation 6:1). And where do the trumpet judgments originate? The same place — from the throne of God (Revelation 8:2). When we arrive at the bowl judgments in Revelation 15:1, we are told that with them, “the wrath of God is finished.”
Another problem with the pre-wrath concept is that it does violence to the chronological order of Revelation. The seal judgments are viewed as the wrath of Man and Satan, occurring during the first half of the Tribulation. The trumpet and bowl judgments are considered to be the wrath of God.
They are lumped together at the end of the Tribulation. There is no justification for putting the trumpet judgments at the end of the Tribulation. They are clearly placed in the first half of the Tribulation in the chronological layout of the book of Revelation.
One final problem with the pre-wrath concept of the Rapture is that it disputes the fact that there is no purpose for the Church being in the Tribulation. The Tribulation is the 70th week of Daniel, a time devoted to God accomplishing His purposes among the Jewish people, not the Church.
    Note this; the last time I came to a decision of this matter of the rapture, I held this above view of a Mid-tribulation rapture.  I now have come, as I mentioned, full circle to a Pre-tribulation rapture.  Here are the concluding remarks of this article that reveals why I now hold this view.  You will see why others do not want to hear about a Pre-tribulation view, and why I decided to not share, but rather share it the way I am told to share it, via select individuals such as yourselves:
 The Pre-Tribulation Rapture
I believe the best inference of Scripture is that the Rapture will occur at the beginning of the Tribulation. The most important reason I believe this has to do with the issue of imminence. Over and over in Scripture we are told to watch for the appearing of the Lord. We are told “to be ready” (Matt. 24:44), “to be on the alert” (Matt. 24:42), “to be dressed in readiness” (Luke 12:35), and to “keep your lamps alight” (Luke 12:35). The clear force of these persistent warnings is that Jesus can appear at any moment.
Only the pre-Tribulation concept of the Rapture allows for the imminence of the Lord’s appearing for His Church. When the Rapture is placed at any other point in time, the imminence of the Lord’s appearing is destroyed because other prophetic events must happen first.
For example, if the Rapture is going to occur in mid-Tribulation, then why should I live looking for the Lord’s appearing at any moment? I would be looking instead for an Israeli peace treaty, the rebuilding of the Temple, and the revelation of the Antichrist. Then and only then could the Lord appear.
This raises the issue of what we are to be looking for. Nowhere are believers told to watch for the appearance of the Antichrist. On the contrary, we are told to watch for Jesus Christ. In Titus 2:13 Paul says we are to live “looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” Likewise, Peter urges us to “fix our hope completely on the grace to be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:13). John completes the apostolic chorus by similarly urging us to “fix our hope on Him” at His appearing (1 John 3:2-3).
Only Matthew speaks of watching for the Antichrist (Matt. 24:15), but he is speaking to the Jews living in Israel in the middle of the Tribulation when the Antichrist desecrates the rebuilt Temple.
Another argument in behalf of a pre-Tribulation Rapture has to do with the promises of God to protect the Church from His wrath. As has already been demonstrated, the book of Revelation shows that the wrath of God will be poured out during the entire period of the Tribulation.
The Word promises over and over that the Church will be delivered from God’s wrath. Romans 5:9 says that “we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him [Jesus].” 1 Thessalonians 1:10 states that we are waiting “for His Son from heaven... who will deliver us from the wrath to come.” The promise is repeated in 1 Thessalonians 5:9 — “God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Some argue that God could supernaturally protect the Church during the Tribulation. Yes, He could. In fact, He promises to do just that for the 144,000 Jews who will be sealed as bond-servants at the beginning of the Tribulation (Rev. 7:1-8).
But God’s promise to the Church during the Tribulation is not one of protection but one of deliverance. Jesus said we would “escape” the horrors of the Tribulation (Luke 21:36). Paul says Jesus is coming to “deliver” us from God’s wrath (1 Thess. 1:10).
There are several prophetic types that seem to affirm the concept of deliverance from Tribulation. Take Enoch for example. He was a prophet to the Gentiles who was raptured out of the world before God poured out His wrath in the great flood of Noah’s time. Enoch appears to be a type of the Gentile Church that will be taken out of the world before God pours out His wrath again. If so, then Noah and his family are a type of the Jewish remnant that will be protected through the Tribulation.
Another Old Testament symbolic type which points toward a pre-Tribulation Rapture is the experience of Lot and his family. They were delivered out of Sodom and Gomorrah before those cities were destroyed.
The Apostle Peter alludes to both of these examples in his second epistle. He states that if God spared Noah and Lot, then He surely “knows how to rescue the godly from trial and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment” (2 Peter 4-9).
Another beautiful prophetic type is to be found in the Jewish wedding traditions of Jesus’s time. After the betrothal, the groom would return to his father’s house to prepare a wedding chamber for his bride. He would return for his bride at an unexpected moment, so the bride had to be ready constantly. When he returned, he would take his bride back to his father’s house to the chamber he had prepared. He and his bride would then be sealed in the chamber for seven days. When they emerged, a great wedding feast would be celebrated.
Likewise, Jesus has returned to Heaven to prepare a place for His bride, the Church. When He returns for His bride, He will take her to His Father’s heavenly home. There He will remain with His bride for seven years (the duration of the Tribulation). The period will end with “the marriage supper of the Lamb” described in Revelation 19. Thus the seven days in the wedding chamber point prophetically to the seven years that Jesus and His bride will remain in Heaven during the Tribulation.
Speaking of Revelation, the structure of that book also implies a pre-Tribulation Rapture in a symbolic sense. The first three chapters focus on the Church. Chapter 4 begins with the door of Heaven opening and John being raptured from the isle of Patmos to the throne of God in Heaven. The Church is not mentioned thereafter until Revelation 19:7-9 when it is portrayed as the “bride of Christ” in Heaven with Jesus celebrating the “marriage supper of the Lamb.” At Revelation 19:11 the door of Heaven opens again, and Jesus emerges riding a white horse on His way to earth, followed by His Church (Rev. 19:14).
The rapture of the Apostle John in Revelation 4 appears to be a symbolic type of the Rapture of the Church. Note that it is initiated by the cry of a voice that sounds like the blowing of a trumpet (Rev. 4:1). Since the Tribulation does not begin until Revelation 6, the rapture of John in Revelation 4 appears to be a symbolic type that points to a pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church.
Some counter this argument by pointing out that although the Church is not mentioned in Revelation during that book’s description of the Tribulation, there is constant mention of “saints” (for example, Rev. 13:7). But that term is not used in the Bible exclusively to refer to members of the Church. Daniel uses it to refer to Old Testament believers who lived long before the Church was established (Dan. 7:18). The saints referred to in the book of Revelation are most likely those people who will be saved during the Tribulation, after the Church has been taken out of the world.
Paul’s Assurance
An interesting argument in behalf of the pre-Tribulation timing of the Rapture can be found in 2 Thessalonians. The church at Thessalonica was in a turmoil because someone had written them a letter under Paul’s name stating that they had missed the “gathering to the Lord” and were, in fact, living in “the day of the Lord” (2 Thess. 2:1-2).
Paul attempted to calm them down by reminding them of his teaching that the day of the Lord would not come until after the Antichrist is revealed. He then stated that the Antichrist would not be revealed until a restraining force “is taken out of the way” (2 Thess. 2:3-7).
There has been much speculation as to the identiy of this restraining force that Paul refers to.   Some have identified it as the Holy Spirit. But it cannot be the Holy Spirit because there will be people saved during the Tribulation, and no one can be saved apart from the testimony of the Spirit (John 16:8-11 and 1 John 5:7).
Others have identified the restrainer as human government. It is true that government was ordained by God to restrain evil (Romans 13:1-4). But the governments of the world are in rebellion against God and His Son (Psalm 2), and they are therefore a contributor to the evil that characterizes the world. Furthermore, the Tribulation will not be characterized by a lack of government. Rather, it will feature the first true worldwide government (Rev. 13:7).
In my opinion that leaves only one other candidate for Paul’s restrainer — and that is the Church. It is the Church that serves as the primary restrainer of evil in the world today as it proclaims the Gospel and stands for righteousness. When the Church fails in this mission, evil multiplies, as Paul graphically points out in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Paul says that society in the end times will be characterized by chaos and despair because “men will hold to a form of religion but will deny its power.” When the Church is removed from the world, all hell will literally break loose.
The pre-Tribulation concept of the Rapture has often been condemned as “escapism.” I think this criticism is unjustified. The Bible itself says that Christians are to “comfort one another” with the thought of the Rapture (1 Thess. 4:18). Is it a comfort to think of the Rapture occurring at the end of the world’s worst period of war instead of at the beginning?
Regardless of when the Rapture actually occurs, we need to keep in mind that the Bible teaches that societal conditions are going to grow increasingly worse the closer we get to the Lord’s return. That means Christians will suffer tribulation whether or not they go into the Great Tribulation. And that means all of us had better be preparing ourselves for unprecedented suffering and spiritual warfare.
If you are a Christian, you can do that on a daily basis by putting on “the full armor of God” (Eph. 6:13), praying at all times in the Spirit that you will be able to stand firm against the attacks of Satan (Eph. 6:14-18).
If you are not a Christian, your only hope is to reach out in faith and receive the free gift of God’s salvation which He has provided through His Son, Jesus (John 3:16).
My concluding thoughts:
I have shared the above 17 pages to give you at least a chance to look at things beyond what is shared by others you might find on the web.  Really consider what is offered.  Read it over and over and ask that God through His Holy Spirit to reveal what is shared.  I want to give a free flow of thought to you now of what I have seen after reading other views in different books.  You decide if what I have seen makes sense: (What I share at this point was shared to a few individuals caught up in a web group who had those there thinking they would have to go through the tribulation period; and that the only escape they had available to them was to fly to Jerusalem and escape with the Jewish remnant in the end times.)

What I see in the Monitor’s book and forum gives you high lights of a pot- porridge of different sects thrown into the Monitor’s so called matured view of what he claims scriptures are saying.  You see watered down versions of Armstrong’s teachings, Jehovah Witness ideas,  Seventh Day Adventism,  Messianic Judaism, Anti-Trinitarian attacks, and just about everything and any things that has comes down the pike that you find on the web via numerous links that he offers in his book and posting in his forum.  To even begin to undo what he has done over many years would require that you traveled some of the areas that he has traveled and offer another books and forums with the pages and space for such an undoing.  It would take you years as it has taken him years to set up.  Or, the easiest path would be to trust the Holy Spirit’s conviction that there is something wrong in the overall view of what he is saying.  It was this conviction that I have followed and now am able to see through the smoke screen he has created.
  It is strange that he even holds to any acceptance of the Rapture at all.  Many of the main line Christian groups hold to some view of the rapture.  Many of these see the rapture NOT for the Jews or Gentiles but for a called out assembly made up of both, called out of this world view having a place specially prepared for them by Christ and that place NOT being this earth or Millennium reign of Christ on earth which will be a fulfillment of a promised Kingdom of the Jewish nation which has an End Intent; which would require several more pages to this article to explain.  (I have such a piece that is over 14 pages long which gives the reason behind this Millennium reign of Christ, which has the devil set loose at the end of this reign.  There is a reason behind this setting loose of the devil explained in this piece.  You will find this included in one of the chapters of this book titled, “God’s Intention”). 

The Monitor of this forum will be leading many to what will prove to me disastrous; a future move to Jerusalem said to be lead by the calling of Elijah, one of the two witnesses in the book of Revelations.  With his thinking that we are the lost tribes of Israel, he has lead many to believe this lie, and will one day follow what may appear to be a prophet, whether with the name of Elijah or not, having them fly to Jerusalem hoping to escape the Anti-Christ’s attack on the Jewish nation.  Hoping to flee into the place in the wilderness which will be located in Jordan, he is expecting this to be our only means of escape.  If you are of this carnal mind set, that is just what you have, a carnal escape with no guarantee that you are Jewish or that they or God would accept you as such.  The question of when and how to get there is debated on his site; with no clear answer given other then they will “know” when Elijah calls them. 

Here is what will happen.  Many will follow him as they have followed others who have sought to escape a dooms day prediction in the past.  Their prophet will announce that they return to Jerusalem, yet this prophet will be a false prophet.  He could possibly be the false prophet mentioned with this Anti-Christ who is to come in his own name.  Jesus warned the Jews of this one saying, “I did not come in my own name, but that of my Father; yet there shall come another in his own name, him you shall receive.”  You can see the Monitor of this forum , and those that would follow him, getting into such a position to receive ANOTHER; by their rejection of who Jesus was, they would welcome another, as they say, one who is divine. (Not as the Father revealed His Son to be, Deity).  Yet this false Christ, coming in his own name will set himself up as a god over all the gods…as New Age teaching is claiming and conditioning the minds of many to receive.  He will be what has been called “The Materialist Magician” using the god of forces, natural carnal energies to work his magic and sway those deceived to embrace him. (Daniel said of him, “He would not worship the God of his fathers, but would worship the god of forces).  Those who do not accept him will pay with their lives.  He will appear to have a love for the Jew; thus call all who claim Jewish heritage to return to Jerusalem through his false prophet possibly appearing as Elijah.  The Monitor of this forum and his follower will heed this call and seek to follow the voice of this false prophet working his signs and wonders.  God will clearly do what He promised and lead the Jewish people to safety via the TRUE Elijah, once this Anti-Christ openly reveals his true nature.  This Anti-Christ, unable to get to them, will turn on those claiming to be Jewish or Jewish proselytes, now arriving in Jerusalem, killing them who were not included in this place of protection.  Revelation mentions such a group of people killed by this Anti-Christ. They will have not only missed this place of safety for the Jewish remnant, but also the real rapture.  Their only hope will be to endure this time period and hope that what God had said happens, His cutting those days short.  Those surviving that time, will living out the millennial reign of Christ in their bodies as we now experience along with this remnant of Jewish people also in their bodies.  As for those Raptured, these return in resurrected bodies, as an ARMY with Christ at the end of this tribulation time, and will administer what is called a rule with a ROD OF IRON during this millennial reign of Christ on earth for 1,000 years. Note this; these that make up this Army, are those “yet living” and changed.  The dead in Christ over the past ages will be raised first then those yet living.  Those who die, being left behind during this tribulation period and receive the message that is clearly preached to the Jewish nation by 144,000 Jewish witnesses (not Jehovah Witnesses)…will be those waiting under the throne pleading for vengeance , which Christ and His resurrected Army will accomplish. They do gain excess to what those who were raptured gain, yet the delay is seen.  They could have avoided dying under the hand of the Anti-Christ and been raptured to this Army.   I see this as the only decision we are to make.  I personally will not be waiting for Elijah’s message and flying to Jerusalem.  I will not be here for that moment, which will occur for those of that persuasion.  So I ask, “What is your mind set on this?  Where will you be when this rapture takes place?  Pre-tribulation, Mid-tribulation or Post-tribulation; the decision is with you.  Paul

In today education system plus the media, attempts to block the Christian mind are rampant; so much so that when the raptures takes place they will give the idea that all these negatives religious minds were taken out.  The movie “Expelled” touches on this revealing how there are those blocking any creation idea, intelligent design idea, any ideas that interferes with this Darwin idea of natural selection.  They will accept some idea of seeding by a possible alien race from another planet, but they say even these aliens must have went through some evolutionary processes.  Kind of like an Eternal evolutionary process which goes on forever, having no beginning or end., yet without the assistance of a Intelligent God.  Eternal energy, power is behind everything, but not a God as we have been taught.  Remember, the Anti-Christ will not worship the God of his Fathers but the god of FORCE. We are being conditioned to accept this, forced to do so with the education system being controlled as the movie “Expelled” reveals. 

Here is something I never saw until today.  This thought came up, don’t really know as to why, nothing in the seen world prompted it.  It is said that God once shook the earth….well we all know that this shaking was what is called the Flood.  Many in the science world reject it I know, blaming it on a meteor and claim proofs to this.  I wasn’t directed to get into this debate but into something deeper.  It goes on to say that once more, not only the earth would be shaken, but the HEAVENS.  Well without going into a long definition of the word heavens, it is thought to be referring to The Universe....or does it?  We have seen it as the stars, galaxies, planet system, thinking the physical, as it was with the physical earth and it’s shaking.  Let me go on so you can
see the direction I was lead.

The physical…earth, was shaken.  We know the destructiveness of the water, of that flood, to this planet.  Don’t let that distract you to the physical, even though it was as we know.  Think more on the WHY the physical act came into play.  Was there something else shaken, which the flood was only a byproduct?  If something else was the real factor to this destruction, what was it?

Well, we all kind of know the condition of that generation.  Their thoughts were habitual with a oneness about it all.  Only a few didn’t follow what is called the Noble Minds of that day. Little else is said, or so I thought.  Now here is where my thoughts took off.  Jesus made this comment, “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Lord.”  Without getting into the debates over the second coming, which this isn’t about, or thoughts about this text, let me now share what I saw.

We are in what I will call the Era of The Noble Minds.  Noble not implying something desired but rather, evil.  Just what it was that contributed to the flood was this thing of the Noble Mindedness of that pre-flood world.  It is occurring again today.  If we look at our world today we will get a clearer picture of how that world was.  I often wondered why God didn’t elaborate more on the details of that pre-flood world.  Well, Jesus statement answers that question.  We know for a fact that history has a way of repeating itself.  If we know that, don’t you think God could come up with this idea?  If anyone really knows us it is Him.  So, in this knowing of how things repeat themselves, it was like He was saying, “You’ll figure out what the world was like before the flood by the repeating of it in your generations after it.  Just watch and pray you aren’t caught up in it all. (“As it was in the days of Noah”).

Did you know that the Tower of Babel ordeal was roughly 300 to 500 years after the flood?  Those after the flood were right back into what they before the flood were in and caused the destruction of that world and millions of people.  We can’t image people forgetting such destruction so quickly.  Can’t we?  You go up the road a little further and you see it again, Sodom and Gomorrha.  It appears to repeat itself over and over again.  Just give it a few hundred or thousands of years.  We can’t imagine it happening today....Can’t we?  We may hope it doesn’t happen and pray against its occurring hoping to buy time.  I can understand that and have done just that and feel it has to some degree delayed its coming.  What?  A repeat of history; something I sense is occurring again.  It’s been said, “What we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.”  But I have attempted to learn from history.  I won’t go into a long drawn out demonstration of all the facts that would be involved in revealing history’s lesson.  I will just say as the quote said, “We haven’t learned a thing, ”this “SOMETHING” I mentioned is occurring again.

As you listen to the News, view even the average sitcom on T.V. you begin to realize that it isn’t just one mind but many minds conditioned to where they form a Collective Mind, or what is called The Collective Consciousness; a mind de-personified all that it cannot see.  Seeing this collective consciousness today, enough is said to give us some idea of how it was in the days of Noah.  Just reflect on what you know for now.  Yet, don’t get distracted with what you know and end up missing what was shown to me.

As I just said, we also know that the next generation, shortly after this flood, was right back into the system which lead to the destruction of that physical world before.  It’s been called The Tower of Babel; remember; where they built a tower.  Well, we all know that it was more than just a tower that reached up into the clouds.  If seen correctly, it was discovered that it was a tower UNTO THE HEAVENS.  Don’t start thinking stars, planets, or what is called astronomy.  Don’t even starting thinking of astrology the false science.  SEE BEYOND this; the COSMOS….a word we all know today....remembering the T.V. series  Nothing wrong in seeing the wonders of this massive universe and its planets, galaxies etc ….the physical.  The ability to see it clearer then we have ever seen it before is amazing.  The Heavens, that which they had come to worship, their thoughts and ideas of this heavens, was soon to be shaken by God through what was used then, “the confusion of tongues.”  This One Mindedness of humanity had to be shaken.

Going on, I thought, “Why shake the heavens.?”  Also I thought, “From what is said of science today, those heavens appear to have ALREADY been shaken.  We see massive explosions in space, black holes giving evidence of what appears as long time destruction.  Yes...why shake the heaven?  Was it referring to the physical or maybe something different?  You can see now how my questions, not someone else’s questions, started leading me along.  The further I got the more answers came.  Then I heard it said that God’s main reason for releasing his wrath in Biblical History comes with a people denying Him as creator and attributing the cause and affect of an impersonal universe to their existence.  With that thought I now can see why He will shake the heavens; THE HEAVENS AREN’T GOD!!.  God gives their idea of god a knock-out punch.
Those of the pre-flood age set their hope in the earth; we in this age set our hope in the heavens.  We attribute it to our existence; science today, lost for definition of how we came to be are now claiming we were seeded by another race of alien beings…imagine that!!.  And now Steve Hawking the noted Physics says our only hope is to find another planet to live on before either we or some asteroid destroys us then blatantly denies God calling Him a myth.  No wonder God shakes the heaven this time. It will remove their idea of hope and it will be God in His love attempting once again to gain our attention to things unseen not those things seen which are temporary.
Let me now offer one more matter that has come to my attention and could be behind the reason God shakes the heaven.  There has been a movement called Transhumanism going on for decades now coming to light, offering utopian dreams of a world recreated after mankind’s image throwing any image of God, or even their evolutionary ideas have suggested.  The great god of science using Nano Technologies, genetically manipulation the genes of men and animals, combined with advances in robotic and micro computer chips and medicines, now looking in great hope to do what evolution to them has taken to long, speeding up our evolution toward an era of “post-human” – under the definition of “The Singularity” – the time when the computer (AI – Artificial Intelligence ) becomes smarter than man. 
We can remember the computer’s growth, when a man up against the computer could win occasionally at chess, out thinking the machine.  Then we saw the recent competition of a computer on a game show getting beat out by a smart human.  Believe me, that day is history; the computers today can think for themselves; they have learned from us and now are passing us, soon to be the teacher and we the student – or “slave.”  What appears in movies like “I Robot,” and “De Javu,” “Stealth,” aren’t so much fiction as a reality today.  The human mind is about to be shaken once again as it was in the days of Babel with the confusion of tongues.  We have once again thought to overcome God’s obstacles, which was to keep us from a New World order, today it is to the extreme in that we have come to the point if having one centralized computer into which all the minds of men can tap into.  The cost will be our freedom and humanity.  WHAT A PRICE!  We were warned by Scripture that one day God would given men over to a reprobate mind.  What I have just said is this reprobate mind, AI; men taking the mind they had to create a god like computer, fits the definition of reprobate – using the mind for which it was not intended.  What we had though would save us will destroy us; a true LIVING MACHINE, “and he cause the image to come alive.”

So, summing this up, what is this SOMETHING that causes God to not only shake the earth but also the heavens?  It is so simple that we don’t give it a thought.  Here is the answer; GOD IS THE CREATOR, not man, the universe or some alien being or living machine.  God is long suffering when it comes to a lot of our crazy behavior, yet when it come to the Origin of this Universe and mankind, God draws the line.  THE LINE HAS BEEN DRAWN!   He wrath is inevitable.   This “something” also gets into where it is said that God would “send” them strong delusion.  He gives them over to what is called a reprobate mind, meaning using the mind for that which it was not intended for.  What is this but the minds ability to imagine and bring into being that which it imagines within limitations; remember we or this Anti-Christ aren’t God.  We and this Anti-Christ, a living machine, might think we are God, but God’s shaking with prove other wise.  I used the expression “the materialistic magician” in an above paragraph, so here I will explain what I mean.  Do a web search on Holograph Imagery and you will discover how advance this science has become in our day.    In what is called Holographic telepresence they can record a three-dimensional image in one location and show it in another location, in real-time, anywhere in the world; along with, as I have said, LIVING MACHINES.  May God help us all.


Prelude defined:  introductory performance, event, or musical piece; something that serves as a preliminary or antecedent.
Preliminary:  Something that precedes or introduces; serving to make ready the way for something that follows.
Antecedent:  One that comes before.  Noun – that, (as a person, fact, or condition) which is responsible for an effect.

I had asked the Lord concerning the increase of UFO and strange signs in the sky over the last few decades.  His response was “PRELUDE.”  If I had stop there I would not have looked up this word.  Just when you think you know a words definition you are shocked of its deeper meaning; a meaning that, in my case, reached beyond the dictionary’s definition and addressed the question I had asked the Lord.  Out of this definition what follows unfolded:
What is occurring serves as a preliminary event that will have a TRUE event beyond it.  I gave it to you today on the way to work several scriptures that you know tie into this definition of Prelude.  Remember those texts and thoughts? 
Yes, as I type this I do remember The first word was “Mimic.” 
Look up its definition
Mimic:  One that mimics.  Imitate closely.  Ridicule by imitation.  One who takes part in an exhibition simulating happenings in real life; To copy or exaggerate (as manner or gestures) often by way of mockery.
What else do you remember?
I remember the verse where you said that in the end You would send strong delusion, so much so, that they would believe a lie.
From what you have just typed, can you see what that lie would be?
Yes, a mimic of an event we have called The Rapture; the sudden disappearance of people.  Typing this and reflecting on the other thought you gave me, “the Last trump”, has been make clear to me.  Many have debated this thought concerning the 7 trumpet judgment to come in the tribulation period; we have had it all wrong.  We couldn’t have known back then the events that now are serving to make ready the way for something that follows.  As the Thessalonians were deceived and believed the lie that the rapture had taken place and they were left behind is occurring today.  These prelude events will produce this same lie.  SOUNDS in the sky, produced by satanic, demon manipulation of the sound waves producing the sound of trumpets causing many to “think” this is the coming of Christ. 
Stop!  You are getting it confused.  Drink you coffee and pause for a moment.  Read the definition of the words again.
I read, “Serving to make ready the way for something that follows.”
Read on.
Antecedent:  One that comes before.  Noun- that, (as a person, fact, or condition) which is responsible for an effect.  So, what this is saying is, these prelude events are serving to make ready THE WAY for something that follows.  These prelude events are a mimic of the real event of the Rapture?  A fact, person or CONDITION, which is responsible for an effect.   This world CONDITION has come up to me lately…our being conditioned.  I said this to Mary the other night, that all that is going on is nothing more than conditioning; setting the world up for the lie. 
Only He that now lets, until He be taken out of the way.  Paul the Apostle used this to let the Thessalonians know that the rapture will only take place when God so chooses.  Evil knows this rapture is going to take place.  It will mimic it in some way; and we are seeing this happening.
I now understand “the last trump” …we wait for that last trump…it’s not the 7 trumpet judgments; it may not even be trumpets sounds, but only what sounds like many blasting of trumpets; we did have this wrong and cause a lot of confusion in our debates of pre-tribulational rapture, mid-tribulational rapture or post- tribulational rapture based on the trumpets judgments.  So, this is an event that will, or recently has occurred (News reported something like a sonic boom occurring when these recent huge holes in the sky appeared).  Many are seeing the holes as dimensional portals with pictures of what appears to be space ships coming out of them.
I find my thoughts now going back to Palm Sunday when the Son of God entered Jerusalem on a colt.  God spoke to the Son verbally.  The crowd that day did not hear God’s audible voice but said they thought they heard thunder.  The voice of that spiritual, for the world, will not register.  Those in the know will hear the voice of God and not thunder or the sound of trumpets.   Evil, being a spiritual entity can and will mimic this in some way.  The LIE! 

Reflecting on the opening word definition I just saw this… Prelude defined:  introductory performance, event, or musical piece.   I find my thoughts reflecting back on the movie, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.”  In the movie they discovered the way of communicating with the Alien ships…Music sounds of various pitches.  One was a loud bass which shattered the windows of the facility.  Once again “conditioning.”  This will occur and is as I speak.  When it does occur many are condition to accept it.  Not all minds are in tune with this world’s evil collective consciousness as those in the New Age call it; but all do watch MOVIES.  Just ask around, many saw this movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
I see us being warned of evil’s mimic of God’s events.  Don’t follow the first trumpet (the illusion now going on…wait for the VOICE of the Lord.   So it is important that we know His voice…My sheep KNOW my voice and ‘WILL NOT FOLLOW ANOTHER!!”

I also see in the above definitions; responsible for an EFFECT.  Look up, as I have done in the past, being prepared for what is happening, look up all you can on HAARP.  This is what’s causing many of these holes in the sky.  Remember, evil can only be what is called “The materialist Magician.”  Super-natural powers belong only to God, His Saints and un-fallen angels.  Satan and his fallen angels are heavily dependent on manipulating the powers that are; using humanity as in the movie “The Matrix”.  Satan has no power, he only uses that which is usurped from those who yield themselves to him by their free will.  The CONDITIONING going on is to this very end…the gaining of power.  Fear is a powerful tool used of evil to gain humanity’s powers.  Its main goal is to destroy God and in the process His creation.  You can see why God has to cut the days short less all flesh is destroyed.  No way is the devil going to destroy God; yet it thinks if it gains the COLLECTIVE MIND of all humanity it could.  Evil will never get that far.  God’s Ultimate Intent rules!!  We are of that ultimate intent or we are not.
 Reflecting more on these word definitions I saw this….
“serving to make ready THE WAY”   Michael the Arch Angel and his army of un-fallen angels war against Satan and his angels; Michael wins, Satan is cast down and it is said, “Woe unto the earth for Satan has come down, he “KNOWS” his time is short, he is filled with rage.
Michael victory is MAKING “THE WAY” ready for Christ coming to remove his saints in the rapture.  This is going on as I speak.  How long will this war in heaven last (dimensional realms) is to be seen.  Christ’s return still remains imminent.  Remember Jesus said “I AM THE WAY.”  How shall you escape if you neglect so great a salvation?

The mimicking has only begun.  As Christ ascended into hell to set the captive free, evil assent into hell to set its captives free, those of its will and end intent of destruction.  The hell I speak of are those imprisoned today, restrained, and those in society who only behave because of the law enforcement.  Budgets getting tighter, many will have to be released to make room; or eventually come up with a system to monitor not only them but everyone.  CONTROL.  This is after the rapture.  Evil becomes good and good become evil.  With those who were conscious of God removed, a new consciousness UNRESTRAINED seeks to change everything, law, rule etc. 
What do you see in the definition of MIMIC?
Mimic:  One that mimics.  Imitate closely.  Ridicule by imitation.  One who takes part in an exhibition simulating happenings in real life.  To copy or exaggerate (as manner or gestures) often by way of mockery.
“Ridicule by imitation.”  I notice today that where it was once those who accepted this UFO matter that were being mocked and ridiculed, now it is changed where those who DO NOT accept the UFO phenomenon are being mocked and ridiculed because of the over whelming evidence revealed over the web.  Fear is gripping those who view these matters..(Fear= False, Evidence, Appearing, Real).  Only a few stand between those who are going with this and those not; those who know what I am now sharing and are not falling for this performance which is well documented, yet not real as we might think real, only these know the Escape is assured, “Watch and pray always (in other words get into communicating with God) pray that you will be counted worthy to escape those things coming upon the earth, through all the strange events in the sky and upon the earth.  What makes us worthy?  WORTHY IS THE LAMB OF GOD…found in His Mercy and Grace. 
I’ve notice that in every movie that has come out in the last few decades the religious element is mocked in one fashion or another.  They are shown with the End of The World signs perishing with the rest.  Usually they are wiped out first.  It makes one feel embarrassed for claiming God and His Son and the word of God.  Follow this embarrassment and you will be left behind.

“One who takes part in an exhibition simulating happenings in real life.”
Simulate:  Create the effect or “appearance” of.  To take on or present a FALSE or deceptive appearance.  To be “like” or similar to.
A question; what “happenings” are occurring in real life today more than any time before?  Strange signs in the sky and upon the earth.   Who “takes part” in exhibition (display especially publicly) simulating happenings in real life?  Hollywood.  They make it even more believable.
The recent movie, “Legions”, as corny as it was and non Biblical, it reveals more of what I am saying.  Michael is battling again Gabriel the Arch Angel.  When Gabriel shows up, a LOUD trumpet is sounded for the whole world to hear.   The movie plot is that God is using angels to destroy the world for its sins.  Michael holds hope in humanity and rebels against God.  Gabriel stays loyal to God’s plan to wipe out humanity.  There is a child involved, which Michael sees as hope for humanity and seeks to protect the child of a woman who is a misfit waitress in a dessert dinner.  The legions of angels sent to fight Michael’s ambitions to save this child, possess humans and look like demons.  More conditioning of things to come once the rapture takes place.  Of course there is no Biblical base for this whole story; purely fictional yet with a slant to modern conditioning for Evil’s agenda.  Just another Hollywood twist of Biblical truth which makes you wonder who are they really working for? 


 (From Kenneth Wuest Expanded Greek Translation)

II Thessalonians 2:1-  “Now, I am requesting you brethren with regard to the coming and personal presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, even out being assembled together to Him, not soon to become unsettled, the source of this unsettled state being our mind, neither be thrown into confusion either by a spirit (a believer in the Christian assembly claiming the authority of divine revelation and claiming to give the saints a word of God), or through a word (received personally) as from us or through  a letter falsely alleged to be written by us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come and is now present.  Do not begin to allow anyone to lead you astray in any way, because that day shall not come except the aforementioned departure (of the Church to heaven) comes first and the man of lawlessness is disclosed (in his true identity), the son of perdition, he who sets himself in opposition to and exalts himself above everyone and everything that is called a god or that is an object of worship, so that he seats himself in the inner sanctuary of God, proclaiming himself to be deity.
Do you remember that while I was still with you I kept on telling you these things?  And now you know with a positive assurance that which (namely, the departure of the Church, the saints being assembled together to the Lord) is preventing his being disclosed (as to his true identity) in his strategic, appointed time, for the mystery of the aforementioned lawlessness is now operating.  Only He (the Holy Spirit) who is holding (the lawlessness) down, (will do so) until He goes out from the midst (of humanity).
And then shall the Lawless One be disclosed (in his true identity), whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of His mouth and render inoperative by the sudden appearance of His personal presence, the coming and presence of whom (the man of lawlessness) is according to operation of Satan in the sphere of miracles demonstrating power and attesting miracles and miracles of a startling, imposing, amazement-wakening character which deceive, and whose coming and presence is in the sphere of every kind of wicked deception geared to (the gullibility of) those who are perishing, (this gullibility being) caused by the fact that they did not accept the love for the truth to the end that they might be saved.  And because of this God sends them a deluding influence resulting in their believing the lie, in order that they might be judged who did not believe the truth but took delight in wickedness.

NOTE THIS: many have attempted to debunk the fact of the rapture or have watered it down giving you the impression that the Church will be here for this horrible time of what is called the tribulation period.  Here Wuest is really pulling all that there is in the Greek tenses and grammar to reveal the fact of the rapture or departure of those in Christ “before” this time of great trouble that the world has never seen before begins.   DO NOT fall for the lies you many hear or read or you may be left here to find out the truth.  The only event that the Christian should be focused on is his or her departure escaping the events predicted. 
Luke 21: 34-36 “But be taking heed to yourself lest at any time your hearts are weighted down with drunken nausea and intoxication and the anxieties pertaining to the affairs of this life, and that day burst in upon you unexpectedly, for as a snare it shall come upon all those who are living on the face of the earth.  But be circumspect, attentive, ready, in every season being in prayer, in order that you may have sufficient strength to be escaping all these things which are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
(Note this: the context of these verse reaches beyond our being just drunk will beer etc, not that this isn’t included; think of this text in light of the follow scripture found in:
 Isa. 29:9 “Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry out, and cry; they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.  For the Lord has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes;(think of what II Thess. Above said,God sends them a deluding influence resulting in their believing the lie, “)  the prophets and your rulers, the seers has he covered.  And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, “Read this, I pray;” and he says, “I cannot; for it is sealed;” and the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, “Read this, I pray;” and he says, “I am not learned.”    Wherefore the Lord said, “Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men; therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.  Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, “Who sees me? And who knows us?”  Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay; for shall the work say of him that made it, “He made me not? Or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, “He had no understanding?”)
This sure fits what’s going on in the world today; a real lost of Biblical literacy.  Our very education system is ripe for God’s wrath; it’s been researched and discovered that whenever you read of God’s wrath found in the Bible it is usually linked to humanity turning from God as Creator.  Go to any school or college today and see who is given credit for the origin of not only this universe but also mankind.  You know the answer because you personally were educated in this system.  Notice that Isaiah covers the whole spectrum of education by saying Prophet, rulers, seers.  We see this today in the religious system, the political system and that of the occult.  “All” of it is going in the wrong direction today.  Much of religion is lip service with what is contained in the book, the Bible, they teach from being either a sealed book to them or “turned upside down” having only social and not spiritual value.  See if what I am saying isn’t true; I’d love to be proven wrong for the sake of this world and what might be the soon consequence it I am correct.


This is all very interesting, but what am I MEANT TO BE DOING TODAY ???

This is where our focus should be…”occupy till He comes.”  With an imminent view one could do just that, as it has been done for the last 2000 years.  There is no “SIGN”…when it implies imminent, it is just that.  Here is its definition:  Ready to take place; about to take place; menacingly near.  As birth pangs increase it is menacingly near….MENACINGLY defined is: “Threat of Danger”…..Be scared devil, be scared world, but not us!!

 Have you noticed how things have begun to speed up?  I find I can’t keep up with it.  You find yourself for a time bouncing off walls of extreme, especially listening to the news and checking out the web sites others have asked me to view.  You react, and then recover.  I plan to redo my bedrooms, getting prepared to sell my house soon and possible move to where ever the Lord directs me.  (I really know, yet I don’t want the left hand to know what the right hand is doing, ha, ha!). 

The world is in a panic.  I once would have been in such a frame of mind, wanting to dawn my robe and sit on the roof waiting for his return.  I lost a marriage doing just that years ago.  Not this time around.  When He comes He comes; and He is coming for sure.  I have no doubts about this deliverance.  What do we do?  “Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to ESCAPE “ALL” these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21: 26  (Remember, the book of Luke is written to the Gentiles by a Gentile)

What makes you and I worthy?  Rev. 5:2 “And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the book, (with seven seals) and to loose the seals thereof?  And no man in heaven, or in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.  THEN THE ANSWER CAME>>>>>> Rev. 5:12  Saying with a loud voice, WORTHY IS THE LAMB that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.”    THAT IS WHY YOU ARE WORTHY PERIOD!! 

The only reason most focus and debate so much on this matter of when the rapture is to take place, is out of FEAR that if they don’t have the timing right and are distracted, they would be counted unworthy to escape and miss the boat so-to-speak.  He clearly said to occupy till he comes…(Luke 19:12- Here is the essence of this chapter….. He went to receive for Himself a kingdom, and to RETURN.  Ten servants, ten pound, each get a pound…then He said…”OCCUPY till I come.”  Note it says His citizens HATED HIM, and sent a message saying. “We will not have this man to reign over us.

Three classes of people are seen in this parable.  First the world; the world clearly doesn’t want Him to return and hates him.  He would mess up their self created utopian world.  Secondly, we see 9 servants who do occupy until He returns and are rewarded by being given cities to rule over (during the Millennial Reign of Christ). Then thirdly, we see one wicked servant who doesn’t occupy; who has a bad view of Him.

We see three classes expressed in I Cor. 10: 32 “Give none offence, neither to the JEWS, nor to the GENTILES, nor to the CHURCH OF GOD.”  The wick servant would represent the Jews; those citizens who hate God as the Gentiles; and finally the 9 servants who did occupy till He returned would represent the Church of God. 

 The church of God, feeling worthy and knowing what they do in word or deed IS FOR HIM, have no problem with occupying, thus would not be so distracted with “self” interests to miss His return.  The world citizens who hate God and don’t want His ruling them, occupy, but all is done in the name of man, my the power of man, to the glory of man, to which they profit nothing and lose their very soul.  The Jewish wicked servant has a legalistic view of God, not really understanding the nature of God and His love and grace, feel they aren’t going to give Him what they clearly see as “their efforts” to gain His favor, thus God must judge them by their own views.  The church of God is rewarded.  The citizens who hated God are ordered slain by those rewarded, the Church of God.  And finally the Jewish servant has what was once his taken away and given to the servant who clearly occupied tell He returned.


We pick up the News Paper, we turn on the T.V., we listen to general conversation at work; the more we hear the more “self” reacts.  We suppress what we read and hear and thus suffer unaware to what is happening to us.  We later take pills to counteract what we refuse to face; our being many times scared almost to DEATH; if we only knew that the pills they give us were also killing us slowly, this might also increase our scaring ourselves to death.  Am I scaring you?  I can hear it, “Isn’t it enough that the secular world is doing its doomsday writings, why are you Paul and the religious world doing the same.  Can’t you write things that aren’t so negative and adding to the doomsday prophets?  I can understand the reaction.  My sharing this article wasn’t intended to add to the scare.  I wanted to focus on this matter of “scaring “SELF”, my use of the word self implying something we developed independent from God, via our inherited nature through the fallen condition of Adam.  In order to un-root this “self” and this present age and get it to focus on matters eternal, it does have to be scared to death.
This self that I am addressing has its HOPE in the seen and the seen only.  Most of my articles have this end in mind.  I have had it said to me, “Why are you trying to scare me; you religious people are always using scare tactics to manipulate people, to win then to your religious ideas.”

I am sure there are those doing just that for money and support of their religious programs.  I am not doing this.  I have no money gains in sight; nor am I trying to get you to follow any particular religious denomination.  I am simply sharing what I have come to know to be the truth of our situation from what I have observed in the secular and religious world around us. 

Hear this Biblical text coming out of Jude 1:21-23 “KEEP yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus unto eternal life.  And of some have compassion, making a difference.  And others save with FEAR, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” 

Lot to this text, which I would like to use to get my point across; my end intent is to KEEP this Self, this self of who we are as individuals, yet for what has occur, this self, that we all have created independent from what God’s originally intend, bring it to its end.  You hear it expressed in the words of Jesus several times and in several different ways; each takes different extremes.  Hear is a mild approach found in Matt. 10: 39 “He that finds his life shall lose it; and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.” KJV   Here is that same text coming from the Amplified Translation:  “Whosoever finds his (lower) life will lose it (the higher life), and whosoever loses his (lower) life on My account will find it (the higher life).

That is mildly saying what I am attempting to convey.  Backing up in this same area of text in Matthew chapter ten, you see this increasing and revealing what is meant by this Lower life.  Matt.  10:37- 38 “He that loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he that loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.”  It appears to be attacking the Family; which could be argued God instituted.  How could He attack and seek to destroy what He created?  He is NOT seeking to destroy it; that would be the extreme which we all have seen cults doing in their set ups.  Paul the Apostle helps us to understand what is being done.  Listen to what he says in Gal. 2:20- “I am crucified with Christ; NEVERTHELESS I LIVE; yet not I (ego-self), but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now life in the flesh I live BY THE FAITH of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.  I do not frustrate the grace of God; for if righteousness comes by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. (Other words human effort is the problem here and must be surrendered).

In clear words, this is saying, this lower life which we discover and grow to identify with; for example using my self, Paul Woodward, a male individual living in the United States of America, Bridgeton, New Jersey; married to Irene, parents of Heidi and Eric; a Corrections Officer etc. etc.; this is the lower life to which we can become what is called “egocentric” meaning “holding one’s present point of view.” 

This point of view, in its early stages, has it intent and value.  For example, how could one surrender self, if one never were allowed to develop a self?  This self whom we develop over time in this experience will come to a time where it must be surrendered back to God in order for it to not only have value in this life but also in the live to come.  It is not God being a die hard, not wanting us to have a life, and demanding slavish allegiance to Him.  It comes down to a matter of free will and our seeing what He has to offer far surpassing anything we might think we have gained in this life and this life alone. 

God can take any life, anything we have accomplished, good or bad, and work it to His good; a good which has profit in this life and the life to come.  The world and its system, cut off from God, can only accomplish success in this life; whereas God and His system, which is called in scriptures righteousness, can cause success in this life and the life to come. Yet for this to occur, what we have acquired apart from Him must be surrendered; a surrendering which appears as death of the self or ego. 

There has been religious effort to accomplish this that gives the appearance of total death of the self, leaving one hollow and empty being absorbed into God, losing what is called individualization.  God has no such intent intended.  He desires uniqueness, yet not selfishness.  This self developed independent from Him, if not surrendered, does end up in this selfishness, either on an individual level or what is called a collective, group consciousness, or what the scripture calls “the spirit of this age.” With this said, I hope you can see where I am going with this article, and the need to have this self scared to death, in HOPE to realized a better hope then that just in the seen.

It is written, “If we have hope in Christ in this life only, we are men most miserable.”  What was Paul attempting to convey?  In context of this text coming from I Cor. 15:19, it is said in light of the resurrection of Jesus and the need for this to have occurred.  If Christ wasn’t resurrected, then the only hope He would have offered would have been no better then Masters of Buddhism, Mohammadism, Hinduism, etc.  Yet we know that what He offered out weighted anything these other religions will ever have to offer.  These other religions have made claims to have assisted others in this experience to gain success.  Yet they fail in that they can not save what the scripture calls the soul.  They can develop the soul, meaning the intellect, emotions and human will, but once developed, they can not save that which they have developed.  Under some of them, what is developed only gets absorbed into their idea of god thus individualization is lost.  In others, the self is so developed that God Himself is absorbed into what they called the collective mind of humanity, thus God is lost.  Only through a true Christian view of God, is God and the individual expanded and increased without one doing in the other.  As it is written, “We increase with the increase of God.” (Col. 2:19 “And not holding the HEAD, (Christ through God) from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, INCREASE WITH THE INCREASE OF GOD.”)  To leave out Christ as our HEAD, this SELF in its place, will end on one or the other mentioned above.  Death is inevitable either way, why not by an act of willingness, be willing to die a good spiritual death which Scripture advocates with the promise of the resurrection of this self to God’s original intend for us all, thus be able to say along with the Apostle Paul, “and the life I NOW LIFE, I live THROUGH the faith of the Son of God.”  It is our turning around (repentance’s true meaning) turning our back on an old system to a New Creation through what Christ accomplished for us.
In closing, I share with you Romans 8:20 “For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but my reason of HIM who had subjected the same in HOPE.”  The original intent of what God had planned to do through this experience of ours was changed, or subject to vanity;  this vanity covers just about everything we experience in this life.  All these scary things that disrupt our lives which we do not want to hear.  The reasoning behind these scary things is to BRING US TO HOPE…hope that reaches beyond this life.  A hope that Paul the Apostle called hope unseen; saying that hope seen is NOT this hope. The hope that God has to offer is eternal thus not temporal which is the only thing this carnal world can offer. 



You have heard it said to you for one reason or another, “That’s not reasonable.”  I want to take a look at this think of reasoning in light of what might be considered unreasonable in scriptures.

Would it be considered unreasonable to build a giant boat on dry land?  Yet, that is what Noah did.  I can imagine that they surely said to him, “Come on Noah, what you are doing is beyond reason.  Rain, what do you mean by rain?  (It had never rained in the days of Noah, the plants of the earth were said to have been water via a mist coming up out of the earth.)  How are you going to gather all these animals, then get then crowded into your boat? 

Still laughing they continued, “If you do get this boat of yours build, how would you will get it to the ocean, and if you did, the very bulk of it wouldn’t float in an ocean not deep enough?  (Oceans once didn’t have the deep canyons that they have today.  As a matter of fact, their might have been areas one could walk from one land area to another like land bridges).  
“You aren’t really a ship builder; where do you suppose you will find such blue prints?  Oh, God gave them to you…ha, ha, ha.  Imagine that?  Come on now, reason with us Noah.  How long to you suppose it will take to build this monstrous boat of yours; sorry, God’s?   What did you say?  About 120 years?  Well, that’s about the only thing that sounds reasonable so far.  I suppose you’re going to need some help.  How much do you pay?  Hay, if push comes to shove, you could turn it into a restaurant.  Now that might be a good investment.  Fun for the kids with all those animals; kind of like a petting zoo, assuming you are only gathering the baby ones.  Now that’s another reasonable thing, gathering the small animals would give you more room for the restaurant.  Good idea. 
How are you going to keep it afloat?  With what…pitch?  Now that sounds reasonable.  Most ship builders are using it today; beats moss.  I heard of a new way you might consider, duck tape.  Ever heard of it? 

What does your wife and kids think of this?  Maybe they might talk some sense into you.  Oh, they believe you?  I guess it runs in the family.  Do they hear voices too?  Noah, how is it that we can’t hear this voice you claim you heard from?  Oh, I see, you think you are better then all of us; Special case, right?   Well we just will see.  Why don’t you just think about it?  It just isn’t reasonable.”

So, I’m sure they probably had a lot more to say.  He probably was the blunt of their jokes; that is until it started to rain.  Well, that won’t be the case today; rain that is.  We know that fire is held in reserve for our day.  I guess we could say that it will rain fire.  Not that we haven’t seen this before with volcanic eruptions and falling meteoric showers; but then again, maybe we haven’t see fire as we might think, at least in our time.  It did rain a supernatural fire in Biblical history; twice that I can recall; once in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, then in the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt.  As a matter of fact a strange fire if ever there was one.  The fire in the case of Egypt was fire and hail mixed; where as the fire on Sodom and Gomorra was sulfur balls, which have been discovered at the site.  Science is baffled by their make up.  It is said that they fell from the sky and when they penetrated an object they would implode and turn the object to a pillar of ash.  You can understand what happen to Lot’s wife; she looked back and was thus hit by one of these sulfur balls.  Note this, the ash would keep its form; very strange indeed.

I don’t believe what some believe that it will be by the hands of men; other words nuclear explosions, but rather “strange fire” that we haven’t seen in our day and age.  It sure wouldn’t fit our reasoning of fire. 
It is said that eye has not seen or ear heard, nor has it entered into the deepest part of mans reasoning those things that God has prepared for those that love Him; could it be said that for those that don’t love Him, eye hasn’t seen or ear heard, nor has it crossed the reasoning of men’s minds the things God has in store for them?  Then this fire will certainly be different then anything we might think. 

                                                 TIME OF THE BIRTH PANGS

Without a doubt, I do believe we are feeling what the Scriptures foretold us would be like birth pangs of a women as she nears birth of her child.  They increase over a period of time, then the water breaks, and the birth channel is ready. 
Many have jumped the gun and have said that either this has occurred in the past, or is occurring as I write; then there are those that have said that it is near, yet not yet.  I believe the latter; the birth pangs are still going on yet increasing to the point that we will be getting a prelude of this strange fire before that day of great tribulation hits this planet.  I believe a prelude of what I have been told to call “invisible balls of heat” will soon be heard of in the News.  Things that will be beyond our reasoning; a matter we have never heard of before.

We hear of fires in California, volcanoes erupting, passing meteor recently in Texas, yet this is not what I am have seen coming.  It will be invisible to the eye and will cause fires which will stun the scientific world.  It will not be attributed to meteors, volcano eruptions, sun flares etc.  They will just not know and be puzzle as to their cause; invisible balls of heat, packed with highly condensed concentrations of energy.  Some might think to blame it on the recent influx of solar panels on roof tops of buildings.  Yet, this will not be its cause. 

I will adventure to give you its cause; something that will sound unreasonable.  Its cause will be God Himself, using what we have called a black hole.  Recently they have discovered that each galaxy has a black hole in its center; billion of galaxies with billions of black holes as their centers.  It will be from out of this black hole of our galaxy that these invisible balls of heat will come.   These black holes have “held in reserve” this fire which scripture has warned us one day will spew out what is now invisible.  Science has always said that these black hole suck in all the energy that come near them; to enter and never come out.  We haven’t seen anything yet.  We haven’t been around long enough to find out that what goes in DOES COME OUT.  Like birth pangs these black holes are having contractions.  We will feel the prelude of these contractions, until one day they give birth to their destruction as instruments of God.  And to think, we thought we had it all figured out.  We haven’t seen anything yet…but we will, as a prelude of things to come. Watch and pray always that you might be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come upon this earth.  Worthy is the LAMB…be found in Him. 


Becoming immune we lax our guard.  We have seen over history what might be called trial runs by the Elite to see how the public responds.  Doing this over decades one becomes immune to it all; kind of learning to expect it; market fluxing, inflation, depression etc.   We saw it when the price of gas per-gallon went over $4.00…we all adjusted to it, some reacted.  They will do it again and maybe this time more will react.  Has nothing to do with the oil or gas and its availability or price.  Yet there will come a time when this immunity will be taken advantage of pushing it further; kind of like the frog in pot of water on the stove, he sets there growing use to the rising temperature of the water until he cooks to death.  Slow steps, than suddenly the temperature goes higher as more complain; the heat is being turned up today.  More complain, which turns to another analogy of crabs in a basket; each pulling the other down as they try to get out of the basket before they all become dinner.  “The dinner bell is ringing.”
Those crabs attempting to climb out (complaining) make the “pickings” easy – they get cooked first, the rest follow.  Turning up the heat today has its purpose – heat representing current economical pressures – it allows the world’s Elite to see who wants to escape or doesn’t want to escape, then they know who to take out of the picture to get the rest to settle down.  Then control is established, they pick when they want; those settled down don’t resist, so they eat until they are full and there is no more, The Devil’s banquet.   The average person, the small appetizers, aren’t the main course, the “Elite” with be the Devil’s main course…they just don’t know that they are being used.  Like a fishing pole, you need string, hook and a sinker.  The pole is in the hands of the Devil; the string is attached to the hook (the Elite) and money is the bait; the sinker is our gullibility (debt) which caught us all. 


With all the protesting going on today over taxes, medical programs and etc. it makes one wonder, “What are we fighting for?”  If what Jesus said concerning the Kingdom He was offering us, if it isn’t of this world, then why are we fighting for this one of this world? 

I know there is a debate whether or not we should get involved with the cares and affairs of this world.  I might sound old fashion, giving out old ideas once embraced by traditional religious groups, which, not until the twentieth century, changed those views and began to get involved in the political scene more so then in the past.  I wonder if that was such a good idea; I for one have never really got involved.  And no, I am not a Jehovah Witness.  They are the ones who take matters to the extreme not saluting the flag etc.  No, I am not of that cut.  Yet, I could never see where in scriptures we were commanded to get involved as so many are doing today.

I can hear it, “Come on Paul, what are we to do then, just sit there and let the world run over us;  keep paying ever increasing taxes; allowing this Federal Government to take more and more control with out protesting?  What are you blind?  Can’t you see what is happening?”  I have been flooded with e-mails on all of this, so I wouldn’t say that I am blind to what is going on.  Just check out and you will see it all; both sides of the issues.  I have spent many, many hours watching both sides of the issues, to finally come to writing this article.

I remember one night throwing my hands up in despair and thinking, “Who has the answer?”
I did for some time pass out a lot of literature and CD’s on many of the current events and things that got me stirred up and mad.  Yet, it hit me, “What am I doing?  I have never gotten involved with these matters in the past, why am I now at this late stage in the game getting involved?”  I found myself distracted from my close walk with the Lord, things began to slip; I found myself agitated as never before, involved in arguments which, to be honest, I knew very little about, not having done any past research in these areas of politics and economics.   So, I took a few steps back to do some reflective thinking on “What am I fighting for?”

In my reflections I came to see where the real battle is to be fought.  And no, it isn’t what you might be thinking I am going to say, “a spiritual battle.”  That is parroted by to many today, so I had to ask, “Father, how do I come at this?  When do we fight, and when do we not fight?  I believe there is a time for war and a time for peace; a time to take up arms, and a time to lay them down.  I also know that there is no hard set rule on any of this; what I may not have done in the past I might do in the future.  Clearly, a claimed spiritual person isn’t to be probed by anyone. 
Matt. 22:17-21 “ Tell us, therefore, what do You think? Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?”  But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, “Why do you test Me, [you] hypocrites?
Show Me the tax money.” So they brought Him a denarius.
 He said to them, “Whose image and inscription [is] this?”
And they said to Him, “Caesar’s.” And He said to them, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

John 18:36 “Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”

Just two verses that give some idea of our fight; it appears to not be with Caesar or that present idea of a Kingdom, for if it were, Jesus plainly says they would fight for Him.  Yet, in the time of Christ on earth, there were those who were fighting for the Kingdom on earth, the religious element we call the Jews, especially a cut off group of Jews called the Zealots.  We know that they had rejected Jesus as their King, thus it is said that the Kingdom was post-pone.  Jesus did offer the Kingdom, a real offering, which they were looking for.  Yet, to reject its King was to reject their Kingdom.  So, at one point Jesus turned to the Gentiles and offered a Kingdom, yet not one of this Earth.  The Disciples at least knew this much, even if they didn’t truly understand it, that the Earthly Kingdom and Jesus as King, was rejected, thus what Jesus was now offering was not a Kingdom make with hands.

We as Christians should at least understand this much, unless we feel we are of Jewish descent, thus would be looking for an Earthly Kingdom having Jesus as King of this Kingdom. 
Our kingdom is not of this world.  Would you agree up to this point? 
Let me add a few more comments then see if I can get some more input into this from our Father.  In the time when the Son of God walked this earth there was a religious Jewish group called the Zealots; they were ant-Rome and advocated the over throw of that Government using hostel means to accomplish this.  Some have said that they once approached Jesus wanting Him to join their cause.  Of course He didn’t see their methods as coming from His Father.  They couldn’t agree with what He was preaching.   As a matter of fact Barabbas was a Zealot; he was the one set free that day when the crowd cried out that Jesus be crucified instead.  

In our modern day and on the religious scene, Zealots exist and would have you join their cause fighting the establishment.  Yet I question there ideas and would ask as this article says, “What are you fighting for?”  If this kingdom isn’t our true world, what do we hope to accomplish?  It can be a distraction from something greater, which I am sure they, along with the rest of the world, do not see or believe to be real enough to fight for.  This world and its cares and affairs are their main focus sad to say.  Now there are some who’s motives are different and do reflect a true fight for truth established in the word of God not necessarily a worldly kingdom.  It is my hope that what I am sharing in this book gives you the correct idea of fighting for something that isn’t temporary but rather Eternal in nature.  I have other works in the making that will develop this further then this present book.  One in particular comes to mind that I have called, “From Whence We Came, We Must Return.”  In this work I really get into sharing what I have seen concerning the meaning and purpose of this experience we all are going through in light of God’s Ultimate Intention which reaches before this existence, through it, and then beyond to the ages upon ages which eternity offers. 


I will be giving segments from Kenneth Wuest’s Greek Word Studies to bring out something that if it is misunderstood will give you the idea that the Church (called out assembly) will NOT go through the tribulation period.  The two important days are “the Day of Christ” and “the Day of the Lord.  I won’t be typing all eleven pages that he devotes to this subject matter in his book that does a great job of getting us to see this; rather I will be pulling things, then in my own words give you the idea of what he is saying without taking away from his exhausted presentation.  I would recommend his three volume set of Greek Word Studies for those of you who want all that he says on this matter of the two days, the departure of the Church (Rapture) and the end times; he has a rather extensive study on this which reveals how the Greek text in context, grammar and tenses clearly brings all these things out of a Pre-tribulation Rapture.

In the opening pages he reveals how in the Old Testament the stress to the Jewish nation is “The Day of the Lord.”  This Day of the Lord is the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ “with the Church” to execute judgment on the world.  The Jewish prophets prophesied about the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, His death burial and resurrection, and His second coming; the time period between His resurrection and His second coming, now over two thousand years, was not known by them.  The “mystery” of the church made up of Jew and Gentile, thus a New Creation, could not be seen by them, this remained a mystery until the Apostle Paul reveals it in his writings.  In chapter 8 of the book you are now reading you see me touch on this, “the Three Divisions.”  You have the Nationalistic Jewish Race, the Gentile world, than finally the Church of God which is a “called out assembly of both worlds, called to a New Creation.”  If you don’t see this or believe it, you will get caught up in all the confusion you see on the web site Youtube on this matter of the end times.

So, let me now give you a few paragraphs from his chapter on the two important days:
“Paul in II Thessalonians 1 is seeking to comfort the saints in the local church who were being persecuted for their Christian testimony and were enduring tribulation (thlipsis, “distress, straits 1:4)  These tribulations were the righteous judgment of God in the form of discipline.”
You will find many of those who say we are going to have to go through the tribulation period using this idea of all other Christians who have and are suffering persecution for their faith saying we will have to go through this because others have, thus don’t see us escaping it.  Notice Wuest’s Greek word “thlipsis” which reveals the nature of the persecution as God’s discipline and not His wrath.  You read the reason of this disciple in the book of Acts 17:10-12 “And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea; who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.  These were MORE NOBLE MINDED than those in THESSALONICA, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.  Therefore many of them believed; also of honorable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.” (Note this; this was a real called out assembly of Jews and Greeks). Wuest will, in the next section I give to you, bring out how these Thessalonians were just the opposite of the Berea’s thus needed disciplining of the Lord.  We all, in any time period, are disciplined of the Lord; this is not God’s wrath.  God will do as He has done in the past with the Jewish nation, use its enemies to draw then closer to Him.  God’s wrath is clearly dealt out to those who have out and out rejected Him.  A search of scriptures reveals this.  I will be dealing more with this later.  For now let me continue from Wuest: 
“Then he tells them that persecutors of the saints will be punished “when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that KNOW NOT GOD, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power, when He shall come to be GLORIFIED IN HIS SAINTS, and to be admired in all them that believe. (Thess. 1:7-10).  This is clearly the Second Advent.  The angels will accompany Him to the earth.  In His coming from heaven to earth He will be glorified in His saints and admired in all those that believe.  We have the locative of sphere in the Greek (GREEK TENSE).  That is, the sphere in which our Lord will be glorified and admired will be the saints.  But these saints must be glorified themselves if the earth dwellers are to see the reflected glory of the Lord Jesus in them. THIS IMPLIES A PREVIOUS COMING OF THE LORD JESUS to glorify the living saints and raise the dead saints for the purpose of glorifying their bodies restored to them.  The fact that He comes from heaven with them indicates that He had taken them with Him to that place previous to His descent to the earth, which necessitates His previous coming for them.

Let me stop at this point and add something I got the other night after listening to some audio Youtube presentations sent to me by my dear sisters Mary and Charlene from a group that advocates we will go through the tribulation period for cleansing.   Here is the thought I got:
If we have to go through the tribulation period to be cleansed and made ready to receive the Lord when He comes, then why is there a Judgment Seat of Christ?  For those of you who may not understand what I just said let me briefly explain; there are two judgment seats, one is called the White throne judgment seat; this is for those who have rejected Christ. (Rev. 20:11)  Then there is the Judgment Seat of Christ for those who have accepted Him. (II Cor. 5:10)  The Judgment seat of Christ is not a moment of God’s wrath but rather a cleansing and moment of rewards for the works God worked through their lives.
Take notice to the text that Wuest quotes where it says, “taking vengeance on them that KNOW NOT GOD, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I could spend pages on defining just what is this gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that they were not obeying; which I do in my other books I am working on.  But for here I will be as brief as I dare to be so you will see what I will be sharing with you in the paragraphs that follow.  This GOSPEL is not one of self-righteous acts to gain God’s favor for sure.  There are those in the religious world as well as the secular world that teach a so-called gospel that gives you the impression that good behavior on the part of human efforts appeases God.  I addressed this in chapter 6, “Going in the way of Cain, Balaam and Core.”  God has clearly revealed to us that there is NO WAY human effort will ever please Him.  Yet still, there are those that teach a way opposed to what God has done by the offer of His Son in our place, taking what we deserved and giving us what we didn’t serve, His mercy and grace.  For those that feel this way in the religious world, they will get a shot at this during the tribulation period.  It’s going to be one big wake-up call for them.  Many will find that they cannot endure the test and will recant all they had confessed all their self-righteous lives and join the crowd to avoid being put to death for their claims.  Those that do die will be those who realized that there was a pre-tribulation rapture of those who had no righteousness of their own, but claimed the righteousness that Jesus Christ won for them, thus making them WORTHY to escape all these things.  Think of what the book of Revelations says about being worthy; there is only ONE who is worthy, “Worthy is the Lamb.”  You want this worthiness He offered not your ideas of worthiness.

Now understand, they could have escaped it all; it was their choice.  They may have listened to those who said they had to go through it all for cleansing, thus they will.  Their cleansing still takes place at the cost of their own blood, though not at the Judgment seat of Christ where those that are rapture have it done.  Read it in Revelations starting with 6:9….you see them under the altar, those slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held.  And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, does thou not judge and AVENGE our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 

Now catch this part where I will make my point:  “And white robes were given unto everyone of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants (those who had followed their teaching) also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.”
Did you notice that WHITE ROBES WERE GIVEN TO THEM.  They receive the same robes we all get, the robe of Christ’s Righteousness.  They aren’t given robes because they were killed but because they HELD TO A TESTIMONY…Jesus sacrifice and shed blood.  They by this time have no doubt that the rapture had taken place, they were left behind because of the teachings they followed, they could have escaped and gained this robe of Christ’s righteousness at the judgment seat of Christ; yet here they are, in their own idea of it, now they know they must physically die.  They could have been one of those “yet living and being changed in a moment, at the twinkling of an eye.” 
Now understand I feel for those who make this decision unaware following those who should have known better.   Think with me on a song many of us have sang hundreds of times…”My faith is built on NOTHING LESS than JESUS BLOOD and RIGHTEOUSNESS; I “DARE NOT” trust the sweetest fain, but wholly lean on Jesus’ NAME,  on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”  How will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation; a salvation of a gift given to us and not earned?  Do we deserve to escape all those things that are about to come upon this earth in and of ourselves? NO!  But, through the God given grace offered by His Son’s sacrifice for us, we do.  If you trod under the foot the blood of Jesus sacrifice, there remains no more sacrifice you can offer, not even you dying during the tribulation.  As I said, it won’t be you shed blood that saves you but the shed blood of Jesus Christ that washes the robe he gives you.
White robes…did you notice that they are white….yet it also says they are washed in the blood of Jesus…those that are left behind are of the mentality that they had to save themselves by their efforts….they get the white robes that replaces their efforts….they are told to wait a season….I can see why….they need to come to comprehend how stupid they were to think they could cleanse themselves….our righteousness is as filth rags in comparison to the robe of Christ’s righteousness which is the white robe given to them….having no righteousness of our own.      Notice that the book of revelation jumps back and forth…in chapter six they are under the throne and told to wait a season.  Then in chapter 7 you are fast forwarded to the end of it all…then all of a sudden you see the preparation of the judgments of God and you are smack dab in the heat of the battle.  In all this and towards the end of it, (a little season) they are avenged by Jesus and His returning army, those who were raptured from the dead and the living, meeting Jesus in the AIR.   Those who had gone to the judgment seat of Christ passing through the fire to be cleansed…(their white robe of Christ’s righteousness and not their idea of it which is burnt up in the fires….NO FLESH INHERITS THE KINGDOM….then they with Christ return and avenge those killed in the tribulation.  We avenge those we loved and were left behind…tell me that I don’t feel for those I loved who are left behind.  It won’t be us leaving saying to those left behind in a heartless manner, “To bad, you missed the boat.”  NO!  You will return to avenge them.  Do you think Noah didn’t weep when it started raining and saw family members, neighbors and friends pounding at the Ark door?  Did you ever notice that it was God who closed the door to the Ark and not Noah?  He was not heartless nor should we be for those left behind.  We will return and avenge them that do receive the Lord during that time, coming to understand clearer what it was He accomplished; the Pre-tribulation Rapture with speak this loud and clear for some, yet sadly some may never see it.

Well I want to get back into what Wuest said about these two important days some more, so let be continue:
“John sees the same event in Revelation 19:14, where he says, “The armies which were in heaven followed Him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.”  These are the saints, not angels.  The fine linen, John speaks of as the righteousness of saints. (Rev. 19:8) Angels do not possess righteousness.  There is a distinction here between the second coming of the Lord Jesus and His coming to take His saints to heaven.  This is not to be considered as two parts of the second coming.  He has not been here the first time for the saints of the Church Age.  The second coming is second to the first coming as recorded in the Gospels.  The writer to the Hebrews speaks of this second coming in 9:28.  This is the second Advent, not His coming into the air to catch out His church.”

Let me now do what Wuest doesn’t do in this chapter of his book and jump to another chapter of his book that deals with this meeting of the saints with Jesus in THE AIR.  He is dealing with I Cor. 15:52 “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”  I will pick up his comments at that point page 58 of his chapter called “Departure of the Church:”
The word “moment” is atomos from temno “to cut” and alpha prefixed, namely “that which cannot be cut in two or divided.”  We get our word “atom” from this Greek word.  The change will take place in an instant of time so small that it cannot be divided, an atomic moment, so to speak.”
Jumping ahead to page 59….
We who are alive when He comes will meet Him in the air.  There are two Greek words for “air,” aither and aer.  A Greek could stand on Mount Olympus and pointing upward would say, aither, “the upper, rarefied atmosphere above the mountain tops,” and pointing downward would say aer, “the lower, denser atmosphere below the tops of the mountains.”  The Holy Spirit led Paul to use the second.  Our Lord when coming for His Church will descend to a point below the mountain tops of this earth.
So we meet Him in the AIR now is clearly seen as His coming for us.  Isn’t it strange how many of the movies coming out lately have Aliens snatching people out of the world to their spaceships.  It is as if an Evil is conditioning our mind to discount what we have seen about our meeting Jesus in the “day of Christ.”  So, they will say that those that were, from our view taken up my Christ, were taken out of the world by the Aliens.  I have read many books that those in the New Age movement have put out that give the same idea yet with a twist that gives you the idea that we were removed because we wouldn’t line up with their agenda for the coming new age paradigm shift.  In a way this is confirmation that their definitely will be a Pre-Tribulation rapture; confirmation after the fact.  Those being condition for this will believe that this is what happened.
Well, there is so much more that I am sure will come out in chapters that follow.  As I have suggested, get Kenneth Wuest’s Expanded Greek Notes to see even more on this matter of the Two Days. 


“Men will wax worst and worst, deceiving and being deceived.”  This is a confirmed pattern by this year’s theme to me, “The worst year.”  Skeptics will say that we have been through the problems we are going through before in the past and have weathered it and came out better for it.  Are you sure?  The further humanity gets from God, the worst things get.  This is being confirmed as I speak.  The more God removes His hand the worst humanity gets.  This is just a fact based in the reality that it is “through God’s hand upon us we live and move and have our very being; through Him all things consist and hold together.”  The removing of this Hand of God by either God Himself stepping aside or humanity’s desiring to remove Him is an eternal fact.  If we don’t believe this just read or listen to the Local, National, or World News and you can’t help but see this; that is if you aren’t afraid to face the truth.
Three choices are before us;
1.       The extreme of denial, not believing we are waxing worst and worst.  
2.       The extreme of fear and panic, seeing no hope of ever correcting what is clearly seen as worst and worst. 
3.        Seeing from a spiritual perspective the truth of both extremes of either denial or over reacting; turning to the truth of it all and seeing where you are on this broad road.  There is the broad road, either extreme, which leads to destruction; then there is the straight and narrow road that can consider the broad road and choose neither one.
I have viewed from Youtube both extremes and shared this with others as lead to do so.  The reasoning behind sharing these extremes is to reveal to the INDIVIDUAL where they are, not me or the speakers on these videos.  Are you fearful after viewing them; or are you complacent?  Are you in what is called apathy; in apathy you might say, “Who cares!”  That is apathy expressed after viewing the extremes these videos can produce.  I know where I stand and I have learned to keep this to myself.  I no long desire to share my position because you see people only parroting what you say when in truth they are of one extreme or the other.  YOU MUST be honest as to where you are; facing this truth and not lying or pretending, can lead to you being set free.  “And you shall know the truth and it will set you free;” the truth of our conditions leads to the conclusion of this text, “and if I set you free, you shall be free INDEED.”  If you lie or pretend, you will have to live in you lie and pretence.  (“If you be neither hot or cold, I will spew you out of my mouth.”)  God can handle you being afraid; He can handle your honestly of not caring or denial, but to say you see when you do not see, He must bring you to where you are.  Are you afraid; are you complacent?  Admit to it and ask Him to free you from one or the other.


You can take this for what it is worth. Let me share a view of this matter I hold to. It may or may not click with what you the reader have known or understood.  I have written on “dimensions” and have loved this subject matter for years using the term “4th dimensional truth” simply because it reaches beyond our three dimensional experience and limitations; of course there are more than three dimensions, without my going into this at this moment; I’ll keep to the question at hand of what happen to Enoch and Elijah who are the only two individuals in Scriptures who never died.

Some brief Biblical texts to reflect on, in light of dimensions and where these two prophets are:

Jesus had said, “In my Father’s house, there are many abiding place”…or the KJ says mansions. (
John 14:2). We could use “dimensions” without taking away the true meaning of Jesus’ words. So, read it this way, “In my Father’s house, the True Realm or reality, there are in truth many dimensions; if it were not true, I wouldn’t be sharing this to you. I go to prepare, select, a dimension for you that where I am (in the true sense of reality, a realm of many dimensions)… you will have a special dimension in MY REALM or reality, especially for you.”

Now read the full story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch
Acts 8:26-40 Then focus on this text in that story Acts 8: 26 Note, the Angel of the Lord tells Philip to “Arise, and go towards the south unto the way that goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza which is desert.” IN OTHER WORDS…walk there.

Now focus on
Acts 8:39 Without getting distracted with the old baptism debate, focus on this part…”The Spirit of the Lord CAUGHT AWAY Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more…”

Acts 8:40 “But Philip was found at Azotus..” the Old Testament Ashod, Around 20 miles North of Gaza from what I understand. He then once again is walking, preaching as he went, finally “walking” to Caesarea, a sea port on the Mediterranean coast, about 50 miles north of Azotus. Philip stays here and it is believed he raises a family.  Now tuck that into the back of your mind while we go on.

Note the word “CAUGHT”…in the Greek it is Harpazo, Strongs 726, which means to seize, carry off with force. To snatch out or away.
This doesn’t sound like walking to me. This same word is used in ,
II Cor. 12:2-4 , (where Paul is caught up to the third heaven) Also in I Thess. 4:17 where we see the snatching away of believers, or what we call the Rapture).

These few texts, of which there are many more, give the idea of a possible mobility, transition and dimensions beyond our limited ideas and how God has worked in the past and will do once again, beyond our carnal, fleshly views we many times impose on scripture text.

 I really do believe that the whereabouts of the two prophets can be found without saying they died as some claim. I believe they haven’t died; yet, I believe they will be the two witnesses who are killed and are raised in Rev. 11: 3-12 I know others have different views. I do not see it being Moses as they believe, here is my reasoning…read this text…Jude 1:9 Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil, he disputed about the BODY of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The lord rebuke thee.” Clearly Moses died.  I strongly believe that neither Enoch nor Elijah has died. I see it as a future matter, their death.

Now taking this further, go to this link at Amazon books.…524348&sr=1-2#

Once there, browse the book’s image on “See inside the book”….type in the search area this chapter title…..Where is heaven and hell? You can read Robert W. Faid’s book, “A Scientific Approach to Biblical Mysteries,” for free there. It is about Science’s discovery of Strings in Space and the subject matter of dimensions; many Scriptures are revealed in light of what we are talking about in this thread, Enoch & Elijah, also by the author. You can read his credentials in the sciences and the Bible also on this link. He sheds new light that is important to bringing out what I’d like to share further. Read this for now and I will share more.
I remember years ago reading in Jude 1:14 where it says that Enoch had a prophecy. As I read his prophecy it struck me….”Living before the flood, why didn’t he foretell of the coming flood as Noah did?” Instead, his prophecy dealt with our end times. The writer of this book of Jude, makes the claim that Enoch’s prophecy was addressing their time and ours in the future. Look in Jude 1:18….compare it to Peter’s words in II Peter 3:3  It is almost word for word.

Now note how Peter, almost as if in a trance, LOOKS back at Enoch and Noah’s day and returns a prophecy for a prophecy
II Peter 3:5-6. Then in mid-stream of his prophecy comes forward in time and addresses the present and the future. II Peter 3:7 Water then comes fire. Both at some time in the course of history held in reserve; one past, the other future, and Peter, all of us, sitting in Heavenly Places observing the full bird’s eye view.  You can see the confusion some get into when reading the Bible not knowing that the language jumps through various dimensional time period doors.  (This subject matter of Dimensions is developed more in another book I am working on called, “From Whence We Came, We Must Return”).

This is only one of the many other scriptures that you see this. See What? Paul the Apostle called it “sitting in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.” (
Eph. 2:6 ) …something I have come to call Seeing and Speaking from the NOW.  Getting beyond the distraction of focusing on just the past, present or the future and see from a realm that transcends the limitations of time as we see it. You can understand what Paul meant when he claimed that eye has not seen nor ear heard I Cor. 2:9 He wasn’t the first to understand this because he is quoting from Isa. 64:4 Any one, who walks with the Lord learns to see beyond this limited dimension of time past, time present or time future, and gains the NOW. (read Isaiah Chapter 6; you see where Isaiah got his message from.)

Now, that is how I know they, Enoch and Elijah didn’t die yet, I see them dying in the future. If you just focus on the past, you might write as Moses did, saying Enoch WALKED with God; and he was not; for God took him

Interesting words, 1. Walked; 2. Took… Do a word study on these two words; walked means to traverse. Defining the word implies to cross over, in this case, as from one dimension to another without the need to die. If you have read the link that offered Robert W. Faid’s book, you would be jumping up and down right NOW and understand what I am seeing. This crossing over is not New Age junk…not even close. I see Enoch not only speaking a prophecy, but traversing time…past to future. Why him?  Well, for one thing he walked with God. Don’t blame me, it’s God’s way of doing things that fits the TOTAL picture. Enoch saw it. He chose to participate, then and in the future, where he would lay down his life in a upcoming future, as one of the witnesses. You decide???

Now, the word “took”….guess what it means? Snatched, carried away; (not implying the rapture where we definitely will be changed, Enoch will change after they kill him
Rev. 11:11   Some have objected saying that no one goes to heaven until the resurrection.  I don’t believe he went to heaven; but rather traveled through dimensional doors to the future, where he physically dies.  I believe that Enoch is still 365 years old….he will be 368 and a half years old when they kill him. (second half of the 7 years of tribulation…thus add three and one half years).  Imagine that. Einstein would understand what I mean. Time is different in a different dimension. Time there would appear longer here. Heaven contains these dimensions, yet isn’t any single one. So, Enoch wouldn’t have necessarily gone to heaven, or ascended as Jesus did to the Throne of the Father. Is this too farfetched for you? You can reject it, doesn’t matter…you still get to heaven.  What goes for Enoch goes for Elijah. Many are called, FEW are chosen. We know these two were definitely chosen before the foundations of this world to accomplish God’s end time grand-finality. We are all called, if we so chose, to do our part.


If we as a nation had rendered to God what was God’s, His HAND would be on this nation and what Caesar demanded would be met, but Woe to Caesar if what it demanded were not in line with the will of God.  Where is Pilate today or the once great empire of Rome?  It had taken what it thought was its own (Jesus giving to it the gold coin from the mouth of a fish and telling those who sought to fight against the evil of Rome and its Caesar to render to Caesar what Caesar demanded.)  The giving was the RENDERING of judgment on Rome.  Today, giving this Federal Government what it is demanding will render to it the Judgment of God on a nation that has turned from God.  God withdraws His hand and it appears that evil is taking over….note, I said appears.  The once mighty Empire of Rome has fallen, yet today we see it forming again under a new order; yet notice, it’s once mighty power has diminished.  So, what appears is missed because what we learn from history is that we do not learn from history.  What is the lesson here?  The more God withdraws His hand the more it appears that evil gains power, yet what we see is that this power is less than its past reign of power.  We forget, thus think we are mightier than that previous great Empire; we are NOT!  We can’t, as a world, turn away from God and think in our turning away gain power; we lose power and are living in the illusion of power.  What little power is given will bring this sudden destruction after they think all is safe, and peace is around the bend.  No, what is around the bend is God’s wrath against a world that has turn from Him as its creator.  Its collective mind is no match to the power of God. 

So, give to them what they demand.  The more they ask the sooner the judgment.  You heap coals of fire on their heads of state.  God will provide you with the coals of fire (your ability to pay the coming taxes).  What you render is towards the judgment of those demanding control via such tools as taxes.  You do not want to fight Rome; Rome is already judged and your paying these taxes is evidence of this judgment against them and will scream out in their coffers.  Render to Rome what it is due…judgment.


It is a bad time to be distracted.  This is hard for me to say because I of all people am as distracted as the next person; yet, I must say this.  I watch family, friends, work associates and the general public distracted by economics, politics, religion, and the overall spirit of this age which continually keeps changing its mask to hide its agenda.  The only truth to be had today lays outside the box of this whole experience.  If you cannot get a hold of this truth, this other reality, there is no hope to be had that you will ever gain any degree of truth in this world.  You will end in “despair”…having hope, knowing there is no hope, yet still hoping… hoping the economy will turn around; hoping the right political leader will come alone; hoping for a religious view that is real not just some dead form having no power. 

I know that I have been saying these things for well over 40 years of my 65 years of experience in this existence.  Most have grown weary of hearing it and live up to Peter’s prophecy that warned us that in these final days men would look to their temporal distracting interests throwing out anything God has offered saying where is the promise of His coming, ever since the Fathers fell asleep everything continues as it always was; crazy people saying the end is near and Jesus is coming.  They no longer desire this coming, but rather desire the economy turning around and would bow down to anyone who could accomplish this impossible task.  They heap teachers to themselves grabbing at straws in some desperate hope that a “New” idea might arise, when we all know that there is NOTHING new under this sun.  What is being said has always been said, truth and lies, so mixed today that once again men cry out, “What is truth??”  It is clearly written, “Let every man be a liar and God true;” “There is none that does good, not one.”  Yet, we feel we have to choose between the lesser of two evils.  As I have said, “It is a bad time to be distracted;” distracted from the only truth that has stood the test; whether anyone sees this or not, I for one have cast my vote to the only one who is the truth, the way and the life.”  We called His Name Jesus; a Name that is above all names that can be named in heaven, on the earth or under the earth.  It is this Jesus who is Lord, and coming King to which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess.  I will confess it now, that I might be found worthy to escape all things that are about to hit this planet; a world which is in foreclosure. 

The door has been swung open for over two thousand years and now is beginning to close.  Once it closes it will only open again to bring about the certain wrath of God.  We all now could avoid this wrath and grab hold of the unconditional Love, grace and mercy of God to escape.  Once again, this is a bad time to me distracted; how then could we escape if we NEGLECT so great a salvation of being removed on the DAY OF CHRIST and thus avoid THE DAY OF THE LORD?  Two different days; which was developed in chapter 17, which one do you choose?  The Day of Christ gives us His Love, mercy and grace; the Day of the Lord comes with judgment of those who have chose to be distracted and follow this world that “would not have this MAN rule over their lives.”


The further we get from God doesn’t mean that God’s power is withdrawn.  He power is still there; it is only that now His power is set free from His guiding Hand and let loose in the earth.  Mankind will find they cannot control such power….you see why earth will moan and groan waiting for the manifestation of the Sons of God.  It, nature, is not seeing this manifestation thus the WORST this earth has ever seen will occur.  God’s guiding hand had intended to be through the sons of God…again this is not occurring.  So, if judgment begins, it begins with the house of God….different twist to this text…judgment through neglect on the part of the Church to do what it had been called to do.  Some are doing their part in the areas that they live; you see this if watching for it.  God’s withdrawing of His hand, the last strong hold of those who know what they are called to do will soon be removed, leaving this world without this restraining force in the earth….”only He (this remnant) that now lets (exercises their calling) lets (controls) until they be taken away.” It is then that this spirit of this age, which is anti-Christ, will be manifested.  This world will then experience tribulation that this world has never seen or will ever see again because the restrain force of this remnant is removed… you can see why He cuts those days short, unless all flesh perish.
As I have said, the sustaining power of God has always been there, yet the further mankind gets from God, the more this power is set free to do its destructive work.  This power would have served mankind rather than destroyed them; if only they had not allowed their thoughts to depart from it was in the days of Noah, every imagination of the hearts of men were evil; evil in the sense that they worshipped the creation more than its creator….this creation, set loose from God’s good purposes can only do its uncontrolled worst.  Creation is only power needing control; leave God out of the picture and it is only raw power set loose; the magician’s wand in the hands of fallen men.


In contemplation one afternoon I had was considering the current world situation asking for more answers on it all.  I was feeling helpless wishing I could do something to help those around me.  I had said, “Lord, you only could solve it.  Come!”  Read the following answer in light of this asking for Him to come….
“For Me to come now, it will shake the heavens, meaning space, the universe as you now know it.  Yet, I must come someday, but not yet!
(This thought came moments later to further expand)
Imagine the affect of the Creator of these energies of this universe passing through them, coming to answer your call.  Do you know what you are asking for?  Not meaning to be destructive, which it would be to your perception, yet it would just be the way that it is.  His passing through them would be their consummation.  I have created, I have sustained and now am passing through, consummating that created and sustained; and now you are without excuse because your satellite telescopes are seeing in the depths of this universe its consummation, My coming,… and yet once more, not only will I shaking the earth but also the heavens….But not YET!
(I had thought I understood the above thoughts, then these added thoughts came to explain it more, this above idea of His ANSWERING OUR CALL.
Remember the quote you like to use, “Every act of creation is always first an act of destruction.”  For example, it might be tragic to see GM Motors go under and millions of jobs lost, but if this act of destruction were an act of creation, a new and better company, once again employing those who lost their job, raised up from the ashes, building a New Line of Fuel Efficient and environmentally friendly vehicle for our children and those in the future, would this which now appears destructive, be destructive?
This need not be a tragedy or the end.  What we do now will determine the outcome of our future.  Welcome change with re-education and new opportunities.  This is the nature of a Paradigm Shift.  Yet you know that there are those in the world who have an invested interest in keeping the statuesque.
As for MY coming, I am with you…what do you want to do with the current energies.  Constructive or destructive wrestle for control, yet you are the one’s who determine who gets what.  Again, what do you want?  
That’s the question of all questions…What do we want?  Sure, we want Him to come.  Yes, for some who have a different view of what this means, His coming, to them He has already came.  A lot has been shared in this forum on this in the past.  The question is, if you “REALLY” understood the meaning behind this “COMING” whether you believe it is future, present or past, do you really understand the affect of this coming?  If it really did occur as some imply, then for them the affect of His coming would be overwhelming to the carnal mind.  I personally do believe that they don’t know what they are talking about.  I do know He did come to an individual like Paul the Apostle.  It was devastating to his life and his old ideas.  You read it in just about ever letter he wrote.  He came to call it “The High Calling” of God.  This, COMING, cost him his life and strange as it may sound, he willingly laid it down, no one took it.  Maybe the test will be, for those that claim that He has already come, maybe the test will be laying down their lives?  So in this sense of His coming, would you want Him to come?  Sounds destructive; yet, would it be? 
I said all this to get to a point.  The point of our poor perceptions of His coming, destructiveness, creativeness, life, death, and all their affects on us; we in our carnal perspective would only see His coming as a destructive matter and not a creative matter.  It does say after this coming there is a NEW heaven and NEW earth.  Sounds constructive to me, so why do so many focus only on the carnal perspectives of seeing it as a destructive thing?  They couldn’t seriously be wishing for destructiveness?  Now some may, having some sick death wish, may want “ALL” thing to perish.  Now that sounds evil and it is.  I am sure for most here that isn’t the case.  We want His coming, and do see it as a creative, renewing act and not the reverse.  So, do we need this renewing?  Another question; just another question that we must all answer and decide whether it is needed as to our past, present or future; simple answer, we need this coming in the light of our WHOLE EXPERIENCE.  Guess what, He did come, because He had come and will come again from Eternity past, present and future.  As destructive as it may have appeared at time, it really wasn’t. 
I’ll leave you with a word from Richard Bach’s Book, “Illusions”…”The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy.  What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the MASTER calls a butterfly.”    Get past the idea that those of the New Age Movement quote from Richard Bach’s writing, see it for what it is worth.  Need I say anymore?


 (Addressing the question, “Why is the Devil set loose at the end of the 1,000 year reign of Christ on Earth?  This article leads to this answer.  I had asked this question back in 1986.  This 20 page article was the answer to this question.  You can Jump ahead to the following yellow highlighted pages to get the essence of this answer that this long piece develops.  Do come back and read how this answer was developed, it will mean a lot more…pgs. 7, 8, 13, 14

This article deals with Biblical History and God’s perspective and overall plan, purpose and what He had intended to accomplish in time.  Something other than what we have thought would come about.  I had found it hard to put into simple words; so I am going to have to give it to you in the various bits and pieces in which the Lord has given it to me.  It’s very unique and different; so I hope that you bear with me as I give it to you in this long drawn out fashion.

To begin, I would like to give to you a few notes that I have jotted down in the past along these lines.  I was reading through a book one night out of my library and I came across these notes.  I don’t even remember writing them.  It’s one of those unique things God will give to you through thoughts, then has you write it down on paper and you end up putting it in a book or something and end up coming back to it weeks, months or years later.  You come across notes and ask yourself, “Who wrote this?”  So, these are just some of the scratched notes that I have. I’ll give you these notes and fill in the gaps as we go along.

I first had thoughts, thoughts as though God had given me a direct statement to give to the world.  So, I will write as though God were speaking:
“And He said, “It was not for the lack of life, longevity that you did not come to ME. After a life of 969 years some still would not even seek ME.  It was not for lack of government that your problems came about.  You had it, ONE WORLD ORDER, with your Tower of Babel.  It was not because of the many divisions and each blaming one another for its problems.  I allowed you to form your World Order (thinking back on the Tower of Babel) in order to give you something so that you would see something.  I caused your divisions for the same purpose, to get you to see something.  And I now ask you, “What have you seen?”
    Then in mid-stream He asked another question, “Was it Cain’s fought or was it Abel’s fought?  Or was it to be blamed on their Mother and Father for their son’s crime?  Who is to blame?”
I had another thought that replied to this question.  Here is that reply, “The Evil in you would have you to blame ME, God, and then tells you, He kept you from His precious knowledge.  But you have sought it anyway just like your father Adam.  You tried killing off all the divisions; you tried prolonging life, only finding out that with all your machinery that you had to pull the plug, less the body sit there and decay and rot.  You tried pleasure after pleasure and only ended up in drugs.”
Then at this point I wrote down some of my own thoughts because He had asked the question, “What have I seen?”  Here is what I answered, “I have seen that time, though in some cases too little, is not an excuse.  You, God, gave a generation of men at one time all the time that they needed, only to end up with eight people devoted to You and able to hear You.  Give us more time?  My answer is NO!  It wouldn’t change a thing.  Here is my answer, “Come now Lord Jesus, come quickly.”
Then my thoughts continued, “It’s not the White man against the Black man.  In the two camps there are also divisions that have divisions, that have divisions etc. etc.  The Unifying factor in all the divisions, seeing it from experience, is this matter of HATE.  But then a question I had after this thought was, “Hate for who?”

Now we are blaming one another; blaming particular people, places and things.  But in the base nature of every one of us is a deep seated hatred for God.  We have inherited that from our father Adam.  And that is what God is going to try to prove and show each and every one of us through the diversity of ways that He has spoken down through history, that it was in each and every one of us.  You see it revealed, Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the Serpent, Cain blamed Abel.  So we see that early family forming the foundation of what I’d like to call an UNTRUTH.  The result of this UNTRUTH was the world wide Biblical Flood.  Now I believe that God spoke to a lot of people before this flood of Noah’s day; Noah was the only one who listened.  Was he somebody special?  No, because it says that Noah found GRACE in the eyes of the Lord.  Remember, grace defined says that God gave Noah something that he didn’t deserve, and revealing His mercy, held back what he did deserve.  He deserved to drown with the rest.  What saved him?  It’s simple, “HE LISTENED TO GOD.”   This is all that I am saying today to those I encounter.  I don’t particularly care what you have done, who you are, where you have been or anything like that.  All that I ask you to do is to listen.  Just listen to this truth, the truth that I am getting tried of saying.  Tried of telling people to the point that it makes you want to fold up into your own little world and close the door to your ark and just wait for the judgment of God to come, and it is coming.

I sat the other day (this was in 1986) at my kitchen table talking to Irene, my wife, about my feelings.  I was reflecting about our recent vacation to Florida and being among thousands and thousands of people.  I shared that I tried to be happy and have a good time. Now I did have somewhat of a good time but I couldn’t help but think about the eternal condition of all these people.  How many really knew Him?  How many would perish?  Then at one point in my conversation to my wife I remember saying, “I’m not going to worry about them any more; that’s it, they are just going to have to die.”

Then I sat there telling Irene I don’t care about them anymore.  And I said something to the affect that I don’t think Noah cared anymore and that is why he went into the Ark and closed the door.  So that showed that he turned his back on them all and closed the door letting them all perish.

BUT, then the Lord corrected me.  He said, “If Noah didn’t care, let ME ask you a question, “Why did he get drunk after the flood?”

That is what the Biblical record shows. After the flood was complete and all those people drowned and just Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives, were the only ones to survive, Noah got drunk.   See it as it was, they all had other family members, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Mother and Father –in-laws, neighbors they all knew and probably liked; these all perished.  Did Noah care?  YES, I believe he did.  He couldn’t even close the door on the Ark because it is written that “God closed the door.”  Noah wept as God closed the door on all those thousands and thousands of people.  And I believe the pressure was so bad, the grief was so bad, that after the flood subsided, that Noah got a good drunk on.  He still found grace in God’s eyes.  God could understand that.  And I weep to, for I feel so bad for this world because you can’t talk to them.  You can’t get them distracted from all the distractions of this life.  The cares and affairs of this world totally occupy their minds.  Christ had said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.”  How was it?  It says that their thoughts were evil continually.  Now we hear the word “evil” and we start to think of evil and our interpretation of that evil.  I don’t think it was so much an evil in the sense of deed, but that they were preoccupied with themselves and their world cut off from God, thus having no thought or communications with Him.

If we ever kept records of how many times we thought about God throughout the course of a day, a week, a month or year, for some of us we would be able to count it on one hand.  Like someone once said it, “If Christianity, a love and belief for God and Christ, were a crime, would they have enough evidence against you to convict you?”  I wonder sometimes, would they?

I can see so far that this article is down beat.  It’s my hope that in the concluding remarks to bring it to an up-beat note.  So, for now it will have to appear down beat from all the bad vibrations that I have picked up, bad thoughts and bad emotions.  But there we go, giving our interpretation of what is good and what is bad.  Theses thoughts I have shared thus far are good thoughts and feelings; matters I feel in my spirit.  For you see that I am just like anybody else; I can be just as distracted as the next guy and be involved in my own human emotions.  The feelings I am feeling right now aren’t my fleshly emotions, but are emotions that come from deep in my spirit.  They cry out in tears for this world around me.  I wonder what is going to happen to them; were Christ to come today, tomorrow or years ahead, would they be ready?

Imagine with me, Noah preaching a message to those of his day.  It was at least 120 years of warning given by him.  God gave them grace through Noah’s message and his actions.  Then after 120 years they wouldn’t believe him and they all perished.  Man, I hope that this doesn’t happen today.  I hope and pray to God that thousands will hear and believe.  And I feel in my spirit that many are hearing this message and believing it.

Now let us try to get on track to the opening purpose of this article where God has been trying to show mankind what He wanted for each and everyone of us, a one on One relationship with Himself; a relationship that would bring us to the truth of our nature and condition; of our fall through one couple, Adam & Eve, and our need for salvation, deliverance from this condition.
So, throughout the rest of this article I’m not going to spend time quoting the Bible to you.  I may make references to it yet not verbatim.  This article is meant to be a general reference of my own personal studies; my own readings of that book the Bible, my own life’s view of what I see and have come to perceive and understand to be the truth.

I see where many times I’ve tried to do just what Adam and Eve did.  Like Adam, I blamed my ex-wife. (Earlier10 yr. marriage; I am now married to Irene for 35 years).  And I’m sure that she has blamed me.  Later on the kids will blame us for their foughts.  But what it all comes down to is our base nature, our own personal responsibility before God and our coming to the truth that He has always wanted us to see, there will be no excuse.  Something like David said, “From my mother’s womb was I conceived in sin, or sin nature.”  This weak flesh, this restricted limited self that falls shorts.  Which is a Biblical definition of sin, or falling short and missing the mark, cut off from God, thus acting independent from Him; none of us hits a bull’s eye when it comes to our life.  And we are only deceiving ourselves to think that we do.  It’s those that realize this fact that begin to understand any kind of truth at all and will find grace in God’s eyes and be delivered from His wrath which we all deserve.

The wrath of God; now this sounds very religious, but it is the truth.  We don’t deserve anything from God.  If we deserve anything it is His wrath for ignoring Him, not consulting Him, not seeking Him; trying to make our own plans and purposes totally independent from Him.  If you could log all the times that we have done this, we would have volumes upon volumes of such acts.  That’s what I think the book of Revelations is talking about when God opens the books to judge those that have rejected Him, ignored Him and rejected His Son, Jesus Christ.  They will be judged from their own created book of their own plans, schemes, ideas, dreams, and aims and purposes.  He will judge them for all this they had created and let them know that their books have missed the mark.  And what was the mark that they missed?  Precisely what God had been trying to show mankind ever sense their forefather Adam fell; that they were conceived with a sin nature, a fleshly world view that was prone and driven to go totally independent from God just like their father Adam.  To declare our own independence from God, that is our problem.

There is something that used to always puzzle me about the coming Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth; that 1,000 year period, where Satan and his demons and fallen angels are bound in the pit during that 1,000 year period of Christ’s reign.  It will be this earth that we now see.  They will rebuild that world that was partly destroyed during the 7 year tribulation period.  And during this time He is going to have to take that generation, which may be those who are living today; bring those people to see what He has been trying to get all of the preceding generations to see.

I believe what the Bible says, that men have gotten worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  And I believe, to the disapproval of the world around me, that this is the worse generation that has ever inhabited this earth.  I’m sure you have heard other people say, “Well, come on now, the teenagers back in the 17th century, if you heard their parents talking about them, they would sound like the teenagers of today. “  But, if you trace history, truly trace history, you will see that men have gotten worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, being lead astray from God, falling for doctrines of devils and demons that have lead men totally independent from God.

Now understand that devils and demons are not something that’s hideous; a guy with a red suit and horns, witches and such that we see on T.V. and all.  These doctrines of devils and demons could be base upon truth and good things.  They only wear those good things and good truth as a mask to hide their true purpose and aim.  And their true purpose and aim is to get us to live totally independent from God; to achieve their own goals.  To establish this Evil’s own world, it’s New World Order, which is really nothing new; it’s nothing more than the reinstitution of what the Biblical record showed in the first fall where God had to annihilate a whole generation of people by the flood.  We are just redoing what we have done before.  So like it’s been said, “What we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history.”  We haven’t learned a thing.  We are trying to establish a New World Order and we are basing it upon the Babylonian cults and not even realizing that we are doing this.  And you can’t convince people other wise.  Now we are doing exactly what that generation did.  The only difference between that generation and this one is that we won’t be destroyed by a flood but by fire.  That is what God has promised.  He would never flood the whole world again, which He shows through the sign of the rainbow.  But, He also said that He would in the End Times destroy this present world, this generation of people, with fire. 

Back to thinking of this generation, especially during that 7 year tribulation period coming in the future; it is during that tribulation period that God will have to take that stubborn generation that has gotten so far from God, not just the secular world but also for the religious world; bringing them to their true nature.  And it takes fire, heat, plagues to get people to admit to the truth.  And the truth will be that they will raise their fist in anger towards God.  And that’s the truth, the one truth that God has been trying to show us all through history. It’s a shame it takes bad conditions to reveal this.  Every one of us has this base nature inherited from Adam, that nature that HATES GOD.  All that we have been doing is to project that hate on everything else.  For those who really want to face truth, this one truth must be experienced; the truth that we hate Him.  Before you can ever get to know God, you must see that you in your base nature hate Him.  Now this isn’t a matter of how I feel.  It is a base truth.  I’m sure that even during this tribulation period, after all the trials and tribulations God has to bring to get them to face that truth, many will never face it.  They will hate God and it won’t dawn on them just what God was trying to show them.

We have done the same thing in this generation in our lives through the every day cares and affairs that come to us.  Think of the many times, like the death of a love one, or a car accident, or the heater blows up, you’re short cash; how many times have you gotten angry at Him?  Times when you said, “Where are you God?  Where are you at?  God, I hate you, look at what You have done to my life.  You took my love one.”  That is our base nature speaking.  Each one of those trials, if we could see that the element of a trial was to bring us to that truth, (whether we think these trials are from God or Satan) we could appreciate trials and in the moment that we would face that truth the trials would end; Read Romans chapter five in light of this, thus you will see why Paul learned to rejoice in his tribulations.
But then again, you have those that during a trial pretend that it doesn’t bother them.  But oh, it does really bother them, believe me.  It comes out in all kinds of distortions; with our minds and with our bodies, the results of pretenses.  That is why I can understand the book of Revelations where it says to one of the seven churches, “If you be neither hot nor cold, but are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.”  Pretense; He could accept the fact that you are hot; He could accept the fact that you are cold, but He can not stand one who pretends because that is the next step to a lie.

Trials do end with truth.  Those that would walk in the truth, the trials of their lives would be subdued.  I see that in my own life as I read my own journal.  Times when I had my most trials were when I was trying to hold down the truth with a lie; pretending that I wasn’t angry at somebody or something; or didn’t feel a particular feeling.  All along God was trying to get me to face the truth.  But then you get into the religious world and they try to tell you, “Why, you can’t hate!  Don’t you know that hate and anger is of the devil?  Why, the Bible tells us not to hate or be angry!”  But they forget where it says to be angry but not to sin; and to not let the sun sit on our embitter wrath.  It is not the anger, but the denial that constitutes sin, because then at that moment it becomes a lie.  Now remember, Satan is the author of all lies.  But we don’t realize that we are from the Devil, the father of all lies.  He yielded to this evil of a lie hiding his anger against God, thus seeking to destroy us who where to be created in God’s image, which clearly reveals this anger of his against God.  We have now followed this destructive pattern.

So we see in the base nature of us all, through Adam, we have this hate and anger; which God in His love for us has been trying to get us to see.  The truth that we do hate seems like a paradox in a statement given by Christ when He said, “Unless you hate mother, father, brother and sister and even your own life, you will never have any part with me or be my disciple.”  You’ll get those who will say, “I don’t hate my mother!”  I have read books that dealt with various therapies where people, who always thought they never hated their mother or their father, or their brother or sister, friends or themselves, ended up on a therapist’s couch screaming angry words, hatred statements at their parents, family members or those who have done them dirt in their lives; ending up admitting hating them all, including themselves, and some to the ultimate truth, screaming their hatred towards God. 

That is what Christianity is supposed to do; bring us to truth.  Because Christ said, “If I set you free, you will be free indeed.”  Free from your base nature.   It is like, how do you cure polio, by infecting you with polio.  How do you cure yourself from hate, by infecting you with the truth that you do hate.  It sets your free.  It is truth, the raw naked truth.  And when you admit that truth, He is there to say I love you, I give you grace, I forgive you, now go and sin no more.  You have faced the truth.  I don’t accuse you.  I have always known that this was your base nature.  Remember, it says “not that we Loved God, but God loved us first.”  If you didn’t love Him, then what did you do with Him? If someone ignored you for a long period of time, would you think that they might hate you for some reason?  This is the truth I want you to face.  I don’t hate you for what was done to you. I only ask you to admit to what was done and passed on to you from Adam.  Once faced, you can go on.  Don’t be afraid to express your feelings to God.  Talk to Him as you would to a father.
 But then you have never really talked to your natural father, it is going to be hard for you to talk to your Spiritual Father.  You can now understand Jesus’ warning us all to not call a man your father.  It distorts your needed image of God the Father.  So, this is half our battle.  We have to get past this image of parents.  Not that we go up and scream in their faces, “I hate you!”  We need only to admit that we have at one time or another hated them.  We may have even forgotten it because we learn to redirect that hate to others; like our present husband or wife?  I have seen this happen.

As a child we suppressed many of these feelings.  There isn’t a time when everyone hasn’t hated their parents; maybe because they didn’t understand you, and you didn’t understand them. 
This comes out as hate, which is an expression of our raw nature.  We many times attempt to tame it down with different words or simply hide it or deny it.  It still is what it is.  It is written we are children of wrath.

We do our best to “control” it, which is understandable.  But, in keeping it under control, we as parents knowing this truth of our base nature, should have been there to teach our children about this inherited condition from Adam, not “hold down the truth with a lie” thus avoiding the real issue, only to have it explode in the next three generations.  Many deny their children the God given right to say when they are angry, that they feel angry, because of the fear that “they” might have exposed what many of them have never face themselves, their own hidden suppressed anger; an unnatural anger now coming out as rage by the shear accumulation over long periods of time. Do a study just on the matter of anger and you will discover three levels; the first being nature, the second is natural anger with something added to it, and the third being massive accumulation of denied anger over a long period of time, that is very explosive.  This is what many think anger is, when in truth it is not.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I didn’t really mean that” after they had just cursed you out.  What did they mean?  I can accept the truth, but to turn around and deny that truth, no matter what level or how raw it might have been at that moment is a sin, the sin of a lie.  For you see at that moment you were only expressing you true self from Adam.  I can’t judge you for that because I have those same kind of moments when I say things that are dumb and stupid, angry, hurting words.  I can understand that.  It says in Proverbs that understanding cancels out anger.  Understanding of your own hatred, your own self, will get you to understand those around you more and more.

Well going on, thinking of the millennial reign of Christ on earth.  Now everybody says, a lot of religious people especially, have said that this is going to be a beautiful time; a time of no wars but only peace and prosperity.  But I think it is 1,000 years of God dealing with a stiff-necked stubborn nation of Israel and this remaining people who come out of the Tribulation period; that either had rejected God, or had missed the escape.   It is said if God didn’t cut those days short, all flesh would perish.  It’s during that thousand year period; try to picture it, that those remaining survivors begin a whole new world.  The only reason they are still alive reaches beyond any idea apart from God’s purpose; a purpose that comes out under a rule which is said will be like a rod of iron.  Now if you think that that will be great, you better stop and think twice.  Of course those Christians, us, that come back as an Army to reign with Christ, will be instruments of that rod of iron used of Christ to execute His rule.  Now again understand this, we have never seen this in any time period of human history.  Yes, there will be peace, there will be law and order as this world has never seen.  Things will be dealt with on the spot.  No long lengthy trials because Christ and His Church will be the judge.  And Christ knows all things.  There won’t be a thing that will get past His eyes.  It will all be judged in a moment.

Now you see, God will be trying to get these people to face what He has been trying to get us all to face; which many of us have.  That is the only thing that makes us unique; we have faced the truth that we did at one time Hate God.  Now all of those born during that time won’t have evil to tempt them, it is bound in the pit.  So they can’t blame the Devil.  Evil won’t be present, as far as the Devil and his angels and demons.  But still there is an evil present? 
    Everyone entering that time period or are born during that time period are NOT yet delivered of the inherited nature of Adam in them.  And God is going to take a whole world apart from the spiritual world of evil and test them to get them to face the truth.  It’s going to take a thousand years to get them to see that truth; which at the end of that thousand years that truth is revealed.  What is that truth?  That truth will be that they will live true to their inherited nature from Adam and rebel and turn against God and Hate Him.  What a sad moment.  To think, that a whole world would rebel after a 1,000 year reign of Christ.

But understand, they will be under heavy rule.  Talk about pretense, withholding of actions.  That is like chaining up a dog, but once he is let loose he runs wild.  Just like man’s base nature, it is a WILD MAN.  So, it is then that this base nature will come out.  They will have no one to blame but themselves.  It wasn’t the devil that caused all that.  It wasn’t the demons.  It was man’s base nature.  It’s God grand-finality of trying to prove a point and show us something. That it is each and everyone who had a choice.  I’m sure there will be those that won’t choose to rebel at the end of that thousand year reign.  They will come to understand the truth, that hay, I can’t blame the Devil, I can’t blame God, and all that He was doing with this rod of iron was to try to get me to face the truth that is IN ME, in my flesh, there dwells no good thing.  They will confess, “Lord, I see what You have been trying to tell us, this whole generation, that it is in each and everyone of us.  I can’t blame the Black guy, White guy, Spanish guy or the Asian or the Jew or this person or that person, place or thing; because you made everything perfect.  What is there to blame in a perfect world but me?  That’s all that He has ever done, trying to get us to face this truth, the nature of our condition through Adam.  For us, who have faced this truth, we won’t have to worry about this tribulation period, we will not be here but will be preparing to return as an Army with the Lord.
So, what have I said in this long drawn out piece over time in my life?  Let me reveal it to you using some questions to ask yourself and others around you.  Watch the answers you get.  Remember this before answering my questions, “By your words are you justified and by your words you are condemned.”
First question:
1.  Would you say, as you read this question, that you hate God?
Most will answer, No!  You might find some that might say yes.  You and God should be able to understand this and handle this if you have faced any degree of truth expressed in this whole article.
2.  If you said no, that you do not hate God, my second question to you would be this; was there ever a time in your life that you could say, “yes, I hated God.”
    Again you will get some to say, “I have never hated God.”  If that was their answer or yours, then ask yourself this question again in light of this text in I John 4:10 “Herein is love, NOT THAT WE LOVED GOD, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”
3.  So the question now is, in light of what I John’s text says, if we didn’t love Him, what did we do?  The opposite thing of love is HATE.  There is no middle round as the text in Revelations clearly said, Lukewarm.  God could handle your saying that you did hate Him at one time because this was what He had always wanted us to face, our base nature coming from Adam which made us Children of God’s wrath, (Eph. 2:3)  He knows us better then we might know ourselves.

So, in saying you “never” hated God reveals that you haven’t faced that which God has been trying to get us all to see.  Also, you are making Him a liar. He clearly says that there was a time that you didn’t love Him and that He had to make the first move or you would have never came to Him.  Am I reading too much into this text in I John?  I know that I am not, it means what it says.
Well, if the word Hate is to strong for you, how about we use the word, IGNORE.  Let me explain where I am going with this; If you were raised by your parents and they never spoke to you and just ignored you, would there come a time that you might think, “What have I done?  Why do they hate me?   Now understand, that though they ignored you they never physically abused you, they just walked and talked around you and acted like you weren’t there.  They would feed you from time to time, give you a place in the house, yet still ignored you.  Do you know that most treat God in this fashion; you couldn’t say that they abuse Him, they give Him a place in their house, like a picture on the wall of Jesus.  And on occasions they feed Him by giving to charity or tithing to a church.  People wouldn’t think that they hated God.  They might think they loved Him, but would they?  

If you lived with your wife or husband for 20 years and you never spoke to them, would they have reason to say, “I think my husband/wife hates me.”  Well, that is silly, who would stay in such a situation?  It would have ended before twenty years. 
    Would you be shocked when facing God one day and He says to you, “I never knew you, depart from me you who have worked iniquity;” first off, would you understand what He meant by “you who worked iniquity?”  I will help you out by commenting on Psalm 51 before this article ends.

The last two paragraphs above are addressing our need to get to know Him.  There is no question that He wants this.  The question is why don’t you?  Now I mean more then getting to “Know about Him” but more to getting to know Him in a one on One personal relationship where you talk to Him and He talks to you.  If you don’t start this now, the question is when do you suppose that you will?  If you haven’t started it, it will be like the 20 year marriage above and one partner ignoring the other.  What do you expect Him to think; maybe that you don’t Love Him?  Well, whether He has ever thought that or not, we know that this didn’t stop Him from acting apart from you’re ignoring Him or, using the stronger word, hating Him.  To begin this relationship, if you want to, it might be wise to acknowledge your hating him; and if that is to strong a word for you, try saying forgive me for ignoring You….He will understand.
Here are more Biblical texts that fit what you have just read:
Psalm 36:1-2 “To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord.  The transgression of the wicked says within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.  For he flatters himself in his own eyes, until his INIQUITY be found to be HATEFUL.
Read now the total Psalm of David found in Psalm 51.  Understand that this Psalm is one that was written by David after Nathan the prophet had come to informing him of God’s judgment against him because of his adultery with Bathsheba, and his murder of Uriah, her husband. (II Samuel 11:1-27, II Samuel 12: 1-25)
51: 2-4 “Wash me thoroughly from mine INIQUITY, and cleanse me from my sin; for I acknowledge my transgressions; (Adultery, Murder) and my sin is ever before me.  AGAINST YOU and YOU only, have I sinned, and done this evil in your sight; that you might be justified when you speak, and be clear when you judge.
WHAT DID DAVID SEE?  That it wasn’t his crime of adultery or murder; it had nothing to do with Bathsheba or Uriah her husband; it reached deeper, “Against You and You ONLY God,” as Psa. 51:2 brings out. Hear what he said:
“Behold, I was shapen in INIQUITY; and in SIN (singular) did my mother conceive me.  Behold, YOU desire truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden parts you shall make me to know wisdom.” (Seeing the depths of our sin).
Here is the wisdom David gained through this experience.  We are “ALL” born fallen through the loins of Adam & Eve; cut off from God, thus under His wrath.  (Eph. 2:3 “we had our way of life in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and WERE BY NATURE the children of WRATH, even as others”) 

We seek to hide this hidden nature, condition in us.  Through various situations in our lives; (in the case of David it was adultery and murder,) through various situations in our lives, God is attempting to reveal our true hidden problem.  It’s not the particular sin we have gotten involved with, but the SIN nature that has gotten us into this predicament.  To hide this fact with a lie produces this shaping of iniquity that David discovered in himself. 
    Also it reveals what Paul the Apostle came to understand in Romans 1:18 “For the WRATH of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, WHO HOLD (down) the truth in unrighteousness (their opinions and ideas of their problem which rejects what God is attempting to reveal, our true condition.)
    Read what John in I John 1:8-10 “If we say that we have no SIN (Singular, thus sin nature), we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our SINS (plural, the by- products of the Sin nature) He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned (making excuses and justifying our sins to hide our condition), we make Him a LIAR, and His word is not in us.”
Further things discovered about this word “Iniquity:”
Gen. 15:16…it can come to a time of fullness where God will act against it.  This is seen via the situation of Sodom in Gen. 19.   I John 5:16 also bring out this idea of fullness. “If any man sees his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death.  There is a sin unto death; I do not say that he shall pray for it.  All unrighteousness is sin; and there is a sin not unto death.”
    What is this sin unto death?  Denial!  Denial of the truth I have mentioned throughout this whole piece.  Holding our life patterns and judgments totally oblivious of our true nature, projecting it on to those around us; never facing this truth, this single “sin,” is that sin that the Hebrew writer called, “the sin which does so easily beset us.” Heb. 12:1  One more link to this is also found in Heb. 10:26 “For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins.”  I am sure you have heard other’s ideas of his text thinking that it means our becoming sinless.  This is not the idea conveyed in the context of this text.  In the context Paul is addressing religious Jews who had appeared to have comprehended Paul’s message; yet Paul finds them acting on their fear of being persuaded by the their fellow religious Jews for embracing the Christian message.  They were seeking to go back under the legalist system of laws that claimed that the only way back to God was though their self-efforts.  Paul was saying in the above text, “If you willfully throw out what Christ had accomplished through His sacrifice, you will have trodden under-foot the blood of Christ; thus there would remain no more means or sacrifice that they could ever perform to gain God’s favor.”  They had through Paul gained the knowledge of Christ’s accomplishment, thus would be placed in a position of “willfully sinning, or acting independent from what God had clearly said and demonstrated through His Son.  Paul goes on to say to them that he couldn’t believe they would do such a thing.  He could understand their fears of persecution, he himself suffering the same, but to throw out the only way back to God and think to return to a system that clearly demonstrated itself to be weak and inadequate to gain God’s favor; knowing it’s the law’s good work to reveal to us all our hopeless condition then lead us to Christ who was the real END intent of the law, bringing us to Christ our salvation, nailing those things against us on His Cross.   
Exodus 20:5, 34:7 The iniquity of the fathers visit the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that HATE God.  (You can see the need of our not holding down this truth brought out in this total piece backed by many scriptures.  Admitting our hatred of God, our ignoring Him, brings God’s Grace and Mercy seen in Lev. 26:40 “If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespasses which they trespassed against ME, also they have walked contrary unto Me; and that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; “IF” then their uncircumcised hearts be HUMBLED, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity; THEN WILL I REMEMBER…why?  The promise that through Abraham and his SEED (Christ) all nations would be forgiven of their iniquities produced by this Sin Nature of Adam…just see it!!  Then the sins of the fathers will not visit to the forth generation…YOU STOP IT!!
    In the total piece that I have written, this is done; the confession of my part and that of my parents clean back to Adam & Eve.  There is now no condemnation for me in Christ.  What He accomplished through His shed blood COVERS IT ALL!
Psalm 28:3 “Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbors, but mischief is in their hearts.”  We see where a false sense of peace can be produced by the world; not peace as Christ intended peace.  The peace of Christ brings out the true nature of our divisions.  You see it in Jesus words in Matt. 10:34 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.  For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law; and a man’s foes shall be those of his own household. “  Luke 12:51 “Do you suppose that I am come to give peace on earth?  I tell you, Nay; but rather division.”
John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; NOT as the world gives, I give unto you.”
    This peace is a peace that passes all our understanding; a peace that covers not only our iniquities but the very thing that produced them. 

                                                               CHAPTER 25
                                                       COMING DARKNESS

Nov. 10, 2010
 Micah 3:6-7  "therefore night will come over you, without visions, and darkness, without deviation.  The sun will set for the prophets, and the day will go dark for them.  The seers will be ashamed and the diviners disgraced.  They will all cover their faces because there is NO ANSWER FROM GOD."

Micah 3 :8  "But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to DECLARE...."  (and the world around me doesn’t want to hear it)
 Micah 3:9-11
 Hear its application to our day:

those that despise justice and distort all that is right
those who built with bloodshed (Elites New World Order)
Leaders judge for a bribe
Religious teachers teach for a price
Prophets tell the future for money
Yet, they say the Lord is with us...NO!  disaster will come upon us. 

I have been accused of being "To Negative" lately.  Yet, what I am saying is very positive; if you see it from a stand point of a warning, a warning given in love for us all.  In this light, it is not negative.  I realize that my idea of hope has nothing to do with this world.  Remember the world loves its own; the reason being that the world has no hope other then in this life and this life only.  If you mention hope in light of an eternal hope you are perceived as being negative.  Negative to what?  Negative to their idea of hope;  their hope is not hope, from what scriptures reveals to us, hope seen is not hope, but that unseen is hope.  So, they may use the word hope, but their idea of hope will never be this hope that I speak of.  Thus, in truth, they are in this world without God and without hope...reason being, that their idea of hope is expressed in the seen only.  What I just said is perceived as negative to you understand why.  But really; who is the negative one?    Paul


I write this to those of you who I know have this phrase memorize in its scriptural context and feel I do not have to give book, chapter and verse; time does not permit that I go over ground that I and others have covered.  I have spent the latter part of my life focusing on this simply phrase, which is the hub of all that I have written and shared over the years:
“God’s ultimate intend was to bring about a New Being, with a deep sense of a New Reality, thus gaining New Power through which the Son of God, becoming a son of man restored to us, that which was once lost of Adam; thus preserving us spirit, soul and body.”
In all that I have written and presently am working on, “The Devils Scare Crow,” “Rights of the Unfallen Adam”,  “Warnings of the Occult”,  “Matters of Salvation”,  “The Heart and the Subconscious Mind”,  “From Once We Came”, “In the Shadow of His Power”, “The End As We Know It”, “Mad World of This Matrix”, “Song of the Beloved”, “The Cry of The I-We”, “Addfire-Spiritual Insights”….and others, have all spoken directly and indirectly to this hub’s theme.
It was Solomon who gave us the phrase, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  From the day of his expressing this truth to the present, this has held true, there hasn’t been anything new that past generations hadn’t experienced that we haven’t experienced in our present generation.  Yet I know and others with me, know that ONCE MORE, God isn’t just going to shake this earth as He once did, but will once again not only shake this earth but also the heavens; the heavens of suns, planets, galaxies and the total universe.  No longer will it be then said that there isn’t anything new under the sun; there will be NO SUN, no moon, stars, nor the black-back drop to which they are displayed.   A truly NEW THING will be seen, to the disbelief of science today; a universe sustained by the presence of the Son of God, unto whom all power has been given, seen and unseen, visible and invisible. 
So, let me wrap this up.  We have all heard the words of everything that I have shared so far in this letter and others; but believe me, there is coming a time to which these words will come alive and not just be spoken.  Jesus had said, “if you can not accept the words I speak, consider my works.”  We know it wasn’t His works, but the works of His Father.  We hear this when He said, “I must WORK THE WORKS OF HIM WHO SENT ME, while it is yet day, for there come darkness when no man can work.” That work continues today yet will soon end.  What work is that?  The message of God’s love for us all and His desire that we see the state we are in.  We have had skeptics scoff wondering when He would manifest His works beyond just words in our day and time. We have thought to spiritualize this and thought that this didn’t mean a literal matter; yet there will a generation that will pray that it me a literal affair, saving them from the scorching heat soon to hit this planet, “cutting the days (day time hours) short, lest all flesh perish”….God will replacing the sun, only having men’s heart failing them for fear of what soon with take place; the wrath of God.  Science, with seeing things in a NEW WAY, will no longer be able to attribute natural cause and affect to what is happening to our world.   You might say that these coming events will be Supernatural, transcending all known laws of physics by the higher laws that have created those of this unreality. True reality is soon to come upon us!


I write this to those of you who I know have this phrase memorize in its scriptural context and feel I do not have to give book, chapter and verse; time does not permit that I go over ground that I and others have covered.  I have spent the latter part of my life focusing on this simply phrase, which is the hub of all that I have written and shared over the years:
“God’s ultimate intend was to bring about a New Being, with a deep sense of a New Reality, thus gaining New Power through which the Son of God, becoming a son of man restored to us, that which was once lost of Adam; thus preserving us spirit, soul and body.”
In all that I have written and presently am working on, “The Devils Scare Crow,” “Rights of the Unfallen Adam”,  “Warnings of the Occult”,  “Matters of Salvation”,  “The Heart and the Subconscious Mind”,  “From Once We Came”, “In the Shadow of His Power”, “The End As We Know It”, “Mad World of This Matrix”, “Song of the Beloved”, “The Cry of The I-We”, “Addfire-Spiritual Insights”….and others, have all spoken directly and indirectly to this hub’s theme.
It was Solomon who gave us the phrase, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  From the day of his expressing this truth to the present, this has held true, there hasn’t been anything new that past generations hadn’t experienced that we haven’t experienced in our present generation.  Yet I know and others with me, know that ONCE MORE, God isn’t just going to shake this earth as He once did, but will once again not only shake this earth but also the heavens; the heavens of suns, planets, galaxies and the total universe.  No longer will it be then said that there isn’t anything new under the sun; there will be NO SUN, no moon, stars, nor the black-back drop to which they are displayed.   A truly NEW THING will be seen, to the disbelief of science today; a universe sustained by the presence of the Son of God, unto whom all power has been given, seen and unseen, visible and invisible. 
So, let me wrap this up.  We have all heard the words of everything that I have shared so far in this letter and others; but believe me, there is coming a time to which these words will come alive and not just be spoken.  Jesus had said, “if you can not accept the words I speak, consider my works.”  We know it wasn’t His works, but the works of His Father.  We hear this when He said, “I must WORK THE WORKS OF HIM WHO SENT ME, while it is yet day, for there come darkness when no man can work.” That work continues today yet will soon end.  What work is that?  The message of God’s love for us all and His desire that we see the state we are in.  We have had skeptics scoff wondering when He would manifest His works beyond just words in our day and time. We have thought to spiritualize this and thought that this didn’t mean a literal matter; yet there will a generation that will pray that it me a literal affair, saving them from the scorching heat soon to hit this planet, “cutting the days (day time hours) short, lest all flesh perish”….God will replacing the sun, only having men’s heart failing them for fear of what soon with take place; the wrath of God.  Science, with seeing things in a NEW WAY, will no longer be able to attribute natural cause and affect to what is happening to our world.   You might say that these coming events will be Supernatural, transcending all known laws of physics by the higher laws that have created those of this unreality. True reality is soon to come upon us!


This life, this world is under a degree of “Foreclosure.” 
Isa. 51:6 “Lift up your eyes to the heaven, (implying this natural universe in this text) and look upon the earth BENEATH; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner; but my salvation shall be forever and my righteousness shall not be abolished.”

Psalm 17: 13-14 “Deliver us…from men of the world, which have their portion in this life…”
You have filled our belly with your hid treasures….
As for me, I will behold your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with your likeness. (the Ultimate Intent of God, and the real meaning behind this experience)
Isa. 24:4 “The earth mourns and fades away, the world languishes and fades away.
Heb. 11:7 “By faith Noah, being  warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.  (Sounds like the best way to condemn the world beyond words, “actions.”)   Also see in this text how the use of Faith can and does mean “HEAR” from God…”by faith (being warned of God; or heard from God)

We live in a world today that can’t say that they do not know what this word foreclosure means.  We see it all around us, because of the economical crises, people losing their home to foreclosure.  They haven’t the ways and means of paying their mortgages.   Thinking of this in a spiritual sense, ask yourself the question, “What price would you place on this house we live in called earth?”  The High Court of heaven has called for a degree of foreclosure; how are you going to pay the high price demanded?  What is that price?  The price is just this; that we find one individual without spot or blemish, who was not born through the fallen loins of Adam & Eve, to shed his blood; that is the price!  One man got us and this house of ours into foreclosure, and only one man can get us out.  The title was written out to Mankind, so no “alien” can cover this debt; it must be another human being.  The only one who ever qualified for this was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became the son of man and covered our note of foreclosure, offering a new home.
Some into today’s crises have thought to just let the mortgage go because the home is so devalued that to invest anymore into the home would be like throwing good money to bad.  Are we, in a spiritual sense, doing just that by investing anymore into this life than is necessary?   I’m not suggesting we throw in the towel and sit on the roof and wait for the return of the Lord as some have done, letting our responsibilities of this life go, using what is said here as an excuse to do this.  What I am trying to say is, how much devotion or attention are we giving to what the scripture clearly say is in foreclosure?  
I have a friend who has stopped paying his mortgage, yet the bank hasn’t yet kicked him out, and the latest word that I got from him was the now the bank is allowing him to stay there rent free.  It appears that there are so many homes in this condition that the bank is over whelmed with it all thus can’t get to everyone to foreclose.  He is only buying time I’m sure; thus eventually he will lose his home.  Is he being smart?  He would be if he has plans for the day he loses his home.  Using the money he would have throw away on a depreciating house to pay down all his other bills, thus placing himself in a position to where he could afford to rent rather than buy another home later on.  If the bank stalls for years to kick him out, he might even be able to put a down payment on another’s home in foreclosure, thus probably get a home like the one he is presently in for the lower price, than years later, if the market comes back, then turn around and sell it at a profit.  Clever!  This sounds like the story of the unjust steward that Jesus told, saying that the steward who was about to lose his position because he got caught dipping into the cookie jar; turns around, while he can, and uses his position of collecting money for his boss to prepare for the time when he would be out of a job.  People owing his boss thousands of dollars was released of their debt by the steward having them only pay a fraction of what they owed, with the hope that once he was out of work they might remember his clever dealings to them.    His boss later commends him for his fast thinking.   What was Jesus advocating?  Was he saying it was alright to steal and when caught continue to use such behavior by some clever move as this unjust steward?   Jesus says in this parable “to make use” of the rich mammon of the world, so that when times of crises come they will take you in.  Again, is Jesus advocating crooked dealings?   I WAIT FOR GOD”S ANSWER…Sept 2010
(Please note this; you can ask God for an answer, then if you wait with expectancy, it comes.  This answer came almost a month later.)
October 20, 2010:  Luke 16:8 “And the Lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely; for the children of this WORLD are in their GENERATION wiser than the children of light.  I say unto you, make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when you fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.  He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much; and he that is unjust in least is unjust also in much.  If therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon (money matters), who will commit to your trust the true riches?  And if you have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?  No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon.
These texts in Luke always puzzled me and still does; yet in these texts is an answer that I seek.  Let’s see if I can bring this out for us.  Taking each part of it and breaking it down, here is the first thing that stood out:
1.        “make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness”…Makes friends,  friends of unrighteousness?; no, it is saying to be friends to the MAMMON of unrighteousness.  It isn’t saying to join the unrighteous or to do what the unjust steward did.  With this seen, let’s continued to dig.   Is there such a thing as righteous mammon?  I know, being religious at one time, I saw mammon (money) as evil.  I would misquote I Timothy 6:10 which says, “For THE LOVE of money is the root of all evil; which some coveted after, they erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  (Note; this verse is usually misquoted by leaving out “the love of money.”)
So, it isn’t money that is evil; it is the individual and their love of it that makes it evil.  Jesus expresses this when He said “mammon of unrighteousness.”  The money of the world would be considered unrighteous in that they acquire it totally independent from God.  They wouldn’t be caught saying God acquired their wealth.  Is their money tainted?  No, you can make use of it; it isn’t the money but men that are tainted.  Money is just money, printed paper.  Paul had to deal with this in the Church of Corinth who had a problem eating meat sold in the market place that was offered to idols.  In a clear conscience, an idol is nothing, the meat was just cooked meat; yet some consciences were offended thinking the meat was demon possessed, so they couldn’t eat it.  Yet they were taking it to the extreme forbidding others to eat it whose consciences weren’t bothered by this.  Paul corrects them on this matter. 

Now in light of money, we should have, from what I have said so far, have a clear conscience when it comes to money.  It is mammon of the world, yet we can use it, just don’t go to the extreme of LOVING IT; make use of it, befriend it and it will serve you well as a friend and not a lover.  
Continuing on with Paul’s comments:
But you, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.  Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on ETERNAL LIFE, whereunto you are also called, and have professed a good profession before many witnesses.  I give you charge in the sight of God, who quickens (makes alive) ALL THINGS (in our case this matter of money), and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a GOOD CONFESSION; that you keep this COMMANDMENT WITHOUT SPOT, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Ask yourself, what was Jesus’ good confession to Pilate?  Let’s take a look at this confession so what Paul is trying to say to us makes sense:
John 18: 36- “Jesus answered, “My kingdom is NOT OF THIS WORLD; if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now is my kingdom not from hence.”  Note, we are to keep this confession WITHOUT SPOT.  In the case of our present study, our handling of this matter of money, can become a spot to our confession; that is, if it is our confession; is it?  You have to make this decision.  Hear what else scripture says about money:
I Tim 6:9  “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lust, which drown men in destruction and perdition. (a place or state of the dead or of the damned)
I Tim. 6:17 “Charge them that ARE RICH in this WORLD, that they be not HIGHMINDED, nor TRUST in uncertain riches, but in the Living God, who gives us richly all thing to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
Here you see two sides to this coin.  One appears to say you can’t be rich, the other says that if you ARE RICH IN THIS WORLD, don’t let it get you so earthly minded that you aren’t any heavenly good.  REMEMBER YOUR CONFESSION…this world is temporary.  REMEMBER where your ability to acquire wealth comes from!  Know God gives us richly ALL THINGS TO ENJOY.  God is only interested in your heeding the warnings that goes with wealth; don’t fall into the traps and snares mentioned.
I Tim. 6:8 “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”
Phil. 4:11 “Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”
Heb. 13:5 “Let your conversation (way of life) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have, for He has said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” So that we may boldly say, “The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”  Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God; whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation (way of life).  Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.  Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.  For it is a good thing that the heart be ESTABLISHED with GRACE; not with meats, (foods) which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.  We have an altar, whereof they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle (this life alone).  

THERE IS THE KEY to all of this…ESTABLISHED IN GRACE.  Why are you doing so well while others around you are failing?  The other side of this coin would be, “Why are you failing?”   One is IN HIS GRACES the other is FRUSTRATING HIS GRACE.  What is this thing of grace?  For those of you who may not know, “grace is God giving us that which we do not deserve.”  The other side of this coin is mercy, “God withholding that which we do deserve.” 
In the truth of what has happen to this world after the fall of our first parents, Adam & Eve, the truth is WE DESERVE NOTHING!  If you ever get to where you thing you deserve anything, you are frustrating God’s grace.  If you are frustrated and angry at God because others around you “appear” to be doing so well, ask yourself, “have you frustrated His grace by your efforts to do what only He can do for you?”  Have you gotten tired of waiting for His grace to come to you and turned to other established ideas (Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.  For it is a good thing that the heart be ESTABLISHED with GRACE).  I didn’t put the above verses in just to fill up space.  They are all applicable to what we are saying here.  Discontentment will breed judging, God and those around you.  Your “ambitions” to get rich digs your own hole, trap or snare.  God isn’t saying we have to be poor and begging…read it, Psalm 37:25 “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”
If they are begging bread, the above questions of grace must be asked.  Note it says “the Righteous.”  You would have to know who these were and why.  How about GRACE!  The righteous are NOT the self-righteous, which clearly are revealed in scripture to be those who have gone about establishing their own self conceived ideas of saving themselves in all areas of their lives including matters temporal and eternal.  (Rom. Chapter 10)  We know that the real righteous person “knows” they have no righteousness of their own and “TAKE” that which has freely been given, as I have mentioned in this total article, DO NOT FRUSTATE GOD’S grace by Self efforts and self- righteousness.
One more closing thought; notice this about the unjust steward’s attitude towards money once he found out that he was about to lose his job.  He gained a quick “disinterest” in money.  If in our lives’ things would drastically change over night, just for an example, our planet was going to be hit by a huge meteorite, wouldn’t this change you ideas about the value of money?  Now in a spiritual sense, something has got to “HIT” us to where we no longer seek the old values we had most of our lives.  Now this would be God’s loving hand weaning us from all that we once held as valuable.  Remember, it is said many times throughout scriptures that this life is temporary and the life to come is eternal.  What holds the most value to you?  What would it take for God to gain you interest?  In those moments of His attempting to gain your interest, are you blaming the devil?  Believe me, I have written a lot on how it is the devil who would have us focusing on building a utopian world here and now, and having us disinterested in any thing God has already prepared for us, a world not built with hands, a kingdom which is eternal.  In closing, I reinstate the opening paragraph’s remarks and “remind you”….this world is in foreclosure!

                                                               CHAPTER 28
                                                   END TIME VERSES TO HOLD TO

Luke 21:36 “Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”
There definitely is a “WAY OF ESCAPE” from what is written; not only an eternal escape but also a temporal escape which will assist us in “endurance” until the end; the end meaning what is called the Great Tribulation Period of human history.  Note what Jesus said in Matt. 24:6- “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you BE NOT TROUBLED; for all these things must come to pass, BUT THE END IS NOT YET.”  So, what we are reading and studying about the end times are things leading up to, yet isn’t at this moment THE END.   “Don’t be troubled, feeling hopeless or without recourse of action.  Now read the following text in light of this and note what the ESCAPE IS…….
I Cor. 10:13-14 “there has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.  Wherefore, my dearly beloved, FLEE  FROM  IDOLATRY.  I speak as to wise men; judge what I say.”
Did you notice the escape?  Here it is….”FLEE FROM IDOLATRY”…link this with the following text in II Cor. 4:18…
“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.  For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not make with hands, eternal in the heavens.  For this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven…”
It is when we “worship” this life’s experience, having a steadfast longing gaze, which clouds out any view of that which is eternal,” it is at those moments the needed trials come to gain our attention.   If we for one moment turn our eyes away from that eternal, what is coming upon this earth will TROUBLE US; troubling us so much so to gain our attention.  Keep your eyes focused in the eternal, more so today than any other time in human history…do this, and you will not need these troubling events to awake you; thus will be able to endure it and in the end escape it all together.

I Tim. 4:8 “For body exercise profits little; but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”
Now there are those advocating some “body exercise” to escape what is coming.  Note it says that this body exercise has “little if any profit” at all.  The greatest method is what is called “godliness”.  Gain this thing of godliness and you will gain not only in this temporal experience but also in that which will be eternal.  Simply put, you must come to HEAR FROM GOD daily!  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and depart from evil.”  Prov. 3:5-7.

Heb. 2:3 “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard Him…”
The answer to this question asked in this Hebrew text is…”We won’t!”  Do not neglect what God has offered through the accomplishments of His Son, Jesus, the Son of God.  Neglect this and there is no temporal or eternal escape.  Purchase oil now; don’t wait until it is too late, to light your lamps that reveals the escape.  (Matt. 25: 1-13)
Warning from Peter:
II Peter 3: 3-7  “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.  For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water; whereby the world that then was, being over flowed with water, perished.  But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”
I know that I personally have shared the truths of these matters of the end times and God’s way of escape for well over 46 years.  I know many have even taught it way before this to the point that today there are “SCOFFERS” who have gotten turned off to hearing it and have turn to other views and methods of dealing with this life; methods and views that fulfill their desires (lust) living of today seeing no future beyond this temporal experience.  They fulfill this prophecy of Peter and all that has been shared in this article; thus are what you might call, “Temporizers.”  They, in a strange way, “worship” this experience and are willfully ignorant of observable facts that surround them; life has a beginning and it will have an end; that is if they continue to hold their present point of view, that of a scoffer.  That world in the distant past had come to where they are in their views, and they perished with the world wide flood.  They will not have to deal with a world wide flood, but they will deal with the FIRE HELD IN RESERVE.


First know this..."hope seen, is not hope." This present world, from my view is not the Kingdom of God, never was, nor ever was intended to be. The Jewish nation is a Kingdom seeking people. It was they who rejected God as their King and sought an earthly King, with God giving them King Saul...(big mistake). God worked with this, yet His Ultimate Intention wasn't to establish a Kingdom in this Holograph world. The Jewish nation and this New Age Movement are those who seek a kingdom made with hands. The Jewish father, Abraham, did not seek a kingdom made with hands, he sought, as it clearly is said, a Kingdom not made with hands. The Church (called out assembly from this world's views) are referred to as pilgrims and strangers while in this experience; the original intent, once again, for this called out body wasn't to establish a kingdom here (another big mistake of the so-called church today). They were to not look with a stead fast gaze at this world, (be flesh without "becoming flesh") but were called to look with a stead fast gaze at a Kingdom prepared for them not in the world; one which Jesus Himself said He had prepared for them. Sure, this unseen Kingdom is perceived IN US; which we do work out, with the result that we are being made fit for this True Reality which will not be in the Old Earth and Heavens, but in a New Heavens (new to us, and not fashioned after that which our eyes had ever seen, nor ear have ever heard.)
So, the Kingdom we do seek, truly is from our perception of past, present and in our future, with the sense of this coming Kingdom imbedded IN US NOW. It is a weaning process of losing this world's view of a kingdom in the seen, which is not the true reality, to a Kingdom which is not seen, which is the True reality, in that it is this True reality that sustains this Unreality...something God had to do, subjecting the world to futility (unreality) get us out of this TRAP that the Devil had desired, to destroy us all. If you seek to save this idea of reality (like a holograph deck) you will lose the Real Reality that created this holograph deck and now sustains it and will real soon "turn off the lights" and bring in the Real world. The focus isn't on that which had been intended to be temporal, but on that which always was and always will be eternal in nature and purpose....ONLY USING the temporal, or carnal to express who God is and we were, and always will be.


This evil generation seeks a sign or wonder that might get them to believe in God.  They have their sign in wonder right under their noses.  “The wonder is that we are still here.”  It’s a wonder that God hasn’t destroyed us all and it is a “sign of His being long suffering.”  That’s what God is offering today.  If He did perform a sign of some miraculous act, would they debunk it?  What could He possibly do that Hollywood hasn’t done with special effects to astound the audience?  I believe there is coming an event, a grand-finality that will even shock Hollywood; an event that will remove not only their “green screen” used to produce these so-called realistic scenes, but also the black-screen back drop of our universe with PURE LIGHT.  Light we have never seen which will manifest God shear glory.  To many this will be a fearful moment, which will reveal that He was and is real; that He has spoken to us throughout human history, and what He said is about to be proven more real than Hollywood could have ever produced.  It will prove the wisdom of those so-called professionals to be foolishness.
Let me now get into this matter of our desiring some kind of sign or wonder in our modern age.  This morning I was reading through John’s Gospel, chapter 3 and 4 and this stood out; what Jesus had said to Nicodemus, the Women at the well, and A Government Official who’s son was dying.  First, with Nicodemus, Jesus was amazed that He couldn’t get this “teacher” of Israel to understand what He was attempting to convey to him, spiritual realities.  He says to him, “You are a teacher of Israel and you don’t know these things?”  He then goes on and says, “If I shared natural things and you don’t understand these, what makes you think you would understand spiritual matters? 
I have found that lately I have done just this; my interest into things, that I never got into in my past, like politics and economics; so called “natural” things; I have found that if you share these natural things you can’t get people’s interested in it, especially all the crazy things that have been proven to be going on.  I had thought in my past that spiritual things were hard to gain a person’s interest; with these natural things it is even harder.  When I first got into these natural things a few years ago, I had thought that maybe the Lord had wanted me into these matters because it might strike up conversation that could lead into spiritual matters.  Well, I have found that this isn’t the case.  The majority of this present generation wants neither of them.  Like the old saying, “We talk about anything at this table, other than politics and religion.”  It makes you wonder, “What’s left?”  It comes down to just idle talk about nothing.  It’s no wonder that those corrupt in politics and religion can get over on the average citizen without them even knowing that they are involved, whether they are interested in it or not.  Try sharing some of the truths exposing what is really going on in today’s world and see what you get!  Let me now share more of what I got in light of all this from John’s Gospel.
In the case of the women at the well, the fact that Jesus threw out traditional racial differences to convey truth to this Samarian women (mixed Gentile/Jewish) is a wonder in and of itself.  His disciples are later shocked as well along with this women.  What was the sign in this case?  The answer is, LIVING WATER.  If you don’t at this moment understand this, don’t feel bad, neither did she.  She at first only understands Jesus to be talking about the water in the well before them; “natural” matters.  You see her question and even later argue with Jesus.  Then, at one point in their conversation she says, “I PERCEIVE”; what she perceived, that Jesus must have been some kind of prophet, isn’t the focus point in what I want you to see.  Just focus on, “I Perceive;” as long as we can’t get beyond the natural perception, you will never get to the spiritual; (but you need both to understand what Jesus was conveying and I am now attempting.)
Perception was Nicodemus’ problem as well, remember?  He couldn’t see the human condition as needing NEW BIRTH, thus never taught it.  And when Jesus presented this spiritual truth, even using natural illustrations to convey it, Nicodemus just didn’t get it.  You talk to those around you, using the “true natural conditions of matters” and they just don’t get it – WE NEED NEW BIRTH – each and every one of us!  They see life around them with rose colored glasses; they can’t see the need; that would get them to desire the solution.  The religious world gets it backwards by giving the solution before establishing the real problem.  I have addressed this over and over again in most of my writings of how if you were born on this planet, you have a problem; and if you can’t see this, just watch the news or pick up a news paper.  If you did you would come to understand the definition of the word, “Perplexed”: “No way out.”  The only way out of this mess we have gotten ourselves into has been offered by God through His Son, Jesus.  Investigate it, the natural and the spiritual, and see if this is true or not.
The final character, in what I had read in John chapter 3 & 4, is a Government official whose son was dying.  The official is begging Jesus to heal his son.  Jesus responds to him, “Won’t any of you believe in me unless I do more and more miracles?   We see that it is human nature to desire some sign or wonder.  Does Jesus heal the man’s son? The answer is yes.  But notice what He desired more; to have an individual believe in him in spite of a miracle.  The question is, “Believe what?”  I believe you have heard it through the situation of Nicodemus and the women at the well.  It is seeing our true situation and believing Jesus came to save us from ourselves.  We are the reason that there isn’t what we have labeled miracles.  If you would research this further, you would discover that the whole earth moans and groans because of our condition.  You would also discover that this world, in its fallen condition, was deliberately subjected to this futility (unreality) in hope; hope that we might want to be delivered from it.  Our condition reaches beyond just the trials and tribulations we encounter; thus praying for a miracle to solve it.  A miracle HAS BE PERFORMED! ….Jesus was raised from the dead and now lives.   Yet we don’t want to know this, we just want our son healed.  Jesus wasn’t so heartless to not give the man what he desired; He had hoped for more.  I ask you, those of you who are seeking a sign or some wonder; do you want more than a miracle?  Do you want what has been offered to have an affect in this life and the life to come?  You may get your miracle plus things over and above anything you could ask or think, if you BELIEVE in the Son of God, who became a son of man to deliver us from our fallen state.   
So with that said, how does this all fit into signs and wonders?  Well, if you knew anything about spiritual matters you would see the SIGNS abounding.  Do I have to quote it to you?  By reason of time some of us should know these things and do not need someone like me to teach you.  You might be a “professional”, in the so-called loop, and still not know what is going on because you don’t talk religion or politics in your family circles.  You depend on those who are “suppose” to know these things, and you trust that they wouldn’t do anything to harm you.  ARE YOU SURE?
I like what Solomon wrote in the book of Proverb; a man considered being wise because he did investigate matters.  Let me end this article with these words of wisdom and warning coming from The Living Bible.  Think of Headline News today and how it is screaming out to us; that is if you have taken the time to Listen to what is or isn’t being said.
“Wisdom shouts in the streets for a hearing.  She calls out to the crowds along Main Street, and to the judges in their courts, and to everyone in all the land; “YOU SIMPLETONS!” she cries.  “How long will you go on being fools?  How long will you scoff at wisdom and fight the facts?  Come here and listen to me!  I’ll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you, and make you wise.  I have called you so often but still you won’t come.  I have pleaded, but all in vain; for you have spurned my counsel and reproof.  Some day you’ll be in trouble, and I’ll laugh!  Mock me will you? – I’ll mock you!  When a storm of terror surrounds you, and when you are engulfed by anguish and distress, then I will not answer your cry for help.  It will be too late though you search for me ever so anxiously.
For you closed your eyes to the facts and did not choose to reverence and trust the Lord, and you turned your back on me, spurning my advice.  That is why you must eat the bitter fruit of having your own way, and experience the full terrors of the pathway you have chosen.  For you turned away from me – to death; your own complacency will kill you. Fools!  But all who listen to me shall live in peace and safety, unafraid.”   AMEN   Proverb 1:20-33

Luke 18:8 …”when the Son of Man comes, shall He find faith?”

Reading from Luke chapter 18 we read the Parable of the Unjust Judge.  Hear the story:
“Then the Lord told His disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.  He said, “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men.  And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, “Grant me justice against my adversary.”
For some time he refused.  But finally he said to himself, “Even though I don’t fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually wear me out with her coming!”
And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says, and will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?  Will He keep putting them off?  I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly.  HOWEVER, WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES, WILL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH.?” (NIV)
Though I gave the full story, and it is important that I do this or I’d be accused of doing what they call “proof texting”; meaning pulling text out of context thus giving it a meaning all of its own; so, though I gave the full story, focus on the last phrase.  When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith?  According to the text, the use of the word “FAITH” clearly gives us the idea of a constant communication with God; relentless!  The unjust Judge, because of this relentless behavior of the widow gives in and grants her the justice she sought.  Jesus put to us the fact that if an Unjust Judge would eventually bring about justice, why wouldn’t we expect God, who is a just judge, to do the same now matter what the case?
I could end there and all that you would see would be this matter of justice for the woman and for us some idea of God granting us justice.  Is there more to this whole story, without adding or taking way from its message in context?  I believe there is and now will reveal what I have come to see.
I am going to use Wuest’s Expanded Greek Translation of this story now.  If you don’t have it and need to see it in its totality, I will type it up and send it to you.  But for now I will use only segments from the body of the story.  Here is the first segment:
18:1 “And He was giving them an illustration which had for its TEACHING POINT…”
So, we will find this teaching point which will bring out this matter hidden, which I’ve said is there, in the total context of not only this story but the chapter.  We know that consistency of prayer and courage is involve and needs mentioning, yet there is something deeper. 
18:8 “Yet the Son of Man having come, will He find the aforementioned KIND OF FAITH on the earth (a faith which keeps on pleading in prayer such as that exemplified by the persistence of the widow with regard to the judge)?
I want you now to focus on the words KIND OF FAITH.  Doing this, now consider this fact; the woman is a widow (helpless, without assistance) Apparently, though it’s not said in the story, her need for justice may have had to do with her husband.  Did he die?  Was the justice because he had been unjustly killed?  Well, we don’t know.  What we do know is that she was a widow pleading for justice against some adversary.  Who was her adversary?  It doesn’t say.
Also understand the attitude of the Unjust Judge, he didn’t have any fear of God nor did he respect men.  Note, “respect men; that was why I though the injustice may have had something to do with the widow’s husband.  Either way, she was demanding justice; these were just things that leads to the next exert from Wuest:
It makes you wonder and think, “I don’t know that he was saying anything.  He was only tired of hearing the widow’s crying over and over.  It doesn’t even mention the case of injustice demanding vengeances.”  It is left open on purpose; this purpose could be yours?  Have you been crying relentlessly for some kind of justice?  As I reflect I could say yes without telling you my particular case in mind.  Has the Judge heard me?  The answer is YES.  But I don’t want at this point to get into my particular case.  I want you to think of yours.  Has an injustice be directed towards you lately?  Maybe you have been falsely accused; mislabeled; you know the truth of the situation you have in mind, and you want justice in the form of getting others to see the truth you have seen.  It may not be a vendetta, but just a sincere desire to get others to see the truth about you; thus having them see that what you have been attempting to share is the truth and has their best interest at heart.  Maybe this is your case?  If it is, BE PERSISTENT!  Hound the Judge!  You will get what you desire.  Remember, “God “is” (the Judge) and is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.”
One more point; there is an unknown adversary involved.  I’m sure she knew and that later the Judge finds out and deals out justice for her against this unmentioned adversary in this story.  Well, you know your adversary; you know it isn’t flesh and blood; we know it to be principalities and powers, things of darkness, wickedness in high places etc.  Now you also know that the Judge knows your adversary.  Do you believe He has heard your Persistent pleading for justice to be served against the wiles of the Devil?  Or, maybe you don’t really believe that the Judge has any concern for men or women?  Maybe you are asking, but really thinking otherwise?   Maybe you are thinking the Judge doesn’t want to be bothered with your case, so you have given up?  Maybe you feel like a deserted widow; your spouse doesn’t support you or isn’t with you anymore.  Maybe this is the injustice you feel?  How could life deal this out to you? 
No matter; BE PRESISTENT!  If an unjust judge, growing weary of you could finally give in and take your case, what of THE JUDGE of this universe.  Do you feel He will consider your case and bring you the justice you desire?  Ponder these things.
Now the final point; the thing hidden is this story as I promised.  “When He comes” – what is He going to find?  What “kind of Faith” will be find?  Will He find a world who does not turn to Him to address the injustices we all have experienced in this world; or will He find us turning to all the wrong people, places and things for answers?  Will He find a world that has given up; one that has no hope?  Will He find a world that believes there is no escape?  Will He find a world so caught up in this world and its cares and affairs, its hopelessness and despair, that even His meeting us half way in the Air, find them not looking?  Will He find the misery you find in religion that is expressed this way, “if we have hope in Christ only in this world, we are men most miserable;” a form of godliness, denying the power, of His deliverance?   Will He find overwhelming fear of things Unknown and yet Unseen; those who had lived only for the things seen.  What will he find?

I know this; He will find one, who has prayed day and night for the injustice dealt to all humanity.  One who has cried out in tears against this injustice, this condition into which all of us were born; cut off from God through the loins of our first parents Adam and Eve.   One who has shared by word and extensive writings which revealed how God has heard his prayers and gave the answers we all have desperately sought – JUSTICE – once for all.  Yes, I have dared to weary Him with my case, against my adversary as well as yours; to where He has heard my pleas and now I am seeing the fruits of my labors.  Persistence has paid off.   Paul

 “And some have compassion, making a difference; and others save with FEAR; pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh” Jude 1:22-23

When you find the time, read the one chapter book of Jude.   It speaks of this generation as Jude clearly says, “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”
Imagine it; Enoch, who lived prior to the Biblical flood, was given a message, not for his time, but for our time.  He is transported to the future and sees our generation, describing it to the point we could pick up a current News Paper and almost read it word for word.  He gives us a warning via a REMINDER; a reminder that I have received just lately and passed on to all of you; hear the reminder and the warning…
 “I will therefore put you in REMEMBRANCE, though you once knew this, how that the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.”
We have been reminded of the Passover and how they were delivered from Egypt.  Isn’t it strange that Jude’s message about Enoch and what the Lord is now sharing with us; is it just a coincide?  As for myself, this CONFIRMS to me that what I have been given wasn’t my ideas; I am convinced; hope you feel the same. 
Notice that Enoch saw 10 thousands (meaning too many to count) of SAINTS returning with the Lord to execute judgment.  He sees them as delivered and returning with the Lord.  Another thing to notice is that he used the term “ungodly” repeatedly just in one verse, (4 times).  I have written about this at length in other writings, and will only say briefly here that it is simply the acquired ability to “HEAR” God speaking to us one on one.  It too is a clear warning from Enoch of a generation that had lost the ability to hear God speaking to them.  In order to CONVINCE this present generation, it’s going to take this “return” of the Son of Man with MILLIONS of Saints; nothing short of this will suffice.  “WHO WOULD HAVE BELIEVED IT?”  What am I saying?  To return, we have to leave!  “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all.
The Lord has had to use “fear” to convince us all lately.  Yet I believe that this fear and its use by the Lord has the end intent of preparing us for our deliverance; thus His true love for us does cast out this fear now.  Thank you Father for your compassion and the difference it will make; come quickly Lord Jesus.    Paul

When and if a thief sneaks into your house at NIGHT, it seeks to steal things of value from your house.  Strange that the Lord would use the idea of a thief; for some it gives them the wrong idea of the Lord.  I had asked this and the Lord said the following:
Remember it is only a natural thing used to explain a spiritual thing.  In the natural you don’t want a thief to break into your house and you do what you have to do to prevent this by locking doors, putting in an alarm system, etc.  In the spiritual sense this THIEF is the Lord; who comes to STEAL AWAY things of value, the Christian being one of these things.   You don’t want to lock your doors; yet do need an alarm system in place to let you know that He is at the DOOR. He doesn’t want to come uninvited, unexpected; He wants to breaking into your life by an expecting free will choice on your part; you want to know that He is coming.  
I get this idea as I type this, THE GOOD THIEF, with the opposite of an evil thief seeking “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy; whereas the Good Thief says, “I am come that they might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
We want this GOOD THIEF to come into our HOUSE, our lives; we don’t want an evil thief.   But understand; though one is good and the other evil, an alarm is needed for both.  One comes violating your free will, unannounced, the other seeks to gain your free will and wants you to know when He is coming and offers to give rather than to take from you.  If the Good Thief isn’t invited, an evil thief will rob you of this offer of abundant life. 
Now notice this thought I got as I typed this; the Evil Thief is like the thieves we have heard about, they sneak in the shadow of darkness; they come when you least expect them; they plan for weeks and months on how they are going to break into your house; they know you have valuables; if you catch them in the act they will kill you.  You’ll know if they were there, because they usually leave the house in a shamble. 
Looking at this in light of our lives; the thief doesn’t announce that he is going to rob you next Thursday; he’s not going to let you know; he is just going to come one day; a time when he knows you aren’t expecting him. 
This Evil Thief has been setting you up for a long time; monitoring your habits and behavior; and even has had you involved unaware.  You might wonder, “How?”  To name a few, T.V.; the computer; things you buy; places you go; people to whom you associate with.  Your likes and dislikes; your interests and desires; your views and perspectives of this life.    This Evil thief might know you better than your own Mother or Father, husband or wife.  This thief knows your weaknesses and your strengths.  The very fact that you are right now questioning what I am sharing with you proves that this Evil Thief is so professional that he has made himself invisible, unreal to you.  You can’t even imagine that he has even entered into your house, surveyed it, and left no trace that he was even there.  He has even at times taken things that he knew you wouldn’t even miss; look around a little closer, notice for the first time in your neglecting life, that things aren’t as they once were; things are missing, and soon those things you hold dear will be gone as well. 
He has learned to “rob” you indirectly.  You wouldn’t think to even blame this thief.  The real things of value, which you haven’t even considered as real; simply because they aren’t tangible; things like TIME; this Thief has robbed you of precious time, time and time again.  You see hints of his presence in the little clauses you utter like, “Wasting time; borrowed time; redeeming time; buying time; running out of time; in those moments the Thief is present.  When you waste time, can you really borrow time to redeem time lost?  If you find that you are running out of time, can you buy some more?  Time is just time, that appears like a fog; here one moment and gone the next.  The Robber of Time, unaware to you, is there to see to it that your life is cut short prematurely.  We are warned, “Redeem the time, for the times are evil.”  We were being warned by God of this Evil Thief; a thief who has convinced us that he isn’t even there. 
This same thief, this robber of time, is the one who also says to you that you haven’t got time.  Though it seems like a contradiction, if seen in another light, it really isn’t.  Two words come into play, temporal and eternal.  In a temporal sense of time, we really don’t have much time at all; it’s been cut short because of mankind’s fall from God; and God decreeing it lest this Evil Thief have his way with humanity and create a hell on earth.  God had “subjected this world to vanity, in HOPE, to gain mankind back to Himself; thus offering him ETERNAL LIFE beyond that made temporal.  It’s not God robbing us, but this Evil Thief.  God send His Son to give us “abundant life.” 
I did a word study on this word “redeemed” which is at the end of this article.  From that word study I was given what follows:
“IF we had wasted our time as a slave or as one redeemed; Jesus Christ has BOUGHT BACK that life, paid the ransom demanded by this Evil Thief who has robbed your house and Kidnapped you and your family, now demands a ransom for you.  The Son of God paid the price.  This Evil Thief no longer has the right to control you and your family.  It would be like you returning to your captors after being set free from being kidnapped.  There has been cases where people have be brain washed by their Kidnappers and have returned to them after being set free.  For what Christ accomplished, this is what humanity has done!  God paid the price for our ransom through the offering of His Son; Satan’s demand was granted only because it matched what God had said, that a price had to be paid, if anyone was cut off from Him; a price to gain them back.
Of all the items in your house, the most precious item is you or your kids; this Evil Thief had taken the most precious of items, you and your kids, and held them captive for a ransom; God paid the price demanded.  Does God negotiate with kidnappers?  No, the ransom demanded was the price He had established for our being cut off from Him.  The injustice of it all was that Adam and Eve were kidnapped years ago and all their children were born in captivity unaware.  The parents had come to believe their kidnappers and thus didn’t know anything different, and thus taught their children the same.  Christ Jesus came to waken them to their true condition and offered to pay the price demanded of our captor, this Evil Thief, Satan.
What is being taught, via religious teaching today, has so complicated this matter, that for many it still remains a mystery.  What I have just shared in a few paragraphs hopefully simplifies it.  Know this, “He descended into hell and lead captive those who were captive and gave gifts unto men.”  His descending into hell was the price, the ransom demanded to set us free.  We have been bought back, the ransom paid; any other solution would be a lie of this Evil Thief, to keep you still bound.  Keeping you in the illusion of freedom; “If Christ set us free, we are free indeed.” 
Knowing what God’s Son had accomplished, you learn that He has bought the total picture of your life.  All that this thief has stolen was to be restored to you because the ransom demanded had been met.  This Evil Thief doesn’t have to tell you this; this is something you must find out.  To not find out, robs you again unaware. 
He has bought you TIME; you now have forever.  Time wasted, now will be worked to His good; allow Him to spin your straw to gold.  Knowing what you now know, redeem the time that you do have, allowing Him to give you the desire to manifest His goodness in your words and deeds; not as a slave, but a bond servant (one willing to be used of God out of gratitude for what He has paid to ransom you to Himself).
Here are my study notes that gave me the piece above:

Now let’s take a look at this word “redeem” in its Greek translation.  Here is its true definition:
First translation of this word is its use in Galatians 4:5 “To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.”
“To redeem by payment of a price to recover from the power of another; to ransom, buy off; metaph. of Christ freeing the elect from the dominion of the Mosaic Law at the price of His vicarious death; to buy up for one’s self, for one’s use; to make wise and sacred use of every opportunity for doing good, so that zeal and well doing are as it were the purchase money by which we make TIME OUR OWN. (Strong’s 1805).  This word’s root 1537 “A primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, TIME, or cause.)
Now looking at the same word used in the KJV, “yet” a different Greek word:
Titus 2:14 “Who gave himself for us, the He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify to Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.”
The Greek word here is “Lutroo” which defined is Strong’s 3084: “to release on receipt of ransom; to redeem, liberate by payment of ransom; to liberate; to cause to be released to one’s self by payment of a ransom; to redeem, to deliver; from evils of every kind, internal and external.
Tracing the root of this word you get the following; Strong’s 3083 “the price for redeeming; ransom paid for slaves, captives; for the ransom of life; to liberate many from misery and the penalty of their sins.”
Digging deeper to the very origin of this word’s root: Strong’s 3089;  “to loose any person (or thing) tied or fastened; to loose one bound, i.e. to unbind, release from bonds, set free of one bound up; bound with chains (a prisoner), discharge from prison, let go, to loose, undo, dissolve, anything bound, tied, or compacted together; to dismiss, break up laws, as having a binding force, are likened to bonds; to annul, subvert to do away with; to deprive of authority, whether by precept or act to declare unlawful; to loose what is compacted or built together; to break up, demolish, destroy;
Well, this could go on and on; catch the drift of what I am saying, using this word “ransom”, in light of our redeeming the time.

                                                                  CHAPTER 34

II Thess. 2:7 “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the ONE who now holds it back will continue to do so “TILL” He is taken out of the way.” (NIV)
So we see that this “secret” power has been at work over some 2,000 years according to this writing of Paul the Apostle.  We also know that with Paul sharing what he shared, it is no longer a secret; it is revealed, thus could not be called a “conspiracy”. 
The idea of “THE ONE” holding it back is debated; whether it is the Holy Spirit, the hand of God, or the Churches presence, without entering to this debate, just know that this “lawlessness” is being contained.  Yet we know that at some point in history it will be let loose and then all hell will break out.  The idea of “He is taken out of the way” gets caught up in this debate as well; again, just understand that some thing, someone, once it is removed, will be like the blowing up of a dam that is presently showing cracks that hold this flood back which we have come to call “the End Times” and all that is said of it.
Continuing, lets consider the following text in Acts 14:15-17 that reveals how God has allowed things to continue and isn’t without those testifying of this fact that He is still in control…
“Men, why are you doing this?  We too are only men, human like you.  We are bringing you good news, telling you to TURN from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them.  In the past He LET ALL nations go their own way. Yet He has not let Himself without testimony; He has shown kindness by giving your rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; food and fills your hearts with joy.”
Now note this; over time humanity forgets this; we see it today with our education system cutting God totally out of the picture.  God still shows degrees of mercy and grace, yet the further we get away from God, the worst things will get.  We will end up with His wrath, sorry to say.
Reading Deut. 32:20 brings out what Paul meant by “in the past He let all nations go their own way;” Here is what Deut. 32:20 says…”And He said, “I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be; for they are a very forward generation, children in whom is no faith.”
To get the mess we see today, all God would have to do is let us loose…yet note this; we haven’t seen the full withdraw of God in our life time.  But believe me, we are getting close!  God still has those who “have this testimony” Paul mentioned above in Acts 14 and our opening text in II Thess.; it is the testimony that HOLDS BACK; yet once it is removed, the dam breaks. But for now, believe it or not, as the next text reveals, God sets the limits, and He is still NEAR US.  Take the warning of the Son of God…”I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day; the night comes, when no man can work.” John 9:4.
Going on now with Acts 17:26-31 “From one man (Noah) He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; AND HE DETERMINED THE TIMES SET FOR THEM AND THE EXACT PLACES where they should live. (Why did God do this, set limits and boundaries?)  God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.  For in Him we live and move and have our being.  As some of your poets have said, “We are His offspring.”  Therefore since we are God’s off spring, we should not think that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone – an image made by man’s design and skill. In the past God over looked such ignorance, BUT NOW HE COMMAND ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE TO REPENT!” For He has SET A DAY when He will judge the world with justice by the MAN (Jesus) He has appointed.  He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the dead.” (New International Version)
We see, to the disbelief of secular history, that all the nations and races came about by one man, Noah.  God then set BOUNRTIES as to where they would settle and kept them time and time again from forming a NEW WORLD ORDER under some humanistic idea of unity.  God’s reason for doing this can be seen around us today with this world’s idea of a NEW WORLD ORDER, which has thrown God out of the picture and rose up the idea of “man, in the name of man, by the power of man, to the glory of man.” It wasn’t to be any single culture, creed, or race of people having all to serve their ideas; the divisions were set in place so that EACH would look beyond any temporal idea of unity to a unity held, preserved as Paul so clearly say in Ephes. 4:3 “Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”  The Greek tenses of this verse reveals this unity as something that has always been there, (spirit) not something we in any single idea of any culture or creed could ever come up with in the carnal idea of unity.

So now that I have set the stage, let me share something recently given to me in light of all that I have given as a base to the theme of this article…”Burning the Candle From Both Ends.”
Here are some pictures I want you all to see that reflect all that I have said above.

the ONE who now holds it back will continue to do so “TILL” He is taken out of the way.”
“He has shown kindness by giving your rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; food and fills your hearts with joy.”…His rain fell upon the just and the unjust.  “Men, why are you doing this?  We too are only men, human like you.  We are bringing you good news, telling you to TURN from these worthless things (world opinions, ideas, secular humanism etc.) to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them


…”And He said, “I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be; for they are a very forward generation, children in whom is no faith.” (Secular world – Religious world)

Rev. 12:12 “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them, Woe to the inhibiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil is come down unto you having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a SHORT TIME. 


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